
An emotional goodbye letter is written by a heartbroken girl to her boyfriend after a very emotional breakup. She is extremely hurt that he did not give good enough reasons for parting ways. She bids him a final goodbye and informs him that she is moving to another place permanently to try and overcome her shock and grief.

Emotional Goodbye LetterTips

Here are some useful tips to write an emotional goodbye letter:

  • Start by saying goodbye and hope he is happy after you agreed to split.
  • Apologize if it was something you did which hurt him.
  • Mention that the moments he said he loved you for the first time is still afresh and that you will cherish the two years of togetherness.
  • Mention that his sudden decision to split without reason has shattered you and that you are moving out of the place permanently.
  • Mention that you will continue loving him .End by saying you hope he finds happiness hereafter.

Sample Emotional Goodbye Letter

Mr. Robin Gayle

# 324 Parker’s Street


Dear Robin,

I am writing this letter to bid a final goodbye to the person who means the world to me I hope you are happy now since I have agreed for a breakup just the way you wanted. I am sorry if I did something that hurt you, but, I never intended to hurt the man I love the most.

It seems like yesterday that you said you loved me. The memory of that special moment is still fresh in my heart since it made me feel special and ecstatic. I will always cherish every moment of the two years we spent together since these were the best times in my life.

Your sudden flight out of my life without any reason has left me shattered. So, I have decided to move out of this place permanently. I wanted to bid goodbye to the person who will remain special in my life. I will always love you.

Goodbye. Hope you find happiness hereafter.


Emotional Goodbye LetterTemplate

Mr. ______(boyfriend’s name)

______(his address)



Dear ______(his name),

I am writing this letter to bid a final goodbye. I hope you are happy now since I have agreed for a breakup. I am sorry if I did something that hurt you. I will always cherish every moment of the time we spent together.

Your sudden flight out of my life without any reason has left me shattered. So, I have decided to move out of this place permanently. I wanted to bid goodbye to you.

Hope you find happiness hereafter.

______(your name)


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