
October 2, 2001

  1. Consideration of Minutes of Meeting of July 24, 2001
  1. Discussion Items:
  2. Retreat of ACAP committee members
  3. Revision to Program Productivity Standards
  4. “Alert” System for Needed Programs
  1. Consideration of Program Planning Summaries
  1. B.A., Nonprofit Administration, USC-Spartanburg (new)
  2. B.S., Nuclear Engineering, SC State University (new)
  3. M.S., Coastal Marine and Wetland Studies, Coastal Carolina (new)
  4. M.S./Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, USC-Columbia (new)
  1. Consideration of New Program Proposals
  2. B.A., Elementary Education, USC-Aiken at USC-Salkehatchie (modification)
  3. B.A., Political Science with emphasis in Pre-Law, Lander at UCG (modification)
  4. B.A., Political Science with emphasis in Public Admin., Lander at UCG (modification)
  5. B.A., Russian, USC-Columbia (new)
  6. B.A., Special Education, USC-Aiken (new)
  7. M.Ed., Educational Technology, USC-Aiken and USC-Columbia (new)
  8. M.Ed., Special Education: Visual Impairment, USC-Spartanburg (new)
  1. Consideration of Guidelines for Centers of Excellence Program, FY 2002-03
  1. Consideration of Annual Report on Advanced Placement Course Acceptance Policies, FY 2001-02
  1. Consideration of New Academic Common Market Policy on Inclusion of Distance Delivered Programs
  1. Informational Annual Report on Nonpublic Post-Secondary Institution Licensing Activities, FY 2000-01


Notifications of Change in Program Status

a. Coastal Carolina University

  • Bachelor of Business Administration degree, to delete minor in Real Estate
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, with two new options: CPA track or CMA/CFM track
  1. Central Carolina Tech
  • A.C.T., Computer Technology: new specializations in Programming, Web Development, and Networking
  • A.I.T., Industrial Technology with major in Electronics Technology: new specialization in Computer Electronics

c. College of Charleston

  • M.S., Environmental Studies: withdrawal of MUSC from the joint degree program and resulting curriculum changes

e. USC-Columbia

  • Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling via distance education
  • Graduate Certificate in Psychiatric Rehabilitation via distance education

Notifications of Academic Programs Terminated, July 2001-October 2001

  1. Clemson University
  2. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Agronomy (020402)
  3. B.S., Entomology (260702)