Illinois NEMSIS-Compatible Electronic Data Elements:
Summary of self-consistency and validation rules that will be enforced
Revised 15August2012
Important notes re: terminology in the following
Required?Always Indicates that this XML element must always be present, due either to the NEMSIS or the state's rules.
ConditionallyIndicates that this XML element may be required by the rules under specific circumstances, even though the NEMSIS XSD allows it to be omitted.
No Indicates that the element may be omitted, but please note that all Illinois elements should contain an entry whenever applicable for a particular call and the underlying information is available, and all third-party software used by an Illinois-licensed EMS provider must have the capability to collect all of the elements listed in this document.
SpecifiedMeans the element is present, is not nilled, and contains a non-null value.
E02_02IncidentNumberRequired?Always (May be Null)
E02_06TypeofDispatchDelayRequired?Always (Nulls OK)
E02_07TypeofResponseDelayRequired?Always (Nulls OK)
E02_08TypeofSceneDelayRequired?Always (Nulls OK)
Rules:Must be NullNotApplicable (-25) if E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals4815 (Cancelled)
E02_09TypeofTransportDelayRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:Must be NullNotApplicable (-25) if E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals one of the following:
4815 (Cancelled)
4825 (No Patient Found)
4830 (No Treatment Required)
4835 (Patient Refused Care)
4840 (Treated and Released)
4845 (Treated, Transferred Care)
E02_10TypeofTurn‐AroundDelayRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:Mustbeatwo‐digitnumber (the last two digits of the vehicle’s physical license plate number)
E03_01ComplaintReportedByDispatchRequired?Always (May be Null)
E03_02EMDPerformedRequired?Always (May be Null)
Notes:Your software should allow for entry of up to 4 Crew Members.
Rules: At least one crew member ID must be specified
Validation: Specified values will be validated against an IDPH table of valid personnel. This table to be drawn from personnel lists submitted to the state by each agency as part of the NEMSIS demographic data set (element D07_02 (StateLicensureIDNumber))
NOTE:In the rules for the following times "Before" and "After" are understood to be inclusive,
meaning "before or the same as" and "after or the same as", respectively. These
sequencing rules obviously only apply when both times in the rule are specified (not
omitted or nilled).
Rules: Must fall within the 96 hours immediately beforeE05_02 (PSAPCallDateTime).
E05_02PSAPCallDateTimeRequired?Always (May be nilled)
Note:Must be specified unless the entity notifying the unit was not the entity that received the call, and the information is unavailable.
Rules:Mustbe after E05_01 (IncidentorOnsetDateTime)
Must be before E05_04 (UnitNotifiedbyDispatchDateTime).
Rules:Must be afterE05_02 (PSAPCallDate/Time)
Must be before E05_05 (UnitEnRouteDate/Time).
Rules:Mustbe afterE05_04 (UnitNotifiedbyDispatchDateTime)
Must be before E05_06 (UnitArrivedonSceneDateTime).
E05_06UnitArrivedonSceneDateTimeRequired?Always (May Conditionally be nilled)
Rules:Non-nill value required if element E20_10(Incident/PatientDisposition)is not equal to 4815 (Cancelled)
Mustbe afterE05_05 (UnitEnRouteDateTime).
Must be beforeE05_07(ArrivedatPatientDate/Time).
Must be beforeE05_09 (UnitLeftSceneDateTime).
E05_07ArrivedatPatientDateTimeRequired?Always (May Conditionally be nilled)
Rules:Must be specified if E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) does not equal one of the following:
4815 (Cancelled)
4825 (NoPatientFound)
Otherwise must be nil.
Mustbe after E05_06 (UnitArrivedonSceneDateTime).
Must be beforeE05_09 (UnitLeftSceneDateTime).
E05_09UnitLeftSceneDateTimeRequired?Always (May Conditionally be nilled)
Rules:Must be specified if E20_10(Incident/PatientDisposition)is equal to 4850 (Treated, Transported by EMS)
Must be nil if E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is equal to 4815 (Cancelled)
Must be after E05_06 (UnitArrivedonSceneDateTime).
Must be afterE05_07 (ArrivedatPatientDateTime).
Must be beforeE05_10 (PatientArrivedatDestinationDateTime)
E05_10PatientArrivedatDestinationRequired?Always (May Conditionally be nilled)
Rules:Must be specified if E20_10(Incident/PatientDisposition)is equal to 4850 (Treated, Transported by EMS); Otherwise must be nil.
Mustbe afterE05_09 (UnitLeftSceneDateTime)
Must be beforeE05_11 (UnitBackinServiceDateTime)
Rules:MustbeafterE05_04 (UnitNotifiedbyDispatchDateTime)
Must be afterE05_05 (UnitEnRouteDateTime),
Must be after E05_06 (UnitArrivedonSceneDateTime)
Must be after E05_09 (UnitLeftSceneDateTime).
Must be after E05_10 (PatientArrivedatDestinationDateTime).
E05_13UnitBackatHomeLocationDateTimeRequired?Always (May be nilled)
Rules:MustbeafterE05_11 (UnitBackinServiceDateTime)
E06_08Patient'sHomeZIPCodeRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound) then thisfield must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Validation:Will be validated against a table of valid zip codes.
E06_11GenderRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise, must be specified or equal to -10 (NullNotKnown)
E06_12RaceRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise, must be specified or equal to -10 (NullNotKnown)
E06_13EthnicityRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise, must be specified or equal to -10 (NullNotKnown)
E06_14AgeRequired?Always (May Conditionally be nilled)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must be nilled.
Otherwise, must be specified if there is no entry in E06_16 (DateofBirth)
If specified, mustbeapositiveinteger
Note:Date of Birth is highly preferred over Age, due to its usefulness in linking prehospital and posthospital records, and should be provided whenever possible
E06_15AgeUnitsRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Must be specified if E06_14 (Age) is specified.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this element must be omitted.
Otherwise must be specified if E06_14 (Age) is not specified.
Must be before E05_11 (UnitBackInServiceDateTime)
Note:Date of Birth is highly preferred over Age, due to its usefulness in linking prehospital and posthospital records, and should be provided whenever possible
E07_01PrimaryMethodofPaymentRequired?Always (May be Null)
E07_15Work‐RelatedRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise, must be specified or equal to -10 (NotKnown)
E07_16Patient'sOccupationalIndustryRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E07_15 (Work‐Related) is not equal to 1 (Yes)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise must be specified or equal to -10 (NullNotKnown)
E07_34CMSServiceLevelRequired?Always (May be Null)
E07_35ConditionCodeNumberRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled),4825 (NoPatientFound)or4835 (PatientRefusedCare)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E08_05NumberofPatientsatSceneRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain 1120 (None)
E08_06MassCasualtyIncidentRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E08_07IncidentLocationTypeRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E08_13IncidentCounty(5‐digitFIPScode)Required?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise, must be specified.
Validation:Will be validated against a table of valid FIPS county codes for Illinois and surrounding states.
E08_15IncidentZIPCodeRequired?Always (May be Null)
Validation:Will be validated against a table of valid zip codes for Illinois and surrounding states.
E09_01PriorAidRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Validation:Specified Values must be either valid NEMSIS procedure codes as speciied for use in the E19_03 element, or valid Illinois medication codes as specified for use in the E18_03 element.
E09_02PriorAidPerformedbyRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_03OutcomeofthePriorAidRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_04PossibleInjuryRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_11ComplaintAnatomicLocationRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_12ComplaintOrganSystemRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_13PrimarySymptomRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_14OtherAssociatedSymptomsRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_15Provider'sPrimaryImpressionRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E09_16Provider’sSecondaryImpressionRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E10_01CauseofInjuryRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E09_04 (PossibleInjury) is not equal to 1 (Yes)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E10_04VehicularInjuryIndicatorsRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E09_04 (PossibleInjury) is not equal to 1 (Yes)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Rules:If E09_04 (PossibleInjury) is not equal to 1 (Yes)then this field must be omitted
E10_07PositionofPatientintheSeatoftheVehicleRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E09_04 (PossibleInjury) is not equal to 1 (Yes)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E10_08UseofOccupantSafetyEquip.Required?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E09_04 (PossibleInjury) is not equal to 1 (Yes)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E10_09AirbagDeploymentRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E09_04 (PossibleInjury) is not equal to 1 (Yes)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E11_01CardiacArrestRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E11_02CardiacArrestEtiologyRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E11_01 (CardiacArrest) is not equal to 2240 (Yes,PriortoEMSArrival) or2245 (Yes,AfterEMSArrival), then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E11_03ResuscitationAttemptedRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E11_01 (CardiacArrest) is not equal to 2240 (Yes,PriortoEMSArrival) or 2245 (Yes,AfterEMSArrival), then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E11_04ArrestWitnessedbyRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E11_01 (CardiacArrest) is not equal to 2240 (Yes,PriortoEMSArrival) or 2245 (Yes,AfterEMSArrival), then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E11_05FirstMonitoredRhythmofthePatientRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E11_01 (CardiacArrest) is not equal to 2240 (Yes,PriortoEMSArrival) or 2245 (Yes,AfterEMSArrival), then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E11_06AnyReturnofSpontaneousCirculationRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E11_01 (CardiacArrest) is not equal to 2240 (Yes,PriortoEMSArrival) or 2245 (Yes,AfterEMSArrival), then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E12_01BarrierstoPatientCareRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled)or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E12_11MedicalHistoryObtainedFromRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E12_19Alcohol/DrugUseIndicatorsRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E12_20PregnancyRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled), or 4825 (NoPatientFound)then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
If E06_11 (Gender) equals 650 (Male),then this field must not contain 1 (Yes)
E14_03CardiacRhythmRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound),then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound), then this field must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound), then this field must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled)or 4825 (NoPatientFound),then this field must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:IfthevalueforE20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound) thenthisfield must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled), or4825 (NoPatientFound) thenthis field must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound)then this field must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or4825 (NoPatientFound)then this field must be omitted or nilled.
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must be omitted or contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E14_25ThrombolyticScreenRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must be omitted or contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled)or 4825 (NoPatientFound), then this field must omitted.
If E06_14 (Age) islessthan18or E06_15 (AgeUnits) is equal to 700 (Hours) or 705 (Days) or 710 (Months) then a value must be specified
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled),4825 (NoPatientFound), then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise, if E06_14 (Age) is greater than 17 and E06_15 (AgeUnits) is equal to 715 (Years) then this field must be omitted or contain ‐20 (NotRecorded)
E18_03MedicationGivenRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Only one instance of a null value may be exported per call in this field, and only in cases where no non-null values are exported)
Validation:Specified values will be validated against a table of defined IDPH Medications codes.
Rules:If E18_03 (MedicationGiven) contains a Null value, then this field must be omitted or contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
Rules:If E18_03 (MedicationGiven) contains a Null value, then this field must be omitted.
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
Rules:If E18_03 (MedicationGiven) contains a Null value, then this field must be omitted.
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
E18_08MedicationComplicationRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E18_03 (MedicationGiven) contains a Null value, then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
Rules:If E18_03 (MedicationGiven) contains a Null value, then this field must be omitted or contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
E19_03ProcedureRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Only one instance of a null value may be exported per call in this field, and only in cases where no non-null values are exported)
E19_05NumberofProcedureAttemptsRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E19_03 (Procedure) contains a Null value, then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
E19_06ProcedureSuccessfulRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E19_03 (Procedure) contains a Null value, then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
E19_07ProcedureComplicationRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E19_03 (Procedure) contains a Null value, then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
Rules:If E19_03 (Procedure) contains a Null value, then this field must be omitted or contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) does notequal4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS), then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise, if E20_17 (TypeofDestination) is not equal to 7280 (Hospital) then this field must contain ‐5 (NotAvailable)
Otherwise a non-Null value must be specified
Validation:Specified values will be validated against a table of defined IDPH destination codes.
E20_07DestinationZipCodeRequired?Always (May be Null)
Note:This information is not needed if a Destination Code is provided that identifies a specific hospital
Validation:For non-hospital and Other Hospital (9999) destinations, values specified will be validated against a list of valid zipcodes.
E20_14TransportModefromSceneRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is not equal to 4820 (DeadatScene) or4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS) then this field must contain‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified for a 4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS) disposition, and a non-null value or ‐25 (NotApplicable) must be specified for a 4820 (DeadatScene) disposition.
E20_16ReasonforChoosingDestinationRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is not equal to 4820 (DeadatScene), 4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS) or 4845 (Treated, Transferred Care) then this field should contain‐25 (NotApplicable)
Otherwise a non-null value must be specified for a 4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS) disposition.
E20_17TypeofDestinationRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is not equal to 4820 (DeadatScene), 4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS),4845 (Treated,TransferredCare), 4855(Treated,TransportedbyLawEnforcement), or4860 (Treated,TransportedbyPrivateVehicle)then this field should contain‐25 (NotApplicable)
If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is equal to 4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS) then a non-null value must be specified
E22_01EmergencyDepartmentDispositionRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is not equal to 4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS) then this field should contain‐25 (NotApplicable)
E22_02HospitalDispositionRequired?Always (May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is not equal to 4850 (Treated,TransportedbyEMS) then this field should contain‐25 (NotApplicable)
E22_03LawEnforcement/CrashReportNumberRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) is equal to 4815 (Cancelled) then this field should contain‐25 (NotApplicable)
E23_03PersonalProtectiveEquipmentUsedRequired?Always(May be Null)
Rules:If E20_10 (Incident/PatientDisposition) equals 4815 (Cancelled) or 4825 (NoPatientFound) then this field must contain ‐25 (NotApplicable)
E23_09ResearchSurveyField and
Rules:One research element (E_23_09_0) must be specified for each call, with the E23_11 (ResearchTitle) element containing the text“EMSSystemNumber” and the E23_09 (ResearchField) element containing a valid EMS System Number.
Validation: Specified values will be validated against the IDPH table of defined EMS System Number table.
NOTE: in the preceeding list there are some elements omitted which are not in the list of Illinois Elements, but which are required for NEMSIS compliance. These elements should be exported as required by NEMSIS, in order for your export to pass structural validation checks, but will be otherwise ignored by the state's system - so you can output the minimum required by the NEMSIS XSDs, and need not worry about their content. The following elements fall into this category:
E02_05 (PrimaryRoleoftheUnit)
E02_12 (EMSUnitCallSign)
The data the state collects is all from transporting agencies, so E02_05 always has the value 75 (Transport) in the state's system; and E02_12 always contains a unit identifier derived from the Agency and Vehicle IDs specified in elements E02_01 (EMSAgencyNumber) and E02_11 (EMSUnit/VehicleNumber).