Gzowski College Cabinet Meeting Sunday January 22nd, 2017

Present: Amanda, Owen, Lea, Jasmine, Gillian, Hannah, Tess, Sam, Stephen, Eliana, Nelson, Emily, Ryan, Max, Danielle, Andrew, Christina, Lindsey

Absent: Jevon (with regrets), Victoria (without regrets), Carl (without regrets), Dhan (without regrets)

Chair’s Remarks

  • Thanks to Eliana for running the last meeting. Phones facedown on silent. No laptops except for reports, exec exception to this. Enforcing three for three against.

Land Acknowledgement

The Cabinet of Peter Gzowski College wishes to acknowledge the Anishnaabe, Algonquin and Mississauga peoples and their traditional territory, including the Mississauga Ojibwe territory of Curve Lake First Nation, in which this meeting is taking place.

Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda made by Eliana, seconded by Ryan.

Motion to amend the agenda to include Resignations between Approval of Minutes and Presidents Report made by Emily, seconded by Ryan. Discussion: Letters of resignation from Dhan and Nelson to be read. All in favour. Emily abstained. Motion carried.

Motion to amend agenda to include Presentation on Campfire before AOB made by Owen, seconded by Ryan. All in favour. Abstentions: Owen. Motion carried.

All in favour. Motion carried

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from January 7 made by Tess seconded by Amanda. All in favour. Motion carried.


  • Read Dhan’s letter of resignation.

Motion to accept Dhan Tamber’s resignation from position of Senior Senator made by Eliana, seconded by Ryan. All in favour. Opposed: Max and Owen. Motion carried.

  • Gzowski Cabinet thanks Dhan for all his hard work and enthusiasm in his time on Cabinet and wish him the best in all future endeavors.

Motion to accept Nelson’s resignation from Chair made by Eliana, seconded by Tess. All in favour. Abstentions: Owen. Motion carried.

  • Gzowski College Cabinet thanks Nelson for all his hard work and contributions to Cabinet and wish him the best in all future endeavors.
  • Nelson’s letter of resignation was read.

President’s Report

Feedback for Training:

  • Need thoughts on how training went. Sam said to bring Michael Eamon back. Thought some seminars could have been run a little better. Owen said he enjoyed it all. Did the blanket exercise, thought it would be beneficial for anyone at Trent not just the Cultural Ambassador to participate in this, would like to see as a part of training. Danielle liked idea of the Crisis Intervention seminar, was unable to attend because she was sick. Amanda said presentation of that session could have been a lot better. Thought organization and flow of people went well. Thought Gzowski was a good space to use because it was easy to travel to rooms, lots of space. Stephen said in the future to stay on schedule would be good. Sam liked the panel at the end. Liked having Alaine there. Tess said in terms of Crisis Intervention, said it is hard to put in a one hour seminar, would take more time to be as thorough as it should be.Owen suggested possibly starting training earlier since going overtime. Amanda said on topic of crisis training asked if possible to incorporate Safe Talk into training. Emily said it is already offered at Trent. Amanda asked if possible to have just for Cabinet. Eliana said was made available last year but was not well attended.Emily said she will relay feedback.

East Versus West:

  • Looking for volunteers. Need to be there for 8:30 and to direct flow of traffic at end. Stephen asked what Cabinet staffing requirements are for Friday night of Winter College Weekend.Sam said we will be having a pep rally. Looking to collaborate with OC Cabinet on that. Emily said she needs to know who is interested in volunteering by Wednesday. Make sure to get tickets. Selling outside OC for $8.00. Sam said would be selling until they are sold out from 9:00-5:00. OC Cabinet is using their Cabinet hours to sell tickets.


  • Next meeting will go through constitution changes again, will be sending out proposed changes.

Vice President’s Report


  • Student fees for online students were going to Durham. Will be changing so students’ fees will be going to the campus they are attending. Three year plan, next year well give $30,000.00 out of the $40, 000.00, next year $15,000.00 then nothing so Durham won’t have a shock on their academic advising services etc.
  • Housing getting people to come in and assess how many beds will be needed.
  • O-Week events need to have 50% focus on academic preparation, 25% college community and 25% off-campus. For the 50% academic expectation it was unclear in the meeting whether staff or O-Week leaders would be in change of making sure this was covered. Asked about what this would mean for events like Glo Show. Andrew asked about events that help with networking, ie. people who want to do a thesis in their academic career. Lea said if having leaders implement academic part might be less intimidating for incoming students. Sam said she thinks it would be more likely for students to attend events if part of squad rather than a professor leading it. Tess said it is her personal opinion that with such a sheer amount of academic events it may intimidate students and stress them out whereas having a couple is more beneficial. Owen said because so many academic events were running, found he did not always feel like going out to them when people from his squad wouldn’t be going too. Danielle said Take the University Challenge had a good turn out this year. Amanda suggested possibility of having academic thing and then afterwards having fun, more social things to keep attendance for learning events too. Lea said O-Week is all about making connection. Said if leaders were telling students that they wish they had those kinds of events to help would have benefited. Max said a lot of people he knew took the Take the University Challenge events as a chance to hang out with friends. Sam said to train O-Week leaders for what is expected. Tess said in her personal opinion she found students before they had their first class were less inclined to do anything academic. Thinking of catering academic ones to after the first years start classes. Christina said she thinks student groups exist for retention, to help make students feel they belong. Suggested getting like BUGS and CHUGS, Anthro Society etc. out so could have that connection academically. Andrew said Academic Centre have sheets with information about what can do with degree, suggested having a folder for students with information so the students who don’t want to attend academic events and just have fun will still have the sheets with the information when they realize later on they need the resources.

Clothing Order:

  • If you want something let Eliana know by the end of the week.

Treasurer’s Report

Motion to approve Champlain College Cabinet $78.04 for pizza from training made by Ryan, seconded by Emily. Discussion: Had a president’s meeting during to decide to order pizza. All in favour. Motion carried.

Motion to approve Amanda $197.79 for prizes for raffle made by Ryan, seconded by Tess. Discussion: Coming out of the event line. Sam asked what the prize is, Amanda said she had sent an email out asking for alternate ideas, will give full list in her report of the prizes purchased. All in favour. Abstentions: Amanda. Motion carried.

Website Emergency Meeting:

  • Website ran out of term, was unable to access it. Three option, one year, three year and five year. Will put money aside in budget each year to cover the cost.Used Policy 6 point 16 in the Handbook.

Motions to spend up to $150.00 for five-year term for the website made by Sam, seconded by Owen. Discussion: Christina asked about an app. Emily said would be expensive to get one ourselves which is why we use the one the TCSA uses. All in favour. Abstentions: Ryan. Motion carried.

  • Tomorrow will be opening Clubs and Groups funding for two weeks.

Motion to strike ad hoc committee for Clubs and Groups Funding made by Ryan seconded by Owen. Discussion: Owen, Sam, Ryan, Emily, Danielle, Max and Stephen to sit on. All in favour. Motion carried.

Senator’s Report

Motion as per the Policy Handbook to promote Junior Senator to position of Senior Senator under Policy 6.3 made by Eliana, seconded by Hannah. Discussion: Sam asked we if need someone else to sit on Senate as well. Meet Tuesday afternoons. Owen to send dates to Eliana. Amanda questioned if we would advertise for a Junior Senator position or whether we would wait to for the spring elections. All in favour. Abstentions: Owen. Motion carried.

  • Before Christmas meeting with ministry about new strategic mandate. Bonnie Paterson will be negotiating with universities. She won’t be negotiating withTrent because she was president at Trent. Brian Tamblyn will be negotiating with Trent because of thisconflict of interest.
  • What is Trent, sell why Trent is important to the community we’re in.
  • Library building being closed for renovations was brought up. Bringing full proposals to next senate meeting.

Introduction of Jocelyn

  • Eliana doing presentation on behalf of Jocelyn. Jocelyn works in the College Office. Wants to do a trip to thefarmers market February 11th, which is on the Winter College Weekend, was hoping to collaborate. Idea is for very student who would attend to buy a piece of chocolate for which would come out of Lindy’s budget.Amanda liked, thinking even upper year students who haven’t been could be interested. Owen asked if we would be advertising as part of the weekend. Andrew thinks could be a good option for vegans or people who want a break from cafeteria food. Danielle thinks would be good for the community aspect. Eliana said would be in the morning, would be just after East vs. West. Lindy doesn’t foresee as an issue because she feels these events would attract different groups of people.

Position Reports


  • Keep updated about events posters will be needed for.


Motion to go into closed session made by Owen, seconded by Tess. All in favour. Motion carried.

  • Had a great first TCSA meeting.


  • Winter college Weekend, beading workshop on February 11th.


  • Invited CRC to next meeting.


  • TUNA meetings now on Mondays.



  • Starts tomorrow. 11:00-3:00 we will table near the College Office. Whoever has hours please come by and help table.Tickets will be$2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Goal of raising $200.00. Will go to 5:00 pm on Friday. After Monday will have students come to the Cabinet Office for the rest of the week. Thinking of having push on social media, put pictures of the prizes up on Instagram. Eliana suggested possibly making it lead up to the Winter College Weekend. Sam suggested making two weeks. Ryan said could have prizes awarded at our Winter College Weekend. Sam said she would be happy to incorporate into the weekend. Amanda said for amount of prizes one week might be best. Likes idea of having the week leading to Winter College Weekend. Gillian said could sell raffle tickets at events throughout the weekend possibly. Hannah said we should keep in mind it is Amanda’s event, if wants to be a more low-key event should keep that in mind. Amanda said she was thinking it would be better to have this week, if gets a poor response could always extend it. Sam said we could also promote Winter College Weekend at the table when selling tickets. Lea said dons could help to talk it up. Christina said we could put posters up on the boards or if we have a digital copy can put online. If want to do posters can do next week. Keep to minimum, just within Gzowski. To work with Gillian to come up with. Was decided we will do the raffle event next week.Prizes: Instax mini camera with film, candy, $15.00 Google Play, three Tim’s cards $10.00 each, Cineplex pass, two tickets for Peterborough Pete’s game.
  • After thisevent, wanting to look into the Sex Ed event. Stigma around sex and sexuality, want to get conversation started.


  • Wanting to do something around community building. Get people from other floors mingling.

Tess and Stephen-

  • Tess said as Gzowski O-Week co-chair she will be running all interviews next weekend. Carousal on the Friday for junior staff because of high numbers of applicants. Saturday will have senior interviews, Sunday for juniors who made past the carousal. Past weekend had interviews for those who couldn’t make this Saturday.


Winter College Weekend:

  • Under budget so far. Pep rally on Friday night for East Vs. West game, thinking of facepaintetc. Saturday morning farmer’s marker trip, Saturday evening social fire and beading workshop. Sunday morning a winter hike, will do cedar tea. Likely could get snowshoe rental if there is snow. $200.00 for peprally and prizes. Thinking of buses for East West but school will be running buses as well so unsure whether necessary. $820.00 allotted for buses for East West buses and Farmers Market. $300.00 for social fire, option for skating at lift locks but might be a lot with the other events. $2250.00 budgeted, $1970.00 used. Eliana asked about the pancake breakfast Sunday morning. Sam said she will put that in. Thinking $200.00 to go toward this so we can have more food. Emily said Lindy said she would reimburse for the breakfast. Amanda asked about buses to and from the game. Sam said if we decide to go with buses it would be. Emily said TCSA might be having buses this year as well. Lea said this could provide a good safety thing for those who are drinking at the game to ensure safety. Sam said would have to make sure students are not getting on the bus with the alcohol. Lea said to make sure to let volunteers know what is happening. Hannah said they had issue during Head of the Trent with this, had Security there as an added back up, makes students more apt to follow than coming from a peer.
  • Jevon sent emails about survey: movies, cupcake decorating, self-care. Thinking of having socials run a self-careevent.

Committee Reports


President Meeting:

  • OC formal on Thursday. Traillis looking for Cabinet space, want Michael Eamon as full time staff. LEC have their weekend coming up. Champlain has Bon Temps weekend coming up last weekend of February.


  • Let’s Taco-bout it. Wanting Cabinets to get involved. Want Cabinets to hold something to do with mental health awareness on that date. Owen said he would like to try. Will beJanuary 25th.
  • Nona said have Ashley Fellow Scholar arriving January 26th. Arriving and will be talking at Enweying.
  • Applications up 17% to Trent this year. Space, long term plan for housing etc. in talks about how to accommodatestudents. How to make the new students feel special. Talked about librarybuilding closure, Nona stressed converting college space.

Retention Committee:

  • Talk of increasing entry GPA if could maintain small community of Trent. Hannah inquired if increase GPA could affect scholarships.Amanda asked what average is to get into Trent and what percent of applicants Trent turns away. Was said 70% and turn away rates are low. Robin with feedback from survey, how to increase first year experience. Might implement “get out of jail free card” where won’t be penalized for late withdrawal, U of T does this. Scheduling at Trent, asked about for different programs ie. having classes all day, classes running at same for double majors. Nona said we would have to talk about. Said do primary scheduling for most popular double majors.



  • March 23rd. Art brought in. Will present budget at next meeting.

Any Other Business


  • If unhappy with hours or doubled up come to after meeting to change hours.


  • Will be next weekend please come to.

Inclusion Days:

  • Will be in Gathering Space.

Motion to extend meeting by 10 minutes made by Eliana, seconded by Max. All in favour. Abstentions: Owen. Motion carried.


Camp Firefly:

  • Is an art camp for LGBTQ. Opening at Trent in July. Sixty kids from ages14-24, write a letter to the person running the camp and a committee decides who is most in need of attending.Asking if Gzowski Cabinet would want to donate to support. $1000.00 for each kid, only $25 is paid for by the students. Is a not for profit organization. Will put Gzowski Cabinet logo up if donates so those who attend will know who supported. Amanda asked if a way to do like “sponsoring a kid” so we could donate enough so a specific amount of kids could attend. Owen said unsure how those in charge divide that up. Any amount would be helpful. Ryan said have about $200.00 in the funding line. Usually use for Trent initiatives held on campus. Hannah said our support could show that Gzowski College Cabinet is a safe space. Owen said camps like this are good for recruitment, as it brings students to campus. Sam asked if we could fundraise for this. Owen said hope is that it would run every year. Sam suggested give it a couple weeks, would like to run an event for possibly.

Motion to give at least $100.00 to Camp Firefly made by Emily, seconded by Stephen. All in favour. Abstentions: Owen. Motion carried.