
Autumn 1

Autumn 2
/ Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2


(Text level work) /
Wreck It Ralph visual Literacy
Stories with historical settings INVASION
Reports: newspapers
Recounts Diaries /
Poetry: creating images
Stories in imaginary worlds / Stories from other cultures / Information texts
Stories with issues & dilemmas / Stories with issues & dilemmas / Persuasive texts
Science / Photosynthesis
Food chains
Prey, predators, producers /
SoundWOW day
/ Electricity – individual science lessons and project to apply.
Make electrical circuit quiz boards. WOW day / Keeping warm/cold
Insulation, conduction
States of Matter
Water cycle / Health and Fitness
Human organs, muscles and how we move, body and circulation
ICT / Creating a newspaper single front page sheet using textease. / Crystal Rain Forest
Develop research skills (key words) / Branch databases
Topic related data handling
Data handling – basic spreadsheets, / Textease presentations
Creating a Textease presentation (inc. page links)
Logicator – programming / COMPUTING module / Animator
History / Egyptians
Timeline, Howard Carter, compare & contrast Egypt now/in the past, homes, hieroglyphics, Gods, Tutankhamen, Cleopatra, pyramids, mummification / Research achievements of Magellan, Hillary, Amundsen, Cousteau, Armstrong.
Look at modern explorers / The Ancient Greeks
Timeline, contrast lifestyles, culture, analysing artefacts
Geography / RainforestsDifferent layers
Lifestyle comparison
Destruction/conservation / RainforestsDifferent layers
Rainforest products / Using maps & atlases, the River Nile and its importance for Egyptian society / Explorers and ExplorationOrienteering, map work, survival skills,
Space exploration / Using maps & atlases
Art & Design / Collage art inspired by rainforest plants and animals/ Make quiz boards / Draw/paint/print/pastels rainforest animals/plants, Tribal designs,
Henri Rousseau / Collage death masks
Hieroglyphics / Divali cards
Observational drawing
Grades of pencil
Landscape paintings (Everest) / Clay pots, painting plates, mosaics Observational fruit drawings / Making an animation model
Design & Technology / Strong & weak structures WOW day / Design/make/evaluate a quiz board, Puppets / Make quiz boards / Dreamcatchers (weaving, bamboo, aesthetic qualities)
R.E. / SEAL / New Beginnings
Expressing Joy / Getting on and Falling out, Say No to Bullying
Christmas, Reflection of Selves / Going for Goals
Living by Rules, Self-discipline and Contentment / Good to be me
Easter, Suffering and Forgiveness / Relationships
Appreciating Beauty
Imaginative and Explorative / Changes
P.E. / OAA unit 1 / multiskills
Dance unit 4 / Invasion Games unit 2
Gymnastics unit 4 / Invasion games unit 2
Dance unit 4 / Gymnastics unit 4
Net and wall games / Athletics unit 2
Striking and fielding / Athletics unit 2
Health Related Exercise
Music / Descriptive sounds: moods & characters in music / Rhythm and Pulse, different note values / Music around the world: explore and listen to a variety of music from different cultures, written and practical activities / Melodies and Scales.
French / Asking questions, masculine nouns (animals) / Feminine nouns (animals) adjective agreements / Adjectives that precede the noun, sentence building / Months / More questions & answers, clothes vocabulary
Educational Visits / Visitors / KINGSWOOD / Visit to Hindu temple / Link with SCGSG – project work