Minute of Meeting of GRAMPIAN NHS BOARD held in Open Session
at 2.00pm on Monday 29 June 2015
in the Conference Room, Summerfield House, Eday Road, Aberdeen
/ Professor Stephen Logan / Chairman/ Mr David Anderson / Non-Executive Board Member
/ Mrs Rhona Atkinson / Non-Executive Board Member
/ Mr Raymond Bisset / Non-Executive Board Member
Cllr Barney Crockett / Non-Executive Board Member
Mr Alan Gray / Director of Finance
Professor Mike Greaves / Non-Executive Board Member
Mrs Christine Lester / Non-Executive Board Member
Mr Terry Mackie / Non-Executive Board Member
Mr Jonathan Passmore / Non-Executive Board Member
Mr Eric Sinclair / Non-Executive Board Member
Mr Malcolm Wright / Chief Executive
By / Ms Marlgorzata Artamonow / Assistant Financial Accountant
invitation / Ms Donna Berrie / Assistant Manager, Deloitte LLP
Mrs June Brown / Associate Director of Nursing
Mrs Laura Gray / Director of Corporate Communications/Board Secretary
Dr Annie Ingram / Director of Workforce
Mr Pat Kenny / Director, Deloitte LLP
Mr Garry Kidd / Assistant Director of Finance
Ms Karlyn Watt / Manager, Deloitte LLP
Mrs Susan Webb / Acting Director of Public Health
Attending / Miss Lesley Hall / Assistant Board Secretary
Item / Subject /
1 / Apologies
These were received from Cllr Stewart Cree, Mrs Sharon Duncan, Dr Nick Fluck, Cllr Martin Kitts-Hayes, DrLynda Lynch, Dr Helen Moffat, Professor Rosemary Lyness and Mr Graeme Smith.
2 / 2014/15 Audit Report
Mr Gray advised that the report by Deloitte LLP, the Board’s External Auditors, had been considered in detail at that morning’s Audit Committee meeting.
The Board noted the Report from Deloitte LLP on the 2014/15 Audit.
3 / Approval of Grampian Health Board’s Annual Accounts 2014/15
The Annual Accounts for 2014/2015 were presented to the Board. Mr Gray advised that Deloitte LLP had issued an unqualified audit option on the accounts and that the Board had achieved its three statutory targets set by the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate (SGHSCD).
Mr Gray confirmed that the accounting policies under which the accounts had been prepared had been approved by the Audit Committee and that the Chief Executive had confirmed his approval of the governance statements in the Annual Accounts .
Mr Kenny, Deloitte LLP, advised that there had been a detailed discussion at that morning’s Audit Committee meeting. Mr Anderson, as Chair of the Audit Committee, advised that the Committee had agreed to recommend the Annual Accounts to the Board for approval. He advised that the Committee had recognised the impressive work undertaken by Finance Department colleagues and the auditors to bring the audit process to a successful conclusion. He commended the good working relationship with Deloitte LLP and the internal auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers.
The Board approved the adoption of the Annual Accounts of the Grampian Health Board (commonly known as NHS Grampian) for 2014/15.
The Chairman reminded Board members that the Annual Accounts would not be in the public domain until laid before Parliament later in the year.
The Chairman congratulated Mr Gray, Mr Kidd and their finance team colleagues, as well as Internal and External Audit, for their effective and efficient work on the Annual Accounts process.
4 / Patients’ Private Funds – Approval of the Abstract of Receipts and Payments 2014/15
Mr Gray explained that the summary of receipts and payments related to funds held on behalf of hospital patients during the year. This was presented along with the unqualified opinion from the external auditors of the funds, Williamson and Dunn.
Mr Anderson advised that the Audit Committee had considered the documents at its meeting that morning and recommended the abstract of receipts and payments for approval.
The Board noted the unqualified audit opinion and approved the 2014/15 abstract of receipts and payments for Patients Private Funds.
5 / Theatre Capacity at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI)
Mr Gray presented the paper which explained that Board approval was being sought for investment to re-commission two theatres at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary to facilitate the next stage of the ARI Reconfiguration Programme. This would create turning space, to support the completion of backlog maintenance works at ARI, provide backup to allow maintenance in the main ARI theatre department, and deliver some additional capacity to support the implementation of robotic assisted surgery.
In response to questioning about the effective and efficient use of additional capacity, DrIngram assured the Board that, from her experience working in the Acute Sector, the theatres would be used to give increased theatre capacity and that this clinical space would be required for the future.
The Chief Executive advised that the investment was prudent given the challenges of meeting waiting times targets. It would give increased capacity for the ongoing maintenance of theatres and allow increased productivity by maximising the use of assets to deliver effective patient care.
The Board approved the investment of £1.85 million to re-commission two theatres in what remains of the previous Emergency Department on Level 0 of the Phase 2 Building at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
6 / Date of Next Meeting
Thursday 6 August 2015 – Woodhill House, Aberdeen
Signed ………………………………………. Date …………………………………