Biotechnology, HGP, and Medicine Passport

Instructions: You must earn 36 points for today’s series of activities to earn a 100! Below are two required activities you MUST complete. They are worth a total of 24 points. You may complete additional tasks (on board) to earn the total points needed for 100%.

Required Activity #1 - Recipe for Cloning an Organism! (14 points)

Instructions: Read pg 333 in the pH book about Cloning. Then, on a separate sheet of notebook paper, choose any organism (dog, bird, ant, mouse, etc.) and illustrate the steps you would take to clone it! Beneath your creation, answer the following reflection questions using complete sentences (you may also want to refer to the coach book pg. 122 to help you answer the questions):

  1. Does cloning produce genetically different or identical offspring? Is cloning asexual or sexual reproduction?
  2. How can cloning be useful in society?
  3. Do we have the technology to clone humans? Why have we not yet cloned humans? (see PH book)
  4. What are the ethical concerns around cloning?

Task / Points
Draw and label the donor organism and donor nucleus / 1 point
Draw and label the foster mother and the egg cell, nucleus removed / 1 point
Draw and label the fusion step / 1 point
Illustrate and describe the fused cell dividing to become an embryo. Indicate what type of cell division (mitosis or meiosis) takes place. / 1 point
Illustrate and describe the embryo being placed back into the foster mother. / 1 point
Illustrate your cloned organism! Indicate who in your illustration has identical DNA to the cloned offspring. / 1 point
Answer reflection questions thoroughly in complete sentences / 8 points(2 points each)
Total: / 14 points

Required Activity #2 - Stem Cell Graphic Organizer (10 points)

Instructions: Read PH 253 and coach book pg 123. As you read, recreate and fill in the graphic organizer on the same sheet of notebook paper you used for the cloning task. Each bubble is worth 2 points for a total of 10 points!

Biotechnology, HGP, and Medicine Passport

(7 points) Human Genome Project - Write a letter to a senator!

Description: You are a researcher for the Human Genome Project. Write a letter to a congressman explaining why he/she should provide federal funding to support your research.

Resources: Notes, Coach book pg. 124, PH book pg. 357

Task / Points
Explains in detail what the HGP is and the benefits to society / 5
Creative and engaging / 2

(12 points) Cloning – Bringing the Redwoods Back to Life

Description: Using a laptop, log on to achieve3000. Click “Search”. Search for “Redwoods”. Click the article link, “Bringing the Redwoods Back to Life”. Read the article, complete the activity and thought question for full points!

Task / Points
Correct answers to Activity Questions (8 total) / 4 points
Thought Question: Write at least 4 interview questions you would ask Milarch. They must be connected to CLONING redwood trees. / 8 points (2 points each)
Uses proper grammar / 2

(14 points) Gene Therapy – Can Scientists Help the blind see?

Description: Using a laptop, log in to achieve3000. Click “search”. Search for “Scientists help blind see”. Click the article link, “Can Scientists help the blind see?” Read the article, complete the activity and through question for full points!

Task / Points
Correct answers to Activity Questions (8 total) / 4 points
Thought Question: Imagine that you are one of the people who was helped by gene replacement therapy. Write a letter to a friend, describing the process and your experience. Use ideas from the article, as well as your own ideas, to help write your letter / 10 points

(7 points) Stem Cell Research – Be an activist! Write a letter to a senator!

Description: Choose your side! Write a letter to the president for or against stem cell research. In your letter, explain WHAT stem cell research is and why you are for or against it. Provide at least two solid points to backup your argument. Resources: Notes, PH 253 and coach book pg 123

Task / Points
Explains in detail what stem cells are and what they can do and Provides two points that either support or go against stem cell research / 5
Creative and engaging / 2

Biotechnology, Human Genome Project, and Medicine

Segment 1: DNA and Human Genome Project

  1. What is the human genome?
  1. What are the goal(s) of the Human Genome Project?

Segment 2: DNA Sequencing

  1. What is it like to read the human genome sequence?
  1. How much of our DNA is the same?
  1. What can we learn by studying the parts of our DNA that are the same?
  1. What can we learn by studying the parts of our DNA that differ?

Segment 3: Disease and Genetics

  1. What are some diseases that have a genetic component? How might the human genome project help doctors find cures for some of these diseases?

Fighting Cancer with Gene Therapy

  1. What is gene therapy? How could gene therapy help cure Lindall's cancer? (Key words: p53 gene, defective gene, delivery, virus)

Sum it up:

  1. How does gene therapy depend on the human genome project to be successful?
  1. What might be some dangers about this type of therapy? (hint: how is the replacement gene delivered?)