TCM Affiliate Meeting
Present: Rachel Kuehn, CDDO; Cheryl Laaker, CLO; Michele Heydon, Sunflower Supports; Ali Pontious, Sunflower Supports; Celeste Hund, Sunflower Supports; Marvin Branch, Monaco; Patty Cornett, Monaco; Shelli Barrett, Monaco; Sara Ditch, Monaco; Richard Snodgrass, Monaco; Shawna Link, Caring and Compassionate Care; Margie Pressgrove, Abilities Equals Success; Mandy Kline, Easter Seals Capper Foundation; Nancy Rhone, CDDO; Susie Kirkwood, CDDO; Paula O’Brian, CDDO; Dawn Zabala, Sheltered Living; Nathaniel Penny, Sheltered Living; Amy Shocky, Sheltered Living; Larry Collins, Sheltered Living; Donna Holstein, Sheltered Living; Sabrina Winston, CDDO; Jovanna Vink, Sheltered Living
Ø The meetings opened introductions of those in attendance.
Ø Rachel K. stated that the BSS team had put together a form (see attached) for the Targeted Case Management Meetings which asks for any ideas or suggestions for upcoming meetings. If you have attended training and think it would be a good training opportunity. The team also asked if anyone would be interested in hosting a meeting at their agency or host even hosting the meeting at TARC.
Ø Cheryl stated that everyone has been doing better on uploading PCSPs and getting the dates entered correctly in the notes field. There were still some that needed to be cleaned up. She passed out a report to each person that needed corrected.
Ø Starting this week an email notification will be sent out when a Critical Incident Report is opened and saved but not submitted within 24 hours to the submitter, Sabrina and Rachel M. The reason this has been set-up as there have been several incidents of submitters thinking that it has been sent but has not. Cheryl stated that a way to tell is that once a CIR has been submitted it is automatically locked. It was asked if you can go back and look at previous reports. Cheryl stated that you should be able to go back and look at any CIRs that you have submitted.
Ø Susie reminded everyone to make sure and set up a BASIS meeting for individuals on the TA Waiver as they don’t show up in the CDDO drop list.
Ø Robert reminded case managers to not upload PCSPs without the sign in and signature pages.
Ø He also reminded everyone to be sure to hit Save & Send when they have completed a Plan of Care.
Ø Sabrina reminded case managers to make sure that there is a current PCSP in BCI.
Ø The next TCM meeting is Sept. 6th it is highly recommended that all case managers attend. The guest speaker is Kristine Smith, from APS.
Guest Speaker:
Ø G.R. Laughlin, Community Resources Council. Topic: Emergency Preparedness.
He is an emergency support function number 6 which is mass care for the Emergency Op Center in Shawnee County. If there is a large disaster in the county they call the team in.
G.R. stated that we all should be prepared for a disaster at all times he stated that he has a backpack filled with everything he needs to survive for 72 hours.
SEE attachment.
July 27th, 10-30-Noon – Needs assessment Training, TARC Training Room
Next meeting is scheduled Sept.6th at 3 p.m.
TOPIC: APS Reporting, Kristine Smith