TLAC January 15, 2010 Minutes

1.  Welcome

2.  Introduction New Member

  1. Doug Black

3.  Review/Approval of November Minutes - Approved

4.  TLAC Representation on other committees

  1. Carol Bell – Gave DEAC status report re: University College update from DEAC
  2. Rachel Nye (AQIP) – Quality Improvement Program –

3 criteria related to laptop program

§  enhanced student engagement/independent learning

§  increased student access

§  increased faculty/student collaboration and communication

§  trying to define these terms – look at data from NSSE – do want to create a new survey or is there an existing survey

What are the options for getting this done – proving that we have met the AQIP goal – any input on defining these things.

-  without issued laptops we may run into problems with site licenses and other software instructors wish to use in class

5.  Magna Online Publications (Teaching Professor and Online Classroom)

  1. 51 NMU users currently
  2. Price will allow all campus access $1800 – access to archived Teaching Professor and Online Classroom

Financial statement – current balance = $7,419.75 –

  1. Survey of current users - do we want to survey users or purchase. – could purchase and survey at the end of the year – Gary moves to purchase , carol second – approved -

Rachel will send me email, Tom will send “to” list to Rachel

6.  Magna Purchased CD’s – hour long – if anyone wants to review and host one – cd topics passed around

  1. Tom to review and host one -
  2. Rachel will host one

7.  Magna offerings

  1. 20 minute mentors – list of topics that can be purchased sent around

8.  Teaching Engagements

  1. Abhi Jain – Google Docs
  2. Proposed February 5th luncheon session
  3. Keith Ellis – Physical Appearance of Documents
  4. Offered to potentially offer one this winter

9.  SOTL Speaker

  1. Rachel and Gary are trying to collaborate with the Provost

Meet with Linda Hares to discuss options – what are we doing in terms of getting a speaker – what is the true definition of SOTL?

Feb 15th is the proposed date to meet with the Provost

  1. Options
  2. One or more than one
  3. Jeff Bernstein – one of leaders of SOTL group out of Eastern promoting Teaching and Learning – fee was not too high under $500.00 plus travel

-  Perhaps can speak on Civic engagement/political science as well

-  Could have two offerings in the morning, two in the afternoon

-  Do we want to bring him and a partner – could always have a follow-up session

-  Would like to have him in Feb – before spring break if possible 18th/19th

-  Do we want to offer breakfast/lunch/snacks

-  Location – try for UC

-  Rachel will contact him to see if he is available at that time

-  Do we want to offer attendance to Tech , Bay

  1. Next meetings – Feb 12th, March 12th , April 9th at 1:30 in 1701.
  2. Anything else for the good of the order

-  Web site updates – Tom needs to meet with Rachel to go over changes

  1. June moves to adjourn – carol 2nd - approved