Student Worksheet
/ Lesson Three: Roommates / Name:______
Skill-Building Activity / Date:______
TV Roommates / Class Period:______

Select one of your favorite TV shows that is about roommates living together. Watch one episode of the show for the assignment. You may reference past episodes as well. Try to find a show about unmarried roommates who are not romantically-involved.

1.  What TV show did you select? Include the show title, network, day of the week, and time.

2.  What are the names, ages, and genders of the characters?

3.  What do the characters do for a living?

4.  What city do the characters live in? Do they rent or own an apartment or home?

5.  Are the characters friends? Were they friends before they moved in together or did they become friends by living together?

6.  Do the characters each have their own room or do some characters share a room?

7.  Are there any issues related to a person’s sleeping or cleaning habits when sharing a room?

8.  Are the characters’ work schedules compatible? Are they generally home at the same time or are they home at opposite times?

9.  Is one of the characters messy and the other clean? Are these differences a source of conflict? How do the characters handle the difference?

10. What are the characters hobbies and do they complement or contradict each other?

11. Do any of the characters have a pet? Do any problems arise between the characters because of the pet?

12. Do any of the characters have a “significant other” that doesn’t live with them but is practically a third roommate?

13. Do any of the characters have friends that spend a lot of time in their home? Do all of the characters have friends or do some have their friends over more than others?

14. Do any of the characters have financial problems? Do these problems affect the other characters?

15. Do the characters have similar religious and political beliefs? Do the characters keep their opinion to themselves or do they debate with each other?

16. Do you think the roommate scenario in this TV show is realistic or not? What specifically seems realistic or unlikely in a “real world” roommate scenario?

17. What positive or negative roommate habits did you learn from watching this show?

18. Would you live with these roommates? Why or why not?

19. How does TV affect our perception of living with a roommate?

20. What advice would you give to any of the characters to make their roommate relationship better?