Newtown Babe Ruth Softball
Monthly Minutes
May 9th 2012

Attendance: Tom Mulligan, Tim Adam, Sue Gouveia, Tamara Doherty, Rich Fisher, Crystal Carvalho, Pat Reilly, Setphanie Burns, Allan Linden, Wendy Merrick, John Eurell, Pete Muckell, Greg Horkachuck

Treasurer’s Report - Greg H.
Ump money was given out to coaches for games. Greg needs rosters of all players so he can pay Park and Rec fees. Needs a bill to pay for room for meetings. 30K in checking, 18k in savings

President’s Report - Tom M.
We need to think about protocol on use of fields. Do we set up for next game. Decision was made to take care of your own field before game. We need a better liner for the field, line comes out too thin and person has to back track over line. Equipment, ordered another chain for Reed and brought a rake. Park and Rec only paints outfield lines.

Director of Operations- Tamara D.
All fields are being worked on, especially HOM. Dragnets are getting out most of the rocks. Bins should have equipment for measuring pitching. April Turf time for winter at NYA has been sent e-mail along with Bob G for PAL space for winter clinics. Travel try-outs to be looked at for dates in August and travel practice in winter. Pack the field night scheduled for 5/17 at Tredwell with 50/50 raffle. Summer league interest needs to be looked at for U10 and U14, U12 already has team. Jackie H working on end of the season picnic with DJ, U8 & U10 have games U6 does activities. U12 & U14 to have parties later on. If fields are closed, so are the batting cages. Need to chain door tight so hinges can not be unhooked. No players in cage when game is going on. Need to take a look at all by laws to fix any workings problems.

Travel-Crystal C.
Proposed travel try-outs for August of 2012, to be put on cover of web site. Need to come up with dates and coaches look at deposits/ refundable. Still need sponsors

Equipment- Throw out Velcro catcher’s equipment, need bigger sets, see or get in touch with Rob H to get different sets.

Other business- Online store up and running. Pictures have started. Travel pictures will be available this year. Scholarship letters are in, 4 applicants. Soccer people have been e-mailed not to walk through softball field during practice/games. Flyer for baseball game has been sent. Take trash with you when leaving dug outs!