How to Lead a Kid to Christ
One of the greatest joys we can have as leaders of young people is the privilege of leading them to Jesus Christ. In this day and age when so many of our young people are living in and experiencing challenges beyond their ability to control or understand, the saving love of Jesus and the gift of His Holy Spirit are more important than ever.
Resources abound on the Internet and in Christian bookstores that offer Steps to Salvation, Bibles for kids and the like. A quick perusal of them will help you find material and ideas that will “fit” the kids in your programs. The best resource you have is a vibrant and alive faith in your own life, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading and opportunities to share God’s salvation plan with your children.
Below are some basic Helpful Hints as well as a simple Plan of Salvation that would be useful with most young people. Remember that you know your kids best. When explaining the concept of sin, salvation and holiness to them, make sure they understand everything you are explaining by limiting “yes” or “no” questions and asking them to answer you in their own words.
Most importantly, follow up every child’s decision with discipleship. Share with your Corps family this testimony, talk with their parents and equip them, and remember that our kids need every encouragement and support as they live as lights in this dark world for Jesus!
Helpful Hints
· Limit the exclusive use of “churchy” words like; salvation, Holy Spirit, repentance, altar, come forward. Explain them in terms and language that kids will understand (see below).
· Use concrete examples that are familiar to kids. You know them best.
· Invite their participation in the discussion. Ask them to repeat, in their own words, what you have explained to them. Let them pray their own words or have them repeat you if needed.
· You may need to use different methods to explain salvation. Kids learn differently. Some understand better by listening, some by doing, and some by touching. Be creative, but stick to Scripture.
· Celebrate each child’s decision! Some Corps like to announce these decisions as a “welcome” to the family, presenting a Bible, etc. Be creative. Heaven rejoices when a lost soul comes home. We should do the same!
Helping Kids Understand
· Children need to know they are sinners. We don’t want to scare them into salvation, but they need to understand that God deals with sin justly as well as loves us deeply.
· Jesus is the greatest role model for our children. He never sinned and He came to Earth to save us (forgive us) from our sins (John 3:16-17).
· “Salvation” is a free gift from God (Titus 3:5). There is nothing we can do to earn it. We are saved when we admit our sins, tell God that we are sorry for them and ask Him to forgive us and let Him change that sin into love for Him (John 14:6). When we ask God to live in our hearts we become “Christians.”
· “Repentance” is a change of attitude/choice/behavior where we choose to trust God instead of ourselves for the way we should live.
· “Sin” separates us from God. We sin when we purposely do something we know that God doesn’t want us to do, doing things our way instead of God’s way (ex: being ungrateful, lying, cheating, being selfish, etc.). We cannot get rid our sin ourselves. We have to ask God to help us.
· “Faith” is trusting Jesus to do the things I cannot do.
· The “Holy Spirit” is that part of God that lives inside our hearts. He helps us understand God and His Word (The Bible) and gives us strength to be obedient to Him.
· “Prayer” is talking to God.
Basic Plan of Salvation
ADMIT – You have sinned. Tell God you are sorry for the wrong things you have done. Romans 3:23-24, 6:23
BELIVE – God loves you. Tell God that you believe He is real and that He sent His Son Jesus to die on a cross for you. John 14:6, Acts 16:31
CONFESS (CHANGE, CLAIM) – Trust God to be in charge of your life; how you will think and what you will do. Acts 2:38, Romans 10:13
Captain Deanna Gilliam
Owensboro, KY
Kentucky-Tennessee Division
Southern Territory