NV Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (NGCDD)Budget Committee Meeting Minutes for February 15, 2018
NV Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities
896 W. Nye Ln., STE 202
Carson City, NV 89703
Special Notes
- Allitems reviewed during this meeting are available for view on the NGCDD website; under the event created for this meeting:
- Bolded text under a heading indicates an action taken by the NGCDD.
Committee Members Present: Robbin Dunn, Committee Chair; Jenny Casselman; Jack Reid; Nima Rezaie; Jodi Thornley
Committee Members Absent: Mary Liveratti; Steve Rock
NGCDD Staff Present: Kari Horn, Projects Manager; Sherry Manning, Executive Director; Ellen Marquez, Executive Assistant
Public Present: Budd Milazzo
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Budget Committee Chair, Robbin Dunn at 2:31 p.m.
Executive Assistant, Ellen Marquez verified that the agenda for this meeting was posted to the appropriate locations on February 1, 2018.
Public Comment
Ms. Dunn asked if there was any public comment.
Sherry Manning introduced Budd Milazzo and Nima Rezaie from the Designated Fiscal Agent from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Director’s Office. Ms. Manning explained Nima Rezaie is taking the place of Jason Kolenut since Mr. Kolenut accepted another position in a different office. Mr. Rezaie was approved by the NGCDD Council Chair, Jodi Thornley.
Approval of Minutes from the September 2017 Meeting
Ms. Dunn asked if everyone reviewed the minutes from the September 20, 2017 meeting and if there was a motion.
Ms. Thornley motioned to accept the September 20, 2017 minutes as written. Jenny Casselman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Presentation and Recommendations on NGCDD Council Budget
Ms. Dunn deferred this agenda item to Ms. Manning. Ms. Manning asked Mr. Milazzo and Mr. Rezaie to give some background on their experience working with the budget.
Mr. Milazzo introduced himself as the Chief Fiscal Officer for the Director’s Office. He has the oversite of all the budgets within DHHS. When Mr. Milazzo began with the Director’s Office there was some reorganization, therefore, Mr. Rezaie is responsible for the Director’s Office budgets, which gives him the opportunity to be on the NGCDD Budget Committee.
Mr. Milazzo reiterated the relationship between the Designated State Agent (DSA) and the Council and acknowledged the understanding of the fiscal duties by the DSA for the Council. Mr. Rezaie agreed with Mr. Milazzo in assisting the Council with the budget.
Ms. Manning discussed a little about the “rollercoaster” of the President’s Budget for 2018/2019. She explained the House and the Senate passed a six-week continuing resolution. The funding for 2018/2019 will be the same as it was last year. The President’s Budget for 2019 has recommended substantial cuts. Ms. Manning discussed the cuts to the Councils and other programs effected.
Ms. Manning referred to the handouts in the packets. She discussed the process on receiving the authority from the legislature and what is needed to be done to present and justify this budget to the Interim Finance Committee in April 2018.
Ms. Manning discussed the 25% match needed for the funding, which was requested from the grantees to be included as in-kind in their application.
Ms. Manning continued the discussion of the handouts regarding obligating and drawing funds. There was a misinterpretation of obligating funds. However, other States were doing the same thing as Nevada. There was not proper training to the agencies. Ms. Manning explained that interpretation. Because of the misinterpretation, the NACDD has recommended the State Fiscal person attend the meeting in Washington, D.C. with a large focus on obligating funds.
Ms. Casselman motioned to approve the budget as presented. Ms.Thornley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment
Ms. Dunn asked if there was any public comment. None was given.
Next Meeting Date
The next NGCDD Budget Committee meeting is set to be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2018, at 2:30 p.m.
Ms. Dunn adjourned the meeting at 2:58 p.m.
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