1775-1783 / [The AMerican Revolution summary worksheet]

Mr. Oberholtzer Name______

World History & Cultures Date______Pd.______

Unit: The Age of Revolutions Topic: The American Revolution

Discussion Meta Question: Was the American Revolution truly a revolution or was it simply a colonial war for independence?

Answer & Reasoning: (complete at the end of exercise)

Section 1: Origins of the American Revolution

Causes / British Response / American Response
1.  French & Indian War (Seven Years War)
2.  Taxes
3.  Salutary Neglect

Question 1: Was war inevitable due to irreconcilable differences, or could it have been avoided, with American independence granted later and peacefully by the British the way Canada got its independence? How legitimate were the American grievances against Great Britain and in your view, were they sufficient to base a war for independence on? Explain completely:

Question 2: What did the Declaration of Independence (1776) accomplish and how did it express the values of the Enlightenment that we previously studied? Was the American Revolution an Enlightenment based revolution? Why or why not? Explain completely.

Section 2: Analysis of British and American War capabilities:

British Advantages / American Advantages / Net +/-
Projected Winner______

Question 1: What is asymmetrical warfare? Define and explain how the Americans practiced this during the Revolutionary War. Which recent conflict can you identify that closely resembles the situation from 1775-83? Explain completely. Go outside the presentation and use independent research to help answer the question.

Section 3: The American War for Independence

Major Battles (year) / Result/Significance / Net +/-
Battle of Long Island
Fort Ticonderoga
Battle of Trenton
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown

Question 1: Why was Valley Forge so significant to creating an army that could defeat the British? What happened there that arguably forged both a professional army and a new national identity?

Question 2: What role did the French play in the American victory during the Revolutionary War? Identify the contributions of the French, the major generals/admirals/leaders they provided and what they did to ensure American independence from Britain. Why do you think they aided the U.S.?

Section 4. An Independent United States of America

Question 1: What treaty officially ended the Revolutionary War and formally recognized the independence of the United States? The Treaty of ______.

Question 2: What happened to the Loyalists who had supported Britain during the Revolution? What was the impact of the consequences the Loyalists experienced?

Question 3: The Articles of Confederation

What were the Articles of Confederation? Explain briefly & analyze

Strengths / Weaknesses / Net +/-

Question 4: The Constitution---short essay question

Why was the Constitution written and adopted? What did the Constitution provide that the Articles of Confederation could not? Why is the US Constitution sometimes called a “living document”? Why do you think it has survived for over 200 years as the framework of our republic with so little change?

Question 5: Do you think the experience of the Revolution, the adoption of the Constitution and the endurance of the republic we live in today makes the United States and exception nation, unique in history and a “shining city on the hill” for other people on Earth to want to emulate? What do you think? Explain completely.