Created by Kerry Moody

Week Beginning: 15.4.2013 / PLC: My Wonderful World – Dinosaurs. What amazing animals can we find in our World? / Week: PLC 1

Key Question: Which animal am I? Where do I live?

Time / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday – / Thursday– / Friday
8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Physical Development : DW
Obj: (MH30-50a, d; 40-60a, c, d, ELGi, ii, iii; HSc30-50f; 40-60c, d, e,f; ELGi, ii; links with C&L U30-50c; 40-60a, d; PSED SCSA30-50d; 40-60b; ELGi, iii)
Steve Else to deliver fundamental ball skills and kwik cricket / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting HLTA: : Ind Readers/Handwriting
TA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/Handwriting
HLTA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
TA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
TA: Cont Prov/ Outside Act
HLTA: Ind Readers/Handwriting
Children: / Children: / Children: / Children:
Setting up continuous Provision Indoor
TA Setting up Outdoor Activities then
Ind Readers / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N40-60d, e, h, i; ELGi; SSM ELGi
Warm Up: Sing counting in 10’s song. Use ITP numbergrid - Cover all multiples of 10. Use grid to support counting to 100 with chn using their fingers to match the units. Emphasise nos. ending in 0 and 5.
Main Teaching Session:
WALT: Begin to count beyond 10. Count aloud in 10’s.
Show chn a 100 bead bar/ bead string. Count 1st group of beads (from left as chn see them) and hang the number 10 tag after the 10th bead. How many beads do you think are in the next colour? Count beads from the beginning, and hang a tag 20 after the 20th bead. Continue counting & hanging tags to show 30th, 40th… 100th beads. Show how to count in 10s, moving 10 beads as you do so. 10, 20, 30…100! Rpt lots, asking chn to join in/ demonstrate moving the beads as the class count in 10’s. / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N40-60d, e, h, i; ELGi; SSM ELGi
Warm Up: Pass a bear round the chn as you count in ones from 1, round & round the class all the way to 100!
Main Teaching Session:
WALT: Begin to count beyond 10. Count aloud in 10’s.
Ask 10 chn each to make a tower of 10 cubes, and hold them at the front of the class. Count along the line of chn in 10s, Ask diff chn to come and find each of the 10s numbers using 2-100 paint grid. Chn count in 10s using the grid for support, ‘flashing’ 10 fingers each time they say a number.
Rpt, can chn count in 10s with their eyes shut? Can chn count in 10’s backwards without visual support? Can chn carry on counting from a given multiple of 10 forwards/ backwards? / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N40-60d, e, h, i; ELGi; SSM ELGi
Warm Up: Chn to use 20 bead strings with a LP to support counting to 20 then back to zero. Use ITP numbergrid to support counting back from 30.
Main Teaching Session:
WALT: Begin to count beyond 10.
Count aloud in 5’s/10’s. Count repeated groups of the same size.
Show chn a basket/bag of at least 15 objects. How many objects do you think might be in this bag? 3? More than 3? More than 10? Recap on lang of estimation, Tip out the objects and ask chn how we can make it easier to count them, e.g. put them in a line. Count the objects together, emphasising the 5s by modelling grouping. Rpt this time with a bag of objects (between 50 and 100). How could we put these objects into groups to make counting easier/quicker? Model grouping them into piles of 10, and then count in 10s to find how many pieces there are. / Carpet session 2: Mathematics
Obj:N40-60d, e, h, i; ELGi; SSM ELGi
Warm Up: Choose random numbers on the ITP 100 grid and ask chn to start counting forwards. EXT: count on in tens from any given number.
Main Teaching Session:
WALT: Begin to count beyond 10.
Count aloud in 5’s/10’s. Count repeated groups of the same size.
Place 10, 20, and 100 objects, e.g. Lego® bricks, counters, pieces of pasta on 5 covered plates. Chn to work with a LP using number fans,model how to use number fans to make 10, 20, 100.
Uncover the first plate for a few seconds and ask chn to estimate whether there are 10, 20 or 100 items. Chn agree an answer in pairs and hold up the corresponding number using their fans. Rpt with each plate.
Ask chn to suggest strategies we could use to count the number of objects carefully and quickly. Model each suggestion/ ask chn to demonstrate.
Adult Led Activity
Obj:N40-60d, e, h, i; ELGi; SSM ELGi
Children: HA Gruffalos
WALT: Count aloud in 5’s/10’s. Count repeated groups of the same size. Show chn bundles of straws (10, 20, 50, 100) . Ask them to estimate whether there are 10, 20,50, 100 in their bundle. How can they tell? Ask chn to work with a LP to talk about how they could count them to check. Model how to put them in grps of 5/10 to help. Swap bundles and rpt. Chn collect other small objects, e.g. counters, pieces of dried pasta and put 10, 20 , 50 or 100 into a clear bags.
10:00 / Adult Led Activity (Tuesday)
WALT:Count repeated groups of the same size.
Show chn bundles of straws (5, 10, 20) . Ask them to estimate whether there are 5,10,20 in their bundle. How can they tell? How could we count them to check. Is there an easier way?. Model how to put them in grps of 2, 5, help. Swap bundles and rpt. Chn collect other small objects, e.g. counters, pieces of dried pasta and put 5, 10, 20 into a clear bags. / Adult Led Activity
WALT: Count aloud in 10’s. Count repeated groups of the same size.
Explain to the chn that they are going to work together to grp objects to help them count objects quickly. Model making a tower of 10 cubes. Ask chn to work with a LP to make their own tower of 10 until there are 10 sticks. Model using towers to count in 10’s. Show chn a pack of 10, 20, 30… 100 cards, Model choosing a card & counting in 10’s to match the correct no of cubes to the cards. Rpt, LP counting the cubes to match diff given no’s. / Adult Led Activity
Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
Children: LA Rainbow Fish
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Hungry caterpillars
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Elmers
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
10:20 / PLAYTIME
10:35 / Carpet session 3: L&S
Sing alphabet song
Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/ h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng
Read through high frequency words learned so far: a, at, as, is, it, in, an, I, and, on, not, into, can, no, go, to, get, got, the, back, put, his, him, of, dad, mum, up, off, had, we, me, be, he, she, are, see
Revise ‘ng’ Phoneme frame p88: long, sang, ping-pong, ring. king, ring, sing.
Chn write caption ‘Sing a song to me.’ / Carpet session 3: L&S
Sing alphabet song
Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/ h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng
Teach reading was, will, with p91.
Teach ‘ai’ using phonics action/ song
Segmenting for spelling:
Phoneme frame p88: wait, pain, tail, bait.
Blending for reading: Countdown p86 aim, main, rain, sail.
Reading captions activity Drawing p95: I am in the rain. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/ h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng/ai
Practice reading was, will, with p91.
Teach ‘ee’ using phonics action/ song
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: see, tree, feet, weep.
Blending for reading:
Countdown p86 jeep, seem, week, deep, keep.
Reading captions activity Drawing p95: I can see a tree. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/ h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng/ai/ee
Practice reading was, will, with p91.
Teach long ‘oo’ using phonics action/ song
Phoneme frame p88: too, zoom, cool, boot.
Countdown p86 food, loot, moon, root.
Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: The boot is too cool. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall all previously learned GPCs: s/ a/ t/ p/ i/ n/ m/ d/ g/ o/ c/ k/ ck/ e/ u/ r/ h/ b/ f/ ff/ l/ ll/ ss/ j/ v/ w/x/ y/ z/ zz/qu/sh/ ch/ th/ ng/ai/ee/long oo
Practice reading was, will, with p91.
Teach short ‘oo’ using phonics action/ song
Phoneme frame p88: book, look, cook, good.
Countdown p86 took, foot, wood, hook.
Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: I can cook good food.
11:00 / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: LA30-50a, b; 40-60a; ELGii; links with MR30-50c, d; 40-60a; ELGi, ii
Show chn the book Dear Zoo. Discuss the title. What does it sound like? The start of a letter. Have any chn received letters beginning, ‘Dear ?’… etc. What do chn think the book might be about? Have any chn read it before? Talk about the animal in the packing case and the kind of animals you find in a zoo. Read the blurb and talk about the kind of animal they would like for a pet. Read Dear Zoo. Encourage chn to predict what is in each box! Why do they think the puppy is a perfect pet? / Adult Led Activity: G. Reading/ G. Writing/ G. Talk
Obj: W40-60g, h, i; ELGi, ii, iii
Guided Writing: Write the beginning of the sentence “So they sent me a”. Choose a small world animal to complete the sentence and model using a full stop. Write the next sentence, leaving a space for the adjective. E.g. He was too ____! Use suggestions made by the children. Model writing the next sentence “I sent him back”. Together, read back the sentences written. Repeat modelling with another animal as an example.
In pairs choose an animal and think-pair-share the reason why it was sent back. In each pair, one child writes the animal sentence and the other the reason he was sent back. Collate to to make a class lift-the-flap book. / Adult Led Activity: G. Reading/ G. Writing/ G. Talk
Obj: See GReading Plan
LS: Guided Reading – Yellow Text: Lighthouse Scheme / Adult Led Activity: G. Reading/ G. Writing/ G. Talk
Obj: W40-60g, h, i; ELGi, ii, iii
Children: HA Gruffalos
Children can individually write a letter to the zoo, using the class letter as a basis for their own writing using it as a model.
CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
HLTA: Spellings and
Handwriting Focus
Children: MA Elmers
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: MA Hungry Caterpillars
Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: LA30-50a, b; 40-60a; ELGii; links with MR30-50c, d; 40-60a; ELGi, ii
Re-read Dear Zoo encouraging children to join in with repetitive phrases. Use story sequencing cards and identify the reason why each animal was sent back E.g. tall, fierce. Write each word on a card.What do chn think the child actually wrote to the zoo? How did his letter go? Write ‘Dear Zoo,’ on the f/c. Explain to the chn that we are going to write to the zoo to ask them to send us a pet! Discuss what pet the zoo might send us – encourage a sensible discussion – a tiger would be too big, a penguin couldn’t live in a classroom etc. What pet would chn like? Why? / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj: W40-60g, h, i; ELGi, ii, iii
Explain to the children that as a class we are going to write a letter to the zoo. Ask them if they can think of why we would be doing that? Have a large sheet of paper with the school address at the top. Explain that we put our address so that the person we are writing to knows where to send the reply. Add the date below this. The zoo needs to know when we wrote. Decide what they would like to write in the letter and what they would like to ask the zoo. Model writing ‘Dear Zoo,’. Discuss what to write next. We need to say…? Please. Start the sentence ‘Please can you…’ choosing different chn to write ‘can’ and ‘you’. When the letter is finished read the letter through with the children, to ensure everything is included.
CT/HLTA / Children: HA Gruffalos
CT/HLTA/TA / Children: CT/HLTA Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
11:30 / Adult Led Activity: G. Reading/ G. Writing/ G. Talk
Obj: R30-50e, f, i; S40-60b
Work with the chn to create a story box of the shared text. As the story box is created, engage chn in an oral re-telling and discussion of the main events of the text.
'Resources: Dear Zoo' book; cardboard box, soft toys and puppets of the animals in the story; paper plates; paints and collage materials. / Carpet Session 4: CLL
Obj:S40-60a; ELGii; W40-60f, g, h, I; ELGi, ii, iii, iiii
Re-read Dear Zoo, making a list on the f/c of the animals which the zoo sends. Model writing each animal name, sounding the initial sound to give a clue as to the letter. Segment ‘frog’ into its sounds, /f/ /r/ /o/ /g/ to write each sound and spell it. Do the same with /p/ /u/ /p/ /ee/ as p u pp y. Having written the list of animals, go back through the book and discuss how each one is described. Write the descriptive word. / Carpet Session 4: CLL