Mrs. MullenE-mail: Class Website: 919-217-5350
The purpose of AP Statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. Students will be exposed to four broad conceptual themes:
- Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns (20%–30% of AP Exam). Exploratory analysis of data makes use of graphical and numerical techniques to study patterns and departures from patterns. Emphasis will be placed on interpreting information from graphical and numerical displays and summaries.
- Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study (10%–15%). Data must be collected according to a well-developed plan if valid information on a conjecture is to be obtained. This plan includes clarifying the question and deciding upon a method of data collection and analysis.
- Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation (20%–30%). Probability is the tool used for anticipating what the distribution of data should look like under a given model.
- Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses (30%–40%). Statistical inference guides the selection of appropriate models..
In AP Statistics, students are expected to develop skills, knowledge and habits of mind:
Skills: Produce convincing oral and written statistical arguments, using appropriate terminology, in a variety of applied settings. Know when and how to use technology to aid them in solving statistical problems.
Knowledge: Essential techniques for producing data (surveys, experiments, observational studies), analyzing data (graphical and numerical summaries), modeling data (probability, random variables, sampling distributions), and drawing conclusions from data (inference procedures--confidence intervals and significance tests.)
Habits of Mind: Become critical consumers of published statistical results by heightening their awareness of ways in which statistics can be improperly used to mislead, confuse or distort the truth.
Knights Code of Honor
The success of students in any math class is related to how well the students use their class time. In order to make the best use of our class time and to help all students meet with success, the following code of conduct has been devised. It is expected that all students will follow these rules consistently.
KHS and WCPSS rules apply. Rules will be enforced consistently!!
Notes and homework are the keys to success. Take good notes daily & complete your homework. A little studying of past material every night will help you be ready for what we discuss in class.
Ink leads to more errors, so pencil only please. Quizzes & tests must be completed in PENCIL!!
Good behavior leads to a positive learning environment. Respect your peers, community, and self.
Help each other learn and achieve goals. To get the most out of your education get involved, listen actively, and ask questions – someone else may have same question!
Teaching can only be effective when you pay attention and follow instruction. When you’re done with your materials, your chair, your notes, etc. make sure you put them in the same place every time so that you can find them again! Everyone will be happier!
Sleeping and tardiness are counterproductive. Your time in class is very important, so please be on time and prepared to learn.
Code of Honor
You are encouraged to work outside of class on assignments with other students. However, cheating is unethical! Cheating includes but is not limited to copying HW assignments, obtaining test/quiz answers prior to the assessment, sharing answers during tests/quizzes, and plagiarism. If caught cheating, you will receive a zero on the assignment, you will receive a discipline referral and your parents will be contacted! Working cooperatively is only the sharing of ideas, not copying! During group assignments, students are not to divide up work unless instructed to do so.
Method of Assessment
Grading Scale:93 - 100% A85 - 92% B77 - 84% C70 - 76% D0 - 69% F
- Homework – 10%Assigned daily and cumulative grade given for the entire unit.
- Class work – 10% Very few class works will be taken up and graded. You do the work to learn the material.
- Quizzes – 20%Usually one quiz per unit which may be unannounced so study!!
- Test – 60%Given at the end of each unit. Preparation for tests is a daily effort!!
Format and Teaching Strategies
Class will be structured in such a way as to facilitate a true understanding of the nature and meaning of statistics. Time will be spent in lecture and discussion but much of the class time will be devoted to hands-on activities and investigations. Students will be encouraged to communicate their thought processes both orally and in writing. Students will regularly be exposed to released AP Statistics multiple-choice and free response questions throughout the year. They will spend significant time in class discussing and evaluating their responses based on the released rubrics. Emphasis will be placed on statistical accuracy and effective communication of statistical concepts. Some lessons will be flipped, so be sure to watch the video for the lesson before class!
Course Investigations and Projects
Individual and group investigations and projects are given throughout the year to help students develop statistical strategies and methods in understanding appropriate statistical techniques and the best ways to communicate them within the context of the assignment. The students will write formal assignments (essays and classroom presentations) requiring them to use the language and vocabulary of statistics to describe statistical methods, results and interpretations of their findings. The main purpose of these projects and investigations is for students to gain experience in developing and making sound connections between the design, analysis and conclusions of all statistical design experiments. The students will complete a project after the AP exam where they will engage in all stages of the research process. Students will plan the sampling procedure, define measurement strategies, conduct analysis, interpret their results in context, and present their results to peers. A written report and presentation is required.
Other Topics
a. This is an AP class. You are expected to take the AP exam. You are expected to work hard and earn at least a 3 on the exam. NC is paying for all AP exams this year.
- If you are absent one day, you have one day to make up the assignment, etc.
- If you only miss the review day for a test, you still have to take the test.
- If you miss the day before a quiz, you still have to take the quiz provided no newly taught material is on the assessment.
- Test make-ups and re-tests are done after school. The day and time will be announced. Test make-ups and re-test WILL BE harder, so your presence on test days is expected unless you are sick!!
- Per school policy, each student can re-take, at the most, 2 tests per quarter for a maximum score of 76%.
- In order to retake a test, you must (1) Complete all homework from that unit (2) do test correctionsand (3) attend a remediation/tutorial session. The unit homework, test corrections, remediation/tutorial session, and re-test deadline date will be scheduled by Mrs. Mullen.
- The midtermwill count as a test grade. The Final Exam is worth 20% of the semester grade.
- Interims will be sent home every 3 weeks but Powerschool will be updated weekly.
- Tutorials will beheld on Tuesdays from 3:15 – 4:45. You should also take advantage of KnightTime when needed.
- There will be times when we will use cell phones or other electronic devices for instructional purposes only. At all other times, you are expected to act responsibly and not use them.
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