ALIVE-O5 Term 2
Lesson Title / What am I trying to do? / Why? / Song/Sound / Read/ Poem / Prayertime / DVD / To be learned
Abraham and Sarah – Loved by God / To help the children to come to an awareness of the covenant love that God has for each one of them. / So that they will have a deeper appreciation of the significance of God's love for them and of its implication for their lives. / God called Abraham /
  • God and Abram, Genesis
12: 1-9
  • Abraham and Sarah, Genesis
17, 21: 1-7
Story poem: Abraham and Sarah / Thank you for your covenant; thank you for your love. /
Moses and the People – Loved by God /
  • Through the story of Moses to help the children to become more aware of the meaning of God's covenant love.
  • To help them to be aware of the promise of that love in their own lives.
  • To begin to introduce them to the Ten Commandments.
/ So that they will be aware of the qualities of God's covenant love present in their own lives and begin to know how to respond to that love. / Take Off Your Shoes /
  • The Call of Moses
Exodus 3:1-10,17
  • Moses and the Commandments Exodus 20: 1-17
Story poem:
The Burning Bush / You are our God and we are your people. / What did God say to Moses in the First Commandment?
In the First Commandment God said to Moses and the people, 'I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me.'
At Home With God's Love / To enable the children to explore further the covenant love of God as it is expressed:
in Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Joseph, the guardian of Jesus;
in the care of those who act as mother and father to them;
To introduce the Fourth Commandment and The Angelus prayer. / So that they might come to a deeper awareness
  • of the love of God which comes to them through their parents or guardians;
  • of how they might respond to that love.
/ Mary Our Mother / The Angelus Story,
Luke 1: 26-55 /
  • The Angelus
  • The love of God has come to us.
  • Thanks be to God.
/ Powerpoint / What did God say to Moses in the Fourth Commandment?
In the Fourth Commandment God said to Moses and the people, 'Honour your father and your mother.'
Celebrating God's Love / To help the children celebrate the faithful, strong and ever-present Love of God as it is expressed in:
  • God's covenant with Abraham and Sarah, with Moses and the people;
  • Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Joseph, the guardian of Jesus;
  • the care and attention of parents, guardians and grandparents.
To further form the basis on which the children's moral response to God rests. / So as to explore their experience and nourish their own sense of the faithful, strong and ever-present love of God. / Song of the Covenant / The Angelus Story,
Luke 1: 26-55 / Prayer Service:
Celebrating God’s Love
  • Thanks be to God.
  • God's love comes to us.
Other faith traditions
Lent – Endings and New Beginnings / As the Lenten season begins, to offer the children an opportunity to explore – primarily through ritual and symbol – the experience of 'ending and beginning', as a reflection of the Ash Wednesday call to 'Turn away from sin and be faithful to the gospel'. / So that their understanding and awareness of Lent as a special liturgical season of conversion may be enhanced. / Beginnings and Endings / Jesus Goes into the Wilderness,
Matthew 4: 1
Poem: Lent / Prayer Ritual:
Leave behind; begin again.
Distribution of Ashes
  • Your love surrounds us, God.
  • Hear our prayer.
/ Powerpoint
God's Love Counts Us In /
  • To provide an opportunity for the children, through the story of Zacchaeus, to come to awareness that God's covenant love excludes no one.
  • To explore the children's own experiences of inclusion and exclusion.
/ So that they will
  • be able to change behaviours that lead to exclusion;
  • be more aware of God's covenant love as shown in previous lessons;
  • be better able to celebrate reconciliation in the sacrament of Penance.
  • I'm Sorry God
  • Whatsoever
You Do /
  • Zacchaeus,
Luke 19: 1-10
  • Being Coloured (Parts 1, 2 and 3)
  • We pray for them, O Lord.
  • God, what can we do today?
People who have come to live in our country
Powerpoint / Why should we love everyone?
We should love everyone because we all have the same Father in heaven who loves us and wants us to love one another.
God's Love Helps Us To Love The World / To provide the children with the opportunity to come to an awareness of the life-giving nature of the relationship between human beings and the earth. / So that they will treat the earth with care and respect. / Round the Earth /
  • The Sycamore Tree
  • Being Ecological (Parts 1, 2 and 3)
Story poem:
Zacchaeus Confesses All / Prayertime / Who has given us the world we live in?
God Our Father has.
How should we look on the world?
It is a gift from God and a sign of his love and power.
How does God want us to treat the world?
God gives us the world as a sign of His love and wants us to treat it with respect and love.
Reconciliation / To develop the children's understanding of the never-ending love of God for each one of them in spite of any wrongdoing on their part, and to celebrate new beginnings in the sacrament of Reconciliation in response to God's love. / So that they will be able to appreciate God's love and forgiveness and celebrate it in the sacrament of Reconciliation. /
  • The Way to Be
  • A Íosa, Glan mo Chroise
/ Zacchaeus,
Luke 19: 1-10 / Rite of Reconciliation
We ask your forgiveness, God. / When do we sin?
When we refuse to love God our Father and to love others as Jesus taught.
What does God our Father do for us in the sacrament of Penance?
In the sacrament of Penance God our Father forgives us through the words and actions of the priest.
What's the Story (3):
The Cure of the Man who was Paralysed / To enable the children to participate, through the media of drama and dance, in the story of the cure of the man who was paralysed. / So that they will begin to see the coming of God's kingdom in the life of Jesus and in their life today. /
  • What's the story?
  • Kingdom Come
/ The Story of the Paralysed Man,
Mark 2: 1-12 / 1. A reading of the Gospel story, with intercessions.
2. A reflection on Jesus and how he shows us the Kingdom of God.
3. A Prayertime based on imagining the healing by Jesus of the man who was paralysed.
4. A litany based on titles for Jesus.
5. A prayer of quiet intercession for people who are in danger.
6. A prayer about times when we enter God's kingdom and when we turn from God's kingdom. Response: We have turned from your kingdom.
7. A prayer of reflection for use after the drama.
Holy Week / To provide opportunities for the children to become more familiar with the stories of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and the Passion and death of Jesus. / So that they may be helped to enter more fully into the Church's celebration of Holy week. /
  • The Passover Song
  • Stabat Mater Sanctus
(from Alive-O Mass) /
  • Jesus Enters Jerusalem,
Luke 19: 28-39
  • The Last Supper,
Luke 22: 7-20
  • The Crucifixion, Matthew 27: 32-44
/ Stations of the Cross
We thank you, Lord Jesus, and we praise you.
Because, by your holy cross, you have redeemed (saved) to world. / Powerpoint / What happened on Holy Thursday?
On Holy Thursday Jesus shared the Last Supper with his apostles and friends. He told them about God's new covenant. He gave himself to them as the Bread of Life.
What happened on Good Friday?
Jesus died on the cross.
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
Jesus died on the cross to show his love for God our Father and for us.