35338 282 BA -75Z1 Principles of Marketing
Online at Blackboard and KCTCS
Class begins August 15, 2011 and ends December 08, 2011
Final Exam will be due by Thursday December 08, 2011 at Midnight
Totally Online Class with No Orientation Meetings or Exams on Campus
3 Credit HoursMadisonville Community College
Prerequisite: 160BA or Consent 2000 College Drive
of Instructor – Need MS Word, Madisonville, KY 42431
Reliable Email and Internet
Class Web Address:
College Web Address:
College Library Web Address:
Instructor:David W. Murphy, MBA Professor of Business Administration
Office: Room 264 Social Sciences Division John H. Gray (JHG) Building
Office Phone: 270–824–8692 (Direct Line) E-mail:
MCC Fax: 270-824-1866 Office Hours: 8:00 – 4:30 Central Time Monday through Friday unless in class, or in meetings, or off campus
Textbook: Contemporary Marketing: 2011 Update, 14th Edition, Boone and Kurtz,
South-Western/Cengage Learning Publishing Company, 2011, ISBN with Access Code is 111122465X ISBN for textbook only is 978-0-538-74689-2 To Purchase Access Code Separately Go To:
Fall 2011 Semester
The marketing function is introduced and applied to various types of business organizations with attention to the marketing concept. Topics include the marketing mix of product, price, promotion and distribution decisions; international marketing; and social responsibility. This course is delivered online through Blackboard. There are no meetings or exams on campus.
Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- Describe the marketing functions and describe the ways marketing facilitates exchange and creates economic utility.
- Analyze current political, social, economic, and demographic trends and their impact on marketing strategies and practices.
- Explain the market segmentation process as well as targeting, positioning, and mass marketing.
- Describe the different product classes for consumer and organizational markets and apply these product classification concepts in planning and evaluating marketing strategies.
- Evaluate distribution channels in terms of marketing functions performed, degree of market exposure achieved, and the balance of service to total cost.
- Describe/evaluate various promotional efforts, including advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and publicity.
- Describe and evaluate pricing strategies and decisions.
- List the stages of the product life cycle and describe the new product development process.
- Describe the role of marketing research with respect to the development of marketing strategies, new product ideas, and marketing problem-solving.
- Describe marketing challenges currently facing businesses and organizations.
1.Think more critically by: 1) Making connections in learning across the disciplines and drawing logical
conclusions. Assessed through assignments and research. 2) Demonstrating problem solving
through interpreting, analyzing, summarizing, and/or integrating a variety of materials. Assessed through
quizzes, exams, and a major project consisting of a basic marketing plan for a “live” (real) business.
A combination of personal textbook study, videos, quizzes, exams, web and personal research will be used to help you gain proficiency in the application of general marketing concepts and principles. Chapter key terms and quizzes will serve as study guides for the exams. Regular login is expected for the successful completion of the course, as well as frequently checking your course BbMessages and student emails. It is the student’s full responsibility to complete the coursework in the time frame provided. All work is done online or through email messages. Check the Announcements and Course Work by Week tabs daily to keep up with the course. Extra credit work may beallowed and will be determined on an as-needed basis and you will be notified.
Assignments, quizzes, and exams are found in the list below – each assigned a specific number of points. All workwill have due dates listed under the Course Work by Week tab. Also check the class outline found on the last page of this syllabus. You will be responsible to keep up with scheduled work. Email, call, come see me, or ask another student on the Discussion Board if you need help. The Grade Book appears on Blackboard. Please make a calendar for due dates! Before Drop Grades After Drop Grades
16 – Chapter Quizzes (drop 3 lowest)@ 20 points each = 320 points260
1 – Report on Visit to Business@ 50 points each = 50 points 50
1 – Marketing Plan (rough draft)@ 50 points each = 50 points 50
1 – Marketing Plan (final draft)@ 100 points each = 100 points100
5 – Multiple Choice Exams (drop lowest)@ 100 points each = 500 points400
Total ………………………………………………………………… 1,020 points860points
Grading ScaleThoroughly Understand the Syllabus
Per Item
90 through 100 – A – 90% NOTE: Your performance in this class will depend on
80 through 89 – B – 80% practicing the three A-s:
70 through 79 – C – 70%
60 through 69 – D – 60% 1. Attention – Keep up; procrastination can mean failure
59 and below – E 2. Attitude – motivate yourself – be responsible for your
own learning – think success – you can do it
3. Abilities – use, sharpen, and improve them – everyone
has a different level of abilities
All homework, quizzes, and exams must be sent through the course website for grading – no exceptions. All work is due on the deadline date by 12:00 PM midnight central time or1:00 AM eastern time and weekly reminders will be posted in Announcements and in the Course Work by Weektabs. Late work will not be accepted; however, your 3 lowest chapter quiz grades and lowest exam grade will be dropped. If you do not take 3chapter quizzesor 1exam on time they become your drop grades. This will compensate for computer, Internet, Blackboard, power failure problems, or personal issues. If any of our systems go down then the due date time will be extended within reason. I will not look at notes or excuses for late work – sorry.
Send emails through the course website or they may go to my junk mail account and never be read or acted upon. Blackboard will only let you send one attachment per email until it is updated. Content, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and neatness will be evaluated. Cheating is defined as “acquiring something through dishonest or deceptivemeans.” It includes, but is not limited to wrongfully giving, taking, or presenting any information in written or verbal form with the intent to aid in academic performance. Any student who is determined by the instructor to have cheated on any activity or presentation will receive a grade of “0” on that graded item. All work for evaluation must be submitted by the last due date shown in Announcements and Course Work by Week. Use Word - Do not use MS Works or Word Perfect. All work, quizzes, and exams are due on Thursday nights, except as noted.
QUIZ/EXAM POLICY(Check course outline on page 6 for exams and weekly assignments)
Five exams will be given and there will be no makeup exams or early exams given prior to the dates listed. Your lowest exam grade will be dropped – including the final exam. If you miss an exam, that will be your drop grade. They will contain multiple choice questions based on the major concepts/principles and key terms found in each chapter and on the Quizzes. The final exam will not be comprehensive (not over the entire course/textbook). Each exam is worth 100 points and you will have a generous window of time (3 hours) to complete them. Each will be automatically graded online for your review. You will take sixteen (16) online chapter Quizzes and your lowest 3 Quizscores will be dropped. Two hours will be allowed for each Quiz. They cover chapter key terms and concepts. Each is worth 20 points. Quizzes will cover chapter videos available online and at the back of each chapter in your textbook.
You must have as a minimum: MicroSoft Word, reliable email, and reliable Internet. ** If you experience any computer, email, Internet, or software problems you must use another backup computer (that has Word) or contact one of the sources of assistance found on page 4 – the class will not wait. Do not use Works or Word Perfect.
TEXTBOOK REQUIREMENT A textbook and access code are required for this class. You simply cannot function in this course without one. See the website Announcement or the front page of this Syllabus for book details. If the cost of the textbooks is an issue for you, then let me know. We will work something out.
We never meet in person for an orientation meeting, turn in assignments, or to take exams. As in a regular classroom, weekly attention to work, details, and deadlines will be required for successful completion of this course. You will need to spend adequate time devoted to study, review, homework, quizzes, and exams. Procrastination is the number one reason for failure in Internet courses. Hint: Complete work for each chapter several days before the deadlines – don’t wait until the last minute. This will give me time to respond to your work. Failure to understand the class Syllabus and requirements is another major reason for failure. Read it!
The Report on the Visitto the Business and Marketing Plan(s)will help you build marketing skills. Use #12 font, Times Roman, double space, and write at least 2 pages using Word (not Works or Word Perfect). Identify each with your name, date, title of the assignment, and course name at the top of the page. Proofread everything for spelling and grammar. Limit the use of the words I, they, their, and you. The first paper will be graded generously; succeeding work will be graded more strictly. You need to read the chaptersto grasp an understanding of the marketing terms and keep your own notes. Each person must do his or her own individual work.
Business Report – You will make a field trip to visit a privately owned business and research its marketing plan and website (not a franchise or chain store/restaurant). Make an appointment with the manager or owner and carefully listen to an explanation of the current marketing plan, take complete notes on your visit or visits, and use them as a basis for your report.Be sure to respect the manager’s time and themanager may or may not give you any handouts. I will check to see that it is well written and has good content. Minimum length is one and one half pages and is worth 50 points. This report is a summary of what the business is currently doing. An outline willbe providedand each student must select a different business. This Report is separate from The Marketing Plan(s) below that will consist of your 5 new ideas for the business.
Marketing Plan – This Plan will consist of your own 5 new ideas to improve the business’ planincorporated intothe current plan. Write one paragraph for each of the 5 Ps. Do your best. Write the plan with headings, sentences, and paragraphs. Write it in third person as if it were a magazine article or newspaper story. Remember – you must act the part of the marketing manager and write the plan with action words just like you are actually going to do the things you are writing about. Limit the use of the words I,they, their, and you. The business manager will be glad you helped him or her. Examples will be provided for you to follow. You can do it! (Total worth = 150 points)
The following websites/resources will answer many of your questions and provide valuable help throughout the semester:
College Web Address: College Library Address:
Student Login Instructions:
Student Tutorial and Orientation:
KYVUCallCenter and Technical Help Desk:
Student Email Account Information:
The last day for students to officially withdraw from class at their own discretion with a “W” gradeis Monday, October 17, 2011. After this date students must have a passing grade in class to receive a “W” grade. Friday, December 02, 2011 is the last day for students at the Instructor’s discretion, to officially withdraw from class and receive a grade of “W.”
An incomplete grade will not be given. Let me know if a serious problem arises during the semester and we will try to work with you to complete the course.
Information on student rights, offenses, and appeals can be found at:
"If you have a documented disability and need any type of accommodation, you are required to register with the Disability Resource Coordinator at your home college and inform your instructors. In turn the college delivering the class will be notified. Madisonville students should contact Valerie Wolfe, Disability Resource Coordinator, Room 139JHG, 270-824-1708."
MadisonvilleCommunity college is concerned with the safety of the students attending classes at any of the four campuses. The following points are for your benefit as a student:
- In case of any life threatening event, call 911. The local emergency responders are better equipped to take care of these situations.
- To sign up for the Safety Notification Alert Process (SNAP), go to the MCC webpage and click on the SNAP section. After completing this, you will receive notifications on school closings, inclement weather, and other safety notifications.
- To report a safety concern, call the MCC Tip Line at 824-1900 to report safety concerns or suspicious behavior. This line is monitored once a day Monday through Friday.
- There is a Maintenance number 836-5330 for students on the North campus for use after the switchboard closes at 4:30. This is a cell phone that is answered by one of the Maintenance & Operations personnel.
- The MCC emergency number is answered by selected personnel during the day and by a cell phone when these are not available. It is 824-1911.
Tentative Course Outline
35338 282BA– 75Z1 Principles of Marketing Fall 2011
Online at Blackboard and KCTCS
* Quizzes, exams, the report,and marketing plan(s) will be due on Thursday nights (except as noted). Due dates are found under the “Announcements” and “Course Work by Week” tabs.
WeekBeginningWeekly Activities and Assignments – Homework, Quizzes, and Exams
1Aug 15Orient Yourself on the Syllabus, Website, Textbook, Study Chapter 1, Take Ch. 1 Quiz
byThursday night 08/25 at midnight
2Aug 22Study Chapters 2 and 3, Take Ch. 2 Quiz
3 Aug 29Study Chapter 3, Take Ch. 3 Quiz &Exam # 1 on Chapters 1, 2, 3
4 Sep 05Labor Day Holiday on Monday, Study Chapters 4 and 5, Take Ch. 4 Quiz
5 Sep 12Study Chapters 5 and 6, Submit Business Name and Manager, Take Ch.*5/6 Quiz
6 Sep 19Study Chapter 7, Take Ch. 7 Quiz,Exam # 2 on Chapters 4, 5/6,7
7 Sep 26Study Chapters 8 and 9, Take Ch. 8 Quiz
8Oct 03Study Chs.9 and 10, Provide Feedback on Initial Business Contact, Take Ch. 9 Quiz
9 Oct 10 Fall Break Week Nothing Due – Take The Week Off From This Class10Oct 17Study Chapter 10, Take Ch. 10 Quiz, Exam # 3 on Chapters8,9,10
11 Oct 24Study Chapters 11 and 12, Take Ch. 11 Quiz
12Oct 31Study Chapters 12 and 13, Business Report Due, Take Ch. 12 Quiz
13 Nov 07Study Chapter 14, Take Ch.*13/14 Quiz, Exam # 4 on Chapters 11,12,13/14
14Nov 14Study Chapters 15 and 16, Submit Rough Draft of Marketing Plan, Take Ch. 15 Quiz
15 Nov 21*Work due Monday 11/29 due to Thanksgiving Holiday,Study Chapters 16 and 17,
Submit the Final Draft of Marketing Plan, Take Ch. 16 Quiz
16 Nov 28Study Chapters 17 and 18, Take Ch. 17 Quiz
17 Dec 05Study Chapter 19, Take Ch.*18/19 Quiz, Exam # 5 on Chapters 15,16,17,18/19-
Everything is Due December 09, 2010 at Midnight central time
* Denotes that 2 chapters will be condensed into 1 chapter
End of semester