AE – IF - F
Identify the Age-Expected (AE), Immediate Foundational (IF), and Foundational (F) skills for a 3 year 9 month old child.
Outcome 1: Positive Social Relationships
Sophistication of play with peers
Sustains pretend play with other children (e.g., plays in pretend kitchen with friend, serving "cookies").Plays alongside other children, but doesn't interact a great deal with them (e.g., two children sit in the sandbox, each occupied independently with pails, but comfortably aware that the other child is there).
Shows pleasure when familiar adults are nearby.
Emotional development – Understanding of feelings
Is aware of others clear emotional reactions. Checks parent's facial expressions (e.g., considers climbing up a ladder at the playground, but first looks back at mother's face for encouragement or warning).Understands and uses language related to basic emotions (e.g., says, "Mommy's happy now.").
Understands, basically that feelings have causes (e.g., says, "Sammy is sad ‘cause he lost his blanket.").
Expression of emotions
Uses a wider range of coping strategies (e.g., comfort objects, feeling words) with some adult support.Expresses feelings, needs, and opinions in conflicts, without harming self, others, or property (e.g., says, "I really, REALLY need that swing!").
Acts on impulses and has frequent tantrums when tired or frustrated.
Outcome 2: Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills
Pre-academic concepts - inquiry
Explores objectsin many different ways (e.g., shaking, banging, throwing, dropping, mouthing).Shows increasing curiosity about unfamiliar objects, events and phenomena (e.g., may wonder things like, "What's inside?", "Does this make a noise?", "Can I lift this?").
Triesdifferent ideasuntil a successful one is found to achieve a desired result (e.g., stacks blocks over and over and in different ways, using varied configurations to achieve desired stability and height).
Book reading
Looks at books and inspects pictures.Retells simple predictable books while turning the pages and using the pictures to prompt recall.
Jabbers, as if reading, while turning pages in a familiar book.
Print awareness
Notices print words in various contexts and often ask what it "says."Looks at pictures showing interest by attending to the pictures for longer periods of time (e.g., 2+minutes)
Recognize some frequently seen environmental signs/symbols that contain print (e.g., stop signs, logos, product packaging, fast food signs) and says what they are (e.g., Stop, McDonalds).
Outcome 3: Taking Positive Action to Meet Needs
Dressing and undressing
Takes off and puts on simple clothes such as hats, jacket, and shoes. Needs full help with fasteners.Undresses without assistance, but needs some help getting dressed with buttons and difficult fasteners.
Pushes arms into sleeves and feet into shoes.
Moving toys around the playground
Pulls wheeled toy around by the string.Pushes self forward and backward on wheeled toy.
Rides big wheel or tricycle steering around a corner.
Participating in meal time
Feeds self entire meal using spoon and fork.Feeds self with spoon tipping the spoon and losing some of its contents.
Pierces food with a fork sometimes using other hand to secure food on the fork.
Maryland State Department of Education Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services