Good Day Amazing Geneticist!
Jan 28, 2015
The following is a basic breakdown of the initial steps that you need to accomplish for this project. You will have Wednesday and Thursday in computer lab 306! Please reference your team folder for specific rubrics, initial letter, and team expectations. This would be a good time to review your contracts along with these items.
As you look over these tasks begin to divide the work and use your task sheets to identify specific roles!Use presentation story board to support your layout and organization.
(All items should be in team folder as well as linked on-line. If you feel as though you are missing something please e-mail me so I can have it arranged for you upon my return. Remember to be resourceful – find a way to answer questions and gather information using all your sources.)
Who: Your TEAM
Where: Gary Spangler Show – LGI Room
What: Address unusual problem to discount misconceptions. This program focuses on possible genetic outcomes of identical twin males who marry female identical twins.
“Will all of the children resulting from these marriages be identical genetically?”
When: February 11, 2015
1)Answer the question with detailed evidence
- Show and explain the possible outcomes
- Share genetic laws and/or relationships
- Share current research made in genetics to confirm your point (this may cover various genetic areas) Cite specific reliable research based sources.
- Explain genetic relationships
- Explain dominant and recessive as it pertains to this question
- Explain Punnett Squares as they pertain to this question
- Explains interrelationships of phenotypes and genotypes
- Explains sex-linked traits/codominance
- Make predictions on genetic outcomes using karyotypes or pedigrees
- Describe global applications (how does this apply in the world – current research should support this.)
- Cite all sources properly
2)Present answers using technology
- Using technology in a unique manner to enhance presentations
- Technology enhances the purpose of the presentation
- Various forms are used in a matter that best supports teams expression of ideas
- Well organized
- Consistent flow throughout piece
- Error free
- Esthetically pleasing and well arranged
- Where technology is not appropriate new mediums are used to express point
3)Cooperatively work with teammates
- Play an active role in generating ideas
- Take initiative in getting tasks organized and completed
- Understanding personal and group responsibility
- Encourages teammates
- Stays focused and engaged in the work completed in class.
- Demonstrates ability to look at issues form multiple points of view