Scope of the conference

Tourism is unevenly distributed across the national territory; therefore a better understanding of tourism activity at sub-national level will be instrumental for a more efficient policy design at national level. Thus, sub-national measurement and analysis of tourism becomes an extremely relevant issue.

The present MOVE2013 Conference is organized within the conceptual framework of the International Network on Regional Economics, Mobility and Tourism (INRouTe), an initiative promoted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This network is dedicated to advancing policy-oriented measurement and analysis of tourism in order to provide operational guidance to entities involved with regional and local tourism destinations.

The target audiences of the MOVE2013 conference are tourism practitioners (tourism officials who commission surveys and research, and the technicians who undertake them) and different key stakeholders in relevant tourism destinations (public institutes and agencies, universities, research centers, industry associations, trade bodies and specialized firms).

This conference wants to accommodate research as well as traditional and other innovative measurement methodologies, provided that the study area is subnational in scope and they address the following topics:

Topic 1– Tourism Observatories

Topic 2– Visitors Behavior Measurement and Deconstruction of Tourism Destinations Demand


Typologies of Visitors

Tourism Products


Topic 3– Meeting Industry

Tourism Observatories

The design of a Regional Tourism Observatory as proposed by INRouTe is conceived to be the necessary institutional tool for the setting up of a Regional Tourism Information System (R-TIS) and its sustainability. The setting up of a R-TIS is not just a technical challenge associated to the creation of a database: it goes well beyond that issue. It also requires an institutional tool in order to bring together legitimacy and credibility for regional tourism and assist to the sustainability of such system. The design of a Tourism Observatory as proposed by INRouTe should consider the following elements: The strategic objective / Programmes / Activities / Assessing the effectiveness of programmes implementation / Technological infrastructure and other resources.

Visitors Behavior Measurement and Deconstruction of Tourism Destinations Demand

Household and borders surveys are the main methodologies used for the measurement and analysis of tourism nationwide. However, when knowing what does a visitor do when he/she is in a certain destination turns to be key for designing tourism policies, such surveys fall short. Assuming that national or regional surveys should be the basis for comparison at the national and international levels, it seems also necessary to establish a set of guidelines for performance measurement and analysis of sub-regional tourism. The collection of detailed information on the behavior at the destinations, the visited points, the means of transport used, and the associated costs, requires new forms of measurement. Gaining further knowledge on these aspects means advancing on the measurement of typologies, products and itineraries.

Meetings Industry

The present conference is interested in making advances on constructing a coherent and systematic picture of the economic relevance of the Meetings Industry in regional economies, specifically evaluating different options to measure the Meetings Industry linkage to tourism.


Research papers (10-20pages) and extended abstracts (2-3 pages) are invited and will be rigorously evaluated for novelty, significance, and soundness. Papers and extended abstracts should clearly state the background, introduction, purpose, theory / issues, methodology, results, conclusions and managerial / industry / social implications of the study, and be fully referenced with appropriate citations.

1. All papers & abstracts must be submitted in English

2. Extended abstract (2-3pages) should be written with the aim of making it interesting and comprehensible to participants in general and not only to specialists in the topic. It must follow ‘CFP_exAB_template’ format.

3. Full papers (10-20 pages) must not exceed a maximum of TWENTY pages (when typed with 1-spaced in 10 point Cambria font on standard A4 sheets). They should be written with the aim of making it interesting and comprehensible to participants in general and not only to specialists in the topic. It must follow ‘CFP_FP_template’ format.

  • All submitted material (text, tables, graphs and figures) must be compiled in one file, Word (doc or docx).
  • Title Page including the following information:
  • Subtitle: Name and number of Research Area (Number, title) (if other, please specify)
  • Name(s) of the author(s) (first name, last name)
  • Institution, department, position, Street Address,City, country
  • E-mail address, telephone, fax
  • References: all references should be in alphabetical order, indicated in the text by name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication in round parentheses.
  • All submitted material need to specify to which topic it corresponds.

Note I: Conference sessions will offer simultaneous translation in English and Spanish.

For general inquiries, or authors unable to submit papers via e-mail please contact


Deadline for extended abstracts submission: / September 16th
Acceptance of extended abstracts for presentation within MOVE2013 subject to adjustments submission: / September 30th
Deadline for full papers submission: / October 16th
Final acceptance for full paper publication: / October 25th
Conference MOVE2013 / November 6th, 7th& 8th2013

Authors are expected to submit an extended abstract, and if accepted, then their full paper. Acceptance of extended abstract guarantees its authors a slot within MOVE2013 agenda for presentation. Once the extended abstract has been accepted, authors are expected to register for the conference for its presentation.

Acceptance of full paper guarantees the contribution will be included in MOVE2013 website and if the conference proceedings compilation is edited the full paper will be published therein.

CFP_exAB_template and CFP_FP_Template are available in the conference website:

Please send your abstract to:

Contact for Registration:

Berta Luz Manco