The race ‘Start Line’ is located around 500m north of the ‘Registration and Event HQ’ (Glenlivet Distillery), on the wide road (B9136) leading up to the distillery from the Glenlivet primary school junction. This provides an ideal area for runners to ‘warm up’ in. The start area will be well-signed and clearly seen by everyone arriving at the event as they pass it on the way to event registration and parking at the distillery. Runners will get a wonderful view of Ben Rinnes, the Cromdale Hills and Bridgend of Glenlivet village with its famous ‘Packhorse Bridge’ as they warm up and wait for the run to start.


From the start line, the run route follows the wide road north and ‘downhill’ to the junction at the primary school. Here the route turns sharp left along the B9136 for approx 400m, and then turns sharp left at the Drumin Smiddy junction (approx 1km from the start) onto the quiet, meandering country road that leads to Tomnavoulin village.

From the Drumin Smiddy junction, the next two kilometres head up Gallowhill and are a steady hill climb (it is the ‘Braes of Glenlivet’ after all…) along the rustic road through wooded pasture and grazing land, passing Blairfindy Lodge to get amazing views over Glenlivet Distillery and the beautiful River Livet valley on the left. The route continues south east passing the distillery road junction on the left and at Gallowhill (water station), the ‘steady incline’ changes to become a ‘fast undulating downhill’ route for the next 2kms or so to the B9008 junction at Tomnavoulin. This downhill section provides truly stunning views over the whole of Glen Livet with the Ladder Hills prominent in the distance.

At the B9008 junction at the Tomnavoulin village boundary, runners turn sharp left and very soon cross the road bridge over the River Livet by the Cairngorm National Park boundary stone and follow the ‘relatively flat and fast’ road section running parallel with the river to Auchbreck for approx 3kms (water station at 7.5k). Runners then keep left on the B9008 for the final ‘flat and fast’ section to the finish line approx 1 km away.


The ‘Finish Line’ will be located by the access track leading to the ford and footbridge over the babbling River Livet. Runners will be directed left off the B9008 at the finish line where their time and smiles will be recorded. Finished runners will then be directed to walk and cross the scenic footbridge over the River Livet where they will receive their well-earned medal and have their race timing chip removed before following the quiet road that leads back to the distillery about 750m away. This provides an ideal ‘cool-down walk’ and a chance to look back at the beautiful glen that they have passed through.


The run route is set on quiet, rural, tarmac roads and will be fully signed and marshalled throughout. There will be 2 water stations at approx 3k and 7.5k. The Glenlivet 10K is definitely the ‘Most Beautiful Run in Scotland….’

Issue 4 March 2012