We are happy that you have decided to join the Las Palmas family or that you are considering your future serving with us. Please take some time to review this information that was gathered by former and current teachers to help better prepare you for life in San Pedro and with Las Palmas Christian School.
Feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Alisa Lynn Cunningham - Director
- Individual salaries will be discussed; however, the base salary in American dollars is between $400-$515 per MONTH
- The difference may be due to the value of the dollar
- OR – the number of classes or days you teach during the week
- OR – if you are single or married without children – your salary includes housing which makes the amount greater
- Extra pay will be given to those who:
- Have earned a degree of higher learning (Masters, Doctorate)
- Are bilingual (meaning you could teach in both languages)
- All teachers will be provided basic Dominican insurance for the term of the contract.
- This insurance is only good here in the Dominican Republic.
- You may opt to purchase more insurance (a better plan that will cover more or have better hospital options) for an additional cost.
- The insurance only covers the employee.
- If you have a family, you may purchase insurance for other family members through the school.
- All teachers will receive a small Christmas bonus in December.
- Teachers will need to have a Business Visa for Employment Purposes for the duration of their contract.
- We will help you with this process once you have been hired and have an official contract
- SINGLE TEACHERS (besides housing) will also receive:
- 10 free lunches per month
- MARRIED TEACHERS WITH CHILDREN will receive free tuition for their children; however…
- The Matriculation, registration and book fees will be the responsibility of the parent
- Children’s records including registering students that have previously been in school in another country with the Ministry of Education
- School uniforms will be the responsibility of the parent
The following information concerning the costs and set up of a home, transportation, activities, food, etc – will help you determine your monthly budget while serving with us in San Pedro. Some things you will NEED and others are optional.
Please look over the following lists and let us know if you have questions. You need to remember that prices change and we can’t guarantee that what we have listed here will be true when you arrive.
What You Will NEED To Buy When You Get Here (unless you move in with someone who is already established and has some of these things)
Fan= $75.00-$100.00
Stove Top= $35.00-$40.00
Stove with oven= $150.00-$200.00
Bed and mattress= $150.00-$400.00
Dresser= $100-$200
Gas tank for your stove= $35.00-$40.00
- Gas will be $10-$15 to fill up the tank. You will only need to fill this up approximately 1 time per year.
Small Washing machine=$150.00-$250.00
Monthly Budget - approximatly
Internet = $45.00 a month
Electricity= $35.00 (this depends on you)
Motorcycle taxis= $60.00 a month
Groceries/eating out= $175.00-$250.00 a month
Rent= approximately $200-$300 a month
Miscellaneous= $200.00
BASIC Budget= $715.00-$890.00 a month
- This does not include money budgeted for extra activities/airline tickets.
What You May Want To Bring For Your Classroom
- Bulletin Board Decorations
- Pocket Charts
- Reading books for a classroom library. We are currently working to expand our library at the school.
What To Bring For Yourself/ Your Home
While you will find many items here such as plates, pots, pans, home décor items, etc….you may notice that certain TYPES of plates, pans, etc will not be available. (For example: non-stick pans are hard to find). Also, you may be surprised at the cost of some items…(A microwave that sells at Walmart for $50 can be $150 here!)
The following list was composed by some former and current teachers. These are things that are either hard to find or more expensive here:
1. Crockpot
2. Towels
3. Make up
4. Sheets
5. Pillows
6. Cash (at least 50.00 for your first day)
7. Something from home that will remind you of your family and friends.
8. Pots/pans
9. Movies
10. Books
11. Anything that will make you feel more comfortable here.
12. Any electronic device (hair dryer, curling iron, etc.)
13. Umbrella
14. Flashlight
15. Hairspray
16. Vitamins
17. Feminine Hygiene Products
18. Candles/ air freshener
19. Razor blades
20. Ibuprofen
21. Contact solution
What NOT to bring
1. An American cell phone with an international plan. That will be more expensive and more of a hassle than having a Dominican cell phone and using your computer to communicate with people in the US.
2. Anything valuable that cannot be replaced. Although we have not had many problems, there is a possibility of things being lost or stolen. Any irreplaceable items should stay with friends or family in The States.
The following is a list of questions that are often asked of those that are considering partnering with us to teach at Las Palmas.
1. What happens when I get to the DR?
After you get off the plane, you will follow the line of people to buy a tourist card. It is $10.00 (cash only). After you get the card, follow the line through immigration to customs. At customs pick up your luggage and keep following the crowd. A representative from Las Palmas will be out in the waiting area looking for you.
2. Do I need a work visa?
Yes, you need to apply for a Business Work Visa. The information concerning this process is found by going online to a Dominican consulate in the US – We will provide a contract letter from here once you decide you will come and you are ready to apply for your visa. There is much detail and paperwork involved in this and it is easier to explain once we have the chance to SKYPE and give the explanation – plus, I will send websites and info once you have decided to come. The processing fee is approximately $125 plus your medical fees and background checks. It can be costly – especially since you will have to apply for residency once you are in country. The total cost can be upwards of $700 or more and the process will take approximately 3-6 weeks. Do not let this scare you away – we have many that have gone through the process and can work with you to “make it happen!”
3. Do I need to be a certified teacher?
We are currently applying for accreditation with ACSI. We ask that you apply for your teacher certification through them by going to their website at If you already have a certification with ACSI – please be sure it is current and send a copy along with your application. Questions concerning the certification can be addressed when we set up a skype interview. The cost for ACSI is approximately $75.
We ask that applicants have a 4 year college degree to be considered as a teacher for a regular classroom. While there are exceptions (for example a nurse teaching a high school Biology class) – we prefer that our teachers have degrees in education and our high school teachers have minors or experience in their subject area. If your degree is in anything other than education – please discuss this with me during our time together. If God has called you here – He will provide a way for you to be a part of Las Palmas family.
3. What should I wear?
- Casual dress
- Bermuda shorts
- Tank tops, t-shirts, polos, etc.
- Jeans
- Capris
- Anything cool!!!!!!
- COMFORTABLE WORK SHOES (Not tennis shoes or flip flops)
- Church dress
- Nice jeans/blouse
- Dress pants/ blouse
- Skirt/blouse
- Dress
- Men should wear nice polo shirts or casual button-up shirts
- No spaghetti straps or short shorts (you can wear these in your home – but, on the street, in stores, etc. you need to avoid running shorts or other short shorts)
- DRVision and Las Palmas strive to honor God in all areas. This includes dress. Please dress in a way that is modest, professional when at school , and always pleasing to the Lord.
4. Is there a school uniform?
Currently, we do not have uniforms for the teachers. We have had shirts in the past and may have them in the future. Professional and appropriate dress is important which may include: Ladies can wear dress pants, dress capris, or skirts. No jeans or flip flops. Guys can wear khakis or dress pants. On Fridays, we have casual day and teachers are able to wear jeans. Again, please refrain from wearing tank tops that are less than four finger width wide at the shoulders, or pants that have outside pockets or stitching (all carry a non-professional look).
5. Can I buy a cell phone?
Yes. We will make time before school starts to go purchase a prepaid phone. Minute cards are available all over town and a cell phone can easily be purchased. This allows you to call anyone here and even in the states.
A cell phone plan is available for $15.00 a month with an eighteen month service plan. This plan includes 25 texts and 100 minutes.
If you have an iPhone or Android where you can get a phone chip inserted- that is the best way to do it- one teacher paid $2 for a chip and she can call and text here by paying for minutes
6. How do I get money?
- When you first arrive, we can exchange what American dollars you have for pesos
- ATM’s are at the grocery stores – bank fees and ATM fees will be charged
- Your pay each month will be in pesos
- If you have an American bank – you can have money deposited there and you can write a check for the money and have it cashed in the city.
7. How do I do laundry?
It is highly recommended that you budget money to purchase a washing machine. You may use the local laundry mat, but it can become pricey.
8. How do I get mail?
There are some companies that are in San Pedro that – for a fee – will allow you to have items shipped into the city. We can discuss options with you when you arrive as these companies change addresses frequently.
It is difficult to mail things out – most of us usually ask someone from a group or another missionary that is traveling back to the States to take envelopes that we need mailed.
9. Should I get a one way ticket or round trip?
One way tickets are typically the cheapest and easiest option. The school schedule is subject to change. Buying one way allows you to be more flexible. The Dominican Republic is one country in which you will not have to have a round trip ticket to purchase; however, if there is a problem – we can supply a letter that will help with your purchase of a one-way ticket.
10. What do we do for fun?
Although you are here for ministry, it is important that you have time to enjoy life apart from Las Palmas. The teachers get together to watch movies, play games, go shopping, etc. Trips are made to other parts of the country to see historical sites, whale watching, to explore mountains, hiking and beaches.
11. Are there any American restaurants in the Dominican?
In San Pedro there is Dominos and McDonalds.
The local restaurants are very good.
In La Romana (20 minutes away) there is a Multi-Plaza with a food court that includes Subway, Nathan’s hotdogs, Burger King and Pizza Hut.
In Santo Domingo (45 minutes away) there is Outback, TGIFridays, Chili’s, Wendy’s, Krispy Kreme, Fudruckers, KFC, Taco Bell, Carl’s Jr. and more in the malls.
12. What cultural things do I need to know?
- It is cultural to hiss to get people’s attention and get hissed at a lot.
- The electricity may go out a couple times a week. It is nice to have candles handy.
- Americans stand out here so be prepared for people to stare. It is okay.
- Everyone rides motorcycles everywhere. Imagine New York City taxis. We wave down (hiss at) motorcycles on the road and hop on the back. They are safe and about a dollar each way.
- It is very hot and humid. It is important that you drink water to stay hydrated. You should not drink tap water EVER. You can buy 5 gallon jugs for $2.00.
- You cannot flush toilet paper.
13. How do I call home?
With internet, you can use skype, facetime, etc. Some teachers have a Magicjack. It plugs into a computer and lets you call home with a regular phone. They are $45.00 at WalMart with a $20.00 yearly fee. Your family can call you and you can call them with no international fees.
If you have Google voice, you can use that but you must set that up before you leave the United States. It is not possible to set up the number once you arrive in the DR.
14. How do I get paid from Las Palmas?
All teachers receive their pay on the 15thand 30th of the month. This pay includes salary and additional benefits. Your pay will be in pesos.
15. Is it safe?
This is normally the first question asked. It is safe if you are safe and aware about where you go and what you do. It is recommended that you do not go anywhere alone or at night. Be aware of your surroundings and do not take valuable things with you.
16. What is the school’s philosophy of tattoos, dancing, drinking, and smoking?
Las Palmas adheres to the principles of I Corinthians 3:6-17; 6:19-20. All employees practice abstinence from dancing, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, and drugs.
Personal appearance is important in the Dominican culture.. Therefore, to maintain a positive testimony:
- Tattoos are to be covered at all times and just as a warning – you may be questioned as to your spiritual state if you have tattoos. Keeping them covered and signing our contract stating that you will refrain from getting more while employed here – will help us in defending your position to those that may question why you are working with us.
- Piercings other than ONE earring is not viewed as something that is professional and is often associated with prostitution. We ask that while you are at school you only wear one earring.
17. What are the views of homosexuality?
Las Palmas believes that God recognizes homosexuality as sin, and would be no different than the sin of adultry. A sexual relationship with someone other than a spouse (man and woman) goes directly against God’s word and will not be tolerated.
18. How long is the work day?
Teachers are to be at the school 30 minutes before school starts and be available for 30 minutes after school is over. School begins at 7:45 and ends at 1:30 for elementary school and 2:30 for 7th grade and higher.
19. How long is a teacher contract?
All teachers at The Palms must sign a one year contract. This contract beings on the first day of in-service (August) and ends on the last day of post planning (June).