Due May 20, 2016 (end of school day)
10 11 12
(Student Name) / (Grade Level- Fall of 2016) / (School)Please check the following boxes if applicable:
I will need transportation to and from my blended session.
I receive special education services and have an IEP. / I receive modifications or accommodations under a 504 plan.
I receive ELL services.
Online-Blended Classes
May 31 – June 20
8:45 – 1:15PM
June 21 – July 12 (no class July 4)
8:45 – 1:15 PM / Location
Park Hill & Park Hill South
(Students will attend their home schools)
Summer School Online Course Description
Students have an opportunity to earn ½ credit or 1 credit after successfully completing 120 hours of course instruction and learning activities. Students will attend their respective home schools (Park Hill or Park Hill South) for orientation, blended instruction and end of course exams.
Online-blended courses are taught by certified teachers and meet the same national, state and district standards as other Park Hill course offerings. During the course, teachers communicate with students using Park Hill student email, phone, and collaborative tools within the course management system.
During the summer school session, students must meet face-to-face with their instructor four times. Students will attend an onsite orientation (May 31st), two face-to-face onsite sessions with their instructor (dates provided by teacher), and the onsite final/end of course exam (dates provided by teacher).
Students who are unable to attend the on-site orientation on May 31st, the two mandatory onsite blended sessions, and the required on-site End of Course/final exams should not enroll in the online-blended courses offered during the 2016 Summer School Session. No exceptions to this requirement will be allowed. / Online-Blended Courses Requirements
Students participating in an online course must:
- Have access to a computer with Internet connection (onsite computer option available)
- Attend an onsite course orientation on May 31st at 8:45am.
- Log into the course management system routinely and actively participate in course instruction
- Check district email routinely
- Attend two out of the five face-to-face onsite sessions (dates/times provided during orientation)
- Attend onsite Final/End of Course Exam
Online - Blended Advancement Courses
Students need to place a number by each course using “1” as first choice, “2” as second choice, “3” as third choice.
Select One
R=Remote Access: Use of Home computer
O=Onsite Access: Use of computer on campus / Completion of these courses = 1 CREDIT
ACT Prep / R / O / General Elective
American History / R / O / Social Studies Elective
Psychology / R / O / Social Studies Elective
Personal Finance and Computer Applications
(12th grade only) / R / O / Practical Art
Animation/Game Design(Prerequisite-Computer Science) / R / O / Practical Art
Creative Writing / R / O / English Language Art
Enriched ELA III / R / O / English Language Art
Government / R / O / Social Studies Elective
Marketing Concepts / R / O / Practical Art
Marketing Internship (Instructor approval) / R / O / Practical Art
Health & Personal Wellness / R / O / ½ Health
½ Practical Art
The following courses are offered as ½ credit courses.
(1, 2) / COURSE TITLE / Session #1
6/1 – 6/19
8:45–1:15PM / Session #2
June 22 – July 10
(no class July 4)
8:45–1:15 PM / Completion of these courses = ½ CREDIT
Health (State of MO requirement for diploma) / R O / R O / ½ Health
Personal Wellness (requirement for diploma through class of 2017-only) / R O / R O / ½ Practical Art
Personal Finance (State of MO Requirement for diploma) / R O / R O / ½ Practical Art
Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Counselor SignatureDate