Social Studies 7

Week of March 15 – 19, 2010


Weekly Article Review: What is independence? You might want to look up the meaning. Then research an article relating to an independence movement. Google “independence movements” and find an article that deals with an independence movement. Remember, three paragraphs (summarize, tell me what you think and try to relate it to our class). Also remember, 12 pt. font, Time Roman with a 1-inch margin.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Objective: Identify the major European nations that explored the Americas; determine the motives behind exploration of the Americas; understand the basic ideas of the natural rights philosophy.

Bell Ringer: What were the four major countries involved in the exploration of the Americas? Which of these countries do you think had the most claims on the newly discovered continents?

Class Activity:

·  Review Bell Ringer

·  Review Homework – John Locke and natural rights

·  Activity A, C, D, E

Homework: Lesson 2 Why Have A Government? – DOWNLOAD FROM THE WIKI SPACE then read and answer Reviewing and using the Lesson (shaded box)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Objective: Identify the claims of France and Spain in North America; explain the difference between the two; define John Locke’s social contract and its goal.

Bell Ringer: Would you give up a certain amount of personal liberty in exchange for knowing that you will be safe and taken care of?

Class Activity:

·  Review Bell Ringer

·  Review Homework – John Locke and the Social Contract

·  Activity A, C, D

Homework: Map Activity B

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Objective: Identify the claims of France and Spain in North America; explain the difference between the two.

Bell Ringer: How did the Spanish impact the New World?

Class Activity:

·  Review Homework

·  Activity E and F (G can be done for extra credit)

Homework: Read “The English Settle along the Atlantic Coast” and do Activity A and C.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Objective: Describe how the original colonies are first settled; identify the difference between English colonies and Spanish and French settlements.

Bell Ringer: What circumstances would move you to relocate to a land that you knew little about?

Class Activity:

·  Review Homework

·  Activity D and E

Homework: Read “The English Colonies Demand More Freedom” and do Activity A and B

Friday, March 19, 2010

Objective: Identify and classify the reasons that problems arise between the American colonies and England; Define “The American Identity and explain how is contributes to the revolutionary war.

Bell Ringer: Based on your knowledge, what is the Declaration of Independence; what is the purpose of the Constitution; and what is the Bill of Rights?

Class Activity:

·  Review Bell Ringer

·  Review Homework

·  Activity C, D and E

Homework: Read “The American Colonies Win Their Independence” and do Activities A-D