Circle 33 Resident Inspectors Programme


Part A: Your personal details

1.Contact information (please use BLOCK CAPITALS to complete)

Home Address
Home contacts / Daytime phone / Evening phone
Email address:

2.What is the best way of contacting you?

Home addressHome telephone

Mobile numberHome e-mail

Work e-mailOther

Part BEligibility and support

3.Have you been a tenant with Circle 33 for 12 months+?

Yes No

4.Is English your first language? Yes No

If no, please state your first language:

5a.Do you speak any other languages? Yes No

If yes, please state which:

5b.Are you willing to translate for us with other Resident Inspections?

Yes No

6.Help us to understand how well you cope with speaking, reading or writing English. Tick whichever boxes apply to you:

* Support with typing your reports and translation services can be provided

Basic / Intermediate / Fluent
Speaking English
Reading English
Writing in English

Part C – Your interest and commitment

7.What attracts you to becoming a Resident Inspector?

8.When are you currently available to carry out inspections?

All day

During the morning only

During the afternoon only

During the evening only


Flexible hours

  1. You will be required to attend inspections at different locations around the borough

These will include the following Core Boroughs, plus some of the smaller boroughs, which are wider spread across London, so travel on public transport or use of our car will be required:





Barking and Dagenham


10.Please tell us about any other experience or skills that you have which you feel may be relevant to the role of Resident Inspector.

11.Pleasetick any of the resident groups that you have been, or are a member of:

Tenant group / Tenant Scrutiny Panel / Tenant and Resident Associations / Estate Champion / Local Link / Trust Board / Maintenance & Reinvestment Forum / Mystery Shopper / Email Readers Panel / Other
Tick if are/have been a member
Tick if you would be interested

Part D. Declaration

I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this form is complete and correct.

I confirm that I do not have a criminal record that would not clear me through a Crime Record Bureau check. We will be required to carry out on all successful inspectors.

I understand that all the data provided will be held by Circle 33in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be passed to any third party without my consent.

I understand that the information I have provided will be used to assess my suitability as a potential Resident Inspector, and that it will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Signature / Date