WAUM Children’s Ministries

Activity Reporting

Field: Sierra Leone Mission

Quarter: First

Year: 2012

Submitted by: Sis Cecilia Abdul-Shereef


The WAD strategic plan is directed to engage the ministry to cover activities under Reach Up, Reach Across and Reach Out as follows:

Reach Up – to God thru bible study and prayer, children lesson study guide and the spirit of prophecy resulting in revival and faithfulness

Reach Across the barriers that to divide us as a family, endeavoring to disciple, nurture every child in the life and mission of the church

Reach Out to children as a friendly church that puts Christ’s children first, invite children to fellowship and make a difference daily in the community.


  1. Reach Up
  • The Sabbath school lesson study guide made available for the classes – these were downloaded from the CHM General Conference website, printed and distributed to all the churches
  • Encouraging the children in the 777 Prayer Kids initiative and sensitizing both parents and teachers to participate in the children’s prayer
  • Children’s choir –this has taken ground in two churches so far and plans are under way to have it established in the other churches
  • Children’s church – a new initiative established in one church so far
  1. Reach Across
  • Training of the new children’s department teachers for this year on Understanding child development
  • Characteristics of kindergarteners – Physical, social mental, emotional, spiritual
  • Understanding Primaries – Physical, social, mental, emotional, spiritual
  1. Reach Out
  • Children reaching out to other children living around the church community thru visitation and sharing of tracts and also the police station and clinics in singing ministry


Our biggest challenge is to get report from all the churches. For whatever reason, the report coming from the churches especially the statistical report is always a problem. Leaders do not heed the so many calls made for reports to be sent and this is what causes my own delay to send the reports on time. The statistics given in this report are only from 5 out of 10 churches. We pray that the good Lord gives us a better vision on this.

Another challenge is to get the lesson study materials downloaded from the internet, printed and circulated to the churches on time at the beginning of the new quarter and it is definitely not easy. Sometimes this happens only after the second or third Sabbath as the case may be. We well continue to do our best



Country:Sierra Leone______District: ______

Church/Company name: ______Location: ______

Children’s Director Name: Cecilia Abdul-Shereef - Email

Contact #: 00232 76619072 - Quarter: 1st Date: 8th April 2012

  1. Number of children under the age of 15 in 4 congregations....77....
  1. Number of children teachers in 8 Churches…19
  1. Number of vacation bible held in your Church/district ……………………………….. ______
  1. Number of children attending vacation Bible school ……………………………………… ______
  1. Seventh day Adventist children……………………………………… ______
  1. Non seventh day Adventist children ……………………………….. ______
  1. Number of evangelistic outreach carried out this quarter ………………………………… ______
  1. Number of Leaders /Teachers Training Event conducted this quarter…………. __1______
  1. Number of children baptize this quarter under the age of 15 years ……………… ______
  1. Number of baptism classes for children - 3
  1. Number of child preacher in 5 church ………………………………………………………. __5______
  2. Number of service /out -reach program carried out in which children took part __1______
  3. (Eg; tracts, Prison Visit, relief items given out etc. ) , ………………………………………. ______
  4. Number of children Bible clubs in your church...... ______
  5. Number of retreat held ………………………………………………………………………………………… ______
  6. Number of children Ministry Coordinators ………………………………………………………. __5_____

Please photocopy for each quarter and fill-in send to:

Mrs. CeceliaA. Fayia

WAUM Children Ministry Director

P O Box 857

Old Road Sinkor

Monrovia, Liberia

Workshop for teachers on Understanding Child Development

Our latest children’s choir


Children’s church during service

After Service