Community Action Partnership

Community Needs Assessment Online Tool

Report Area

Orange County

Data Category

Population Profile | Employment | Education | Housing | Income | Nutrition | Health Care

Population Profile

Data Indicators
•Population Change
•Age and Gender Demographics
•Race Demographics
•Veterans, Age and Gender Demographics
•Poverty Rate Change / •Households in Poverty
•Poverty Rate (ACS)
•Families in Poverty by Family Type
•Family Poverty Rate by Family Type
•Poverty Rate Change (Age 0-17)
•Poverty Rate Change (Age 0-4) / •Poverty Rate Change (Age 5-17)
•Child Poverty Rate (ACS) Ages 0-17
•Child Poverty Rate (ACS) Ages 0-4
•Child Poverty Rate (ACS) Ages 5-17
•Seniors in Poverty

Population Change

Population change within the report area from 2000-2014 is shown below. During the fourteen-year period, total population estimates for the report area grew by 33.9 percent, increasing from 896,344 persons in 2000 to 1,200,241 persons in 2014.

Report Area / Total Population,
2014 ACS / Total Population,
2000 Census / Population Change from 2000-2014 Census/ACS / Percent Change from 2000-2014 Census/ACS
Orange County / 1,200,241 / 896,344 / 303,897 / 33.9%
Florida / 19,361,792 / 15,982,378 / 3,379,414 / 21.14%
United States / 314,107,083 / 281,421,906 / 32,685,177 / 11.61%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. US Census Bureau, Decennial Census. 2010-14. Source geography: County
/ Percent Change in Population

Orange County (33.9%)
Florida (21.14%)
United States (11.61%)

/ Population, Density (Persons per Sq Mile) by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 5,000
1,001 - 5,000
501 - 1,000
51 - 500
Under 51
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Age and Gender Demographics

Population by gender within the report area is shown below. According to ACS 2010-2014 5 year population estimates for the report area, the female population comprised 50.99% of the report area, while the male population represented 49.01%.

Report Area / 0 to 4
Male / 0 to 4
Female / 5 to 17
Male / 5 to 17
Female / 18 to 64
Male / 18 to 64
Female / Over 64
Male / Over 64
Orange County / 38,904 / 37,100 / 102,503 / 98,322 / 396,282 / 404,592 / 48,319 / 69,630
Florida / 550,003 / 526,833 / 1,506,101 / 1,438,040 / 5,836,463 / 5,985,792 / 1,394,557 / 1,946,476
United States / 10,205,881 / 9,767,830 / 27,510,156 / 26,293,790 / 97,973,928 / 99,177,536 / 16,888,374 / 24,352,764

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County

/ Median Age by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 45.0
40.1 - 45.0
35.1 - 40.0
Under 35.1
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Adult Ages (18 - 65)

Report Area / 18 to 24
Male / 18 to 24
Female / 25 to 34
Male / 25 to 34
Female / 35 to 44
Male / 35 to 44
Female / 45 to 54
Male / 45 to 54
Female / 55 to 64
Male / 55 to 64
Orange County / 73,166 / 72,099 / 96,264 / 95,713 / 84,438 / 85,688 / 82,680 / 84,757 / 59,734 / 66,335
Florida / 912,288 / 866,931 / 1,213,151 / 1,195,091 / 1,200,421 / 1,219,015 / 1,346,433 / 1,399,993 / 1,164,170 / 1,304,762
United States / 16,011,111 / 15,262,186 / 21,302,940 / 21,007,244 / 20,269,464 / 20,453,576 / 21,787,084 / 22,461,100 / 18,603,324 / 19,993,436

Race Demographics

Population by gender within the report area is shown below. According to ACS 2010-2014 5 year population estimates, the white population comprised 68.96% of the report area, black population represented 22.02%, and other races combined were 9.01%. Persons identifying themselves as mixed race made up 3.29% of the population.

Report Area / White
Total / Black
Total / American
Total / Asian
Total / Native
Total / Mixed
Orange County / 780,991 / 249,396 / 3,079 / 60,313 / 1,493 / 37,207
Florida / 14,747,196 / 3,114,841 / 59,121 / 490,833 / 12,128 / 453,399
United States / 231,849,712 / 39,564,784 / 2,565,520 / 15,710,659 / 535,761 / 9,125,751

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County

/ Population, Minority (Non-White), Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 25.0%
10.1 - 25.0%
5.1 - 10.0%
Under 5.1%
No Minority Population Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Race Demographics - Male

Report Area / White
Male / Black
Male / American
Male / Asian
Total / Native
Male / Mixed
Orange County / 387,904 / 119,400 / 1,778 / 28,215 / 944 / 18,471
Florida / 7,230,977 / 1,497,677 / 30,645 / 226,371 / 6,149 / 224,868
United States / 114,486,928 / 18,890,320 / 1,276,077 / 7,452,023 / 268,974 / 4,540,961

Ethnicity Demographics - Male

Report Area / Total Males Hispanic / Latino / Total Males Not Hispanic / Latino / Percent Males Hispanic / Latino / Percent Males Not Hispanic / Latino
Orange County / 166,043 / 424,554 / 28.11% / 71.89%
Florida / 2,231,622 / 7,233,029 / 23.58% / 76.42%
United States / 26,877,496 / 127,637,656 / 17.39% / 82.61%

Race Demographics - Female

Report Area / White
Female / Black
Female / American
Female / Asian
Female / Native
Female / Mixed
Orange County / 393,087 / 129,996 / 1,301 / 32,098 / 549 / 18,736
Florida / 7,516,219 / 1,617,164 / 28,476 / 264,462 / 5,979 / 228,531
United States / 117,362,784 / 20,674,464 / 1,289,443 / 8,258,636 / 266,787 / 4,584,790

Ethnicity Demographics - Female

Report Area / Total Females Hispanic / Latino / Total Females Not Hispanic / Latino / Percent Females Hispanic / Latino / Percent Females Not Hispanic / Latino
Orange County / 171,828 / 437,816 / 28.18% / 71.82%
Florida / 2,285,569 / 7,611,572 / 23.09% / 76.91%
United States / 26,192,600 / 133,399,320 / 16.41% / 83.59%

Veterans, Age and Gender Demographics

Veterans, Age and Gender Demographics show the number of veterans living in the report area. 6.92%% of the adult population in the report area are veterans, which is less than the national average of 8.99%.

Report Area / Veterans
Total / Veterans
Male / Veterans
Female / % Pop over 18
Total / % Pop over 18
Males / % Pop over 18
Orange County / 63,872 / 58,173 / 5,699 / 6.92% / 12.97% / 1.2%
Florida / 1,538,636 / 1,421,854 / 116,782 / 10.07% / 19.31% / 1.47%
United States / 20,700,712 / 19,125,266 / 1,575,445 / 8.65% / 16.5% / 1.28%

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County

/ Veterans, Percent of Total Population by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 13%
11.1 - 13.0%
9.1 - 11.0%
Under 9.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Veterans by Age

Report Area / Veteran Age
18-34 / Veteran Age
18-34 / Veteran Age
35-54 / Veteran Age
35-54 / Veteran Age
55-64 / Veteran Age
55-64 / Veteran Age
Over 65 / Veteran Age
Over 65
Orange County / 5,663 / 926 / 16,783 / 2,827 / 13,134 / 1,142 / 22,593 / 804
Florida / 82,089 / 19,797 / 301,269 / 51,446 / 281,739 / 22,582 / 756,757 / 22,957
United States / 1,401,694 / 327,201 / 4,417,596 / 701,648 / 4,240,307 / 282,898 / 9,065,669 / 263,698


2014 poverty estimates show a total of 222,654 persons living below the poverty level in the report area. Poverty information is at 100% of the federal poverty income guidelines

Report Area / All Ages
No of Persons / All Ages
Poverty Rate / Age 0-17
No of Persons / Age 0-17
Poverty Rate / Age 5-17
No of Persons / Age 5-17
Poverty Rate
Orange County / 222,654 / 18.2% / 71,168 / 25.4% / 47,650 / 23.5%
Florida / 6,462,284 / 16.60% / 1,925,714 / 24.18% / 1,332,614 / 22.91%
United States / 48,208,387 / 15.5% / 15,686,012 / 21.7% / 10,714,518 / 20.4%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income Poverty Estimates. 2013. Source geography: County
/ All Ages
Poverty Rate

Orange County (18.2%)
Florida (16.60%)
United States (15.5%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Percent by County, SAIPE 2013
Over 22.0%
18.1 - 22.0%
15.1 - 18.0%
12.1 - 15.0%
Under 12.1%
Report Area

Poverty Rate Change

Poverty rate change in the report area from 2000 to 2014 is shown below. According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for the area increased by 7.3%, compared to a national increase of 4.2%.

Report Area / Persons in Poverty
2000 / Poverty Rate
2000 / Persons in Poverty
2014 / Poverty Rate
2014 / Change in Poverty Rate
Orange County / 99,353 / 10.9% / 222,654 / 18.2% / 7.3%
Florida / 3,754,793 / 11.71% / 6,462,284 / 16.6% / 4.88%
United States / 31,581,086 / 11.3% / 48,208,387 / 15.5% / 4.2%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income Poverty Estimates. 2013. Source geography: county
/ Change in Poverty Rate

Orange County (7.3)
Florida (4.88)
United States (4.2)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Percent by County, SAIPE 2013
Over 22.0%
18.1 - 22.0%
15.1 - 18.0%
12.1 - 15.0%
Under 12.1%
Report Area

Households in Poverty

The number and percentage of households in poverty are shown in the report area. In 2014, it is estimated that there were 67787 households, or 16%, living in poverty within the report area.

Report Area / Total Households / Households
in Poverty / Percent Households
in Poverty
Orange County / 423,609 / 67,787 / 16%
Florida / 7,217,508 / 1,094,402 / 15.2%
United States / 116,211,088 / 16,758,156 / 14.4%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County
/ Percent Households
in Poverty

Orange County (16%)
Florida (15.2%)
United States (14.4%)

/ Households Living Below the Poverty Level, Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 20.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
10.1 - 15.0%
Under 10.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Poverty Rate (ACS)

The following report section shows population estimates for all persons in poverty for report area. According to the American Community Survey 5 year estimates, an average of 17.75 percent of all persons lived in a state of poverty during the 2010 - 2014 period. The poverty rate for all persons living in the report area is greater than the national average of 15.59 percent.

Report Area / Total Population / Population in Poverty / Percent Population in Poverty
Orange County / 1,169,707 / 207,658 / 17.75%
Florida / 18,946,216 / 3,159,259 / 16.67%
United States / 306,226,400 / 47,755,608 / 15.59%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: Tract
/ Percent Population in Poverty

Orange County (17.75%)
Florida (16.67%)
United States (15.59%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 20.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
10.1 - 15.0%
Under 10.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Population in Poverty by Gender

Report Area / Total Male / Total Female / Percent Male / Percent Female
Orange County / 96,172 / 111,486 / 16.78% / 18.69%
Florida / 1,438,816 / 1,720,443 / 15.65% / 17.64%
United States / 21,461,752 / 26,293,856 / 14.33% / 16.81%

Population in Poverty by Ethnicity Alone

Report Area / Total Hispanic / Latino / Total Not Hispanic / Latino / Percent Hispanic / Latino / Percent Not Hispanic / Latino
Orange County / 77,737 / 129,921 / 23.35% / 15.53%
Florida / 971,507 / 2,187,752 / 21.83% / 15.09%
United States / 12,880,559 / 34,875,048 / 24.77% / 13.72%

Population in Poverty Race Alone, Percent

Report Area / White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 14.28% / 26.7% / 28.91% / 14.95% / 11.59% / 26.11% / 19.26%
Florida / 13.97% / 28.1% / 23.93% / 12.96% / 16.86% / 26.75% / 20.15%
United States / 12.76% / 27.33% / 28.79% / 12.7% / 20.73% / 27.09% / 20.33%

Population in Poverty by Race Alone, Total

Report Area / White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 108,558 / 64,609 / 860 / 8,894 / 170 / 17,557 / 7,010
Florida / 2,023,478 / 841,140 / 13,716 / 62,827 / 1,988 / 127,078 / 89,032
United States / 28,912,690 / 10,351,976 / 714,053 / 1,957,794 / 107,874 / 3,914,622 / 1,796,597

Families in Poverty by Family Type

The number of families in poverty by type are shown in the report area. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there were 36463 families living in poverty within the report area.

Report Area / Total Families / Families in Poverty
Total / Families in Poverty
Married Couples / Families in Poverty
Male Householder / Families in Poverty
Female Householder
Orange County / 272,230 / 36,463 / 12,754 / 4,136 / 19,573
Florida / 4,650,162 / 566,521 / 224,531 / 62,544 / 279,446
United States / 76,958,064 / 8,824,660 / 3,200,772 / 948,419 / 4,675,469

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County

/ Married Family Households Living Below the Poverty Level, Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 9.0%
6.1 - 9.0%
3.1 - 6.0%
Under 3.1%
No Married Families Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Family Poverty Rate by Family Type

The percentage of households in poverty by household type are shown for the report area. It is estimated that 13.4% of all households were living in poverty within the report area, compared to the national average of 11.5%. Of the households in poverty, female headed households represented 53.7% of all households in poverty, compared to 35% and 11.3% of households headed by males and married couples, respectively.

Report Area / Poverty Rate
All Types / Percent of Poverty
Married Couples / Percent of Poverty
Male Householder / Percent of Poverty
Female Householder
Orange County / 13.4% / 35% / 11.3% / 53.7%
Florida / 12.2% / 39.6% / 11% / 49.3%
United States / 11.5% / 36.3% / 10.7% / 53%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County
/ Percent of Poverty
Female Householder

Orange County (53.7%)
Florida (49.3%)
United States (53%)

/ Single Parent Family Households Living Below the Poverty Level, Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 37.0%
30.1 - 37.0%
23.1 - 30.0%
Under 23.1%
No 1 Parent Households Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Poverty Rate Change (Age 0-17)

The poverty rate change for all children in the report area from 2000 to 2013 is shown below. According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for the area increased by 8.8%, compared to a national increase of 6 percent.

Report Area / Poverty
Age 0-17
2000 / Poverty Rate
Age 0-17
2000 / Poverty
Age 0-17
2014 / Poverty Rate
Age 0-17
2014 / Difference in Rate
Age 0-17
2000 - 2014
Orange County / 39,351 / 16.6% / 71,168 / 25.4% / 8.8%
Florida / 1,327,710 / 17.7% / 1,925,714 / 24.2% / 6.5%
United States / 34,760,451 / 16.2% / 47,056,426 / 21.7% / 5.5%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income Poverty Estimates. 2013. Source geography: County
/ Poverty Rate Change Age 0-17

Orange County (8.8%)
Florida (6.5%)
United States (5.5%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 0-18), Percent by County, SAIPE 2013
Over 30.0%
25.1 - 30.0%
10.1 - 25.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
Under 15.1%
Report Area

Poverty Rate Change (Age 0-4)

Report Area / Poverty
Age 0-4
2000 / Poverty Rate
Age 0-4
2000 / Poverty
Age 0-4
2014 / Poverty Rate
Age 0-4
2014 / Difference in Rate
Age 0-4
2000 - 2014
Orange County / no data / no data / no data / no data / no data
Florida / 197,986 / 19.9% / -389,035 / 26.3% / 6.4%
United States / 7,166,195 / 18.7% / -22,040,488 / 23.7% / 5%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income Poverty Estimates. 2013. Source geography: County
/ Poverty Rate Change Age 0-4

Florida (6.4%)
United States (5%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 0-4), Percent by County, SAIPE 2013
Over 30.0%
25.1 - 30.0%
10.1 - 25.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
Under 15.1%
Report Area

Poverty Rate Change (Age 5-17)

The poverty rate change for all children in the report area from 2000 to 2014 is shown below. According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for the area increased by 8.3%, compared to a national increase of 5.8 percent.

Report Area / Poverty
Age 5-17
2000 / Poverty Rate
Age 5-17
2000 / Poverty
Age 5-17
2014 / Poverty Rate
Age 5-17
2014 / Difference in Rate
Age 5-17
2000 - 2014
Orange County / 25,044 / 15.2% / 47,650 / 23.5% / 8.3%
Florida / 854,974 / 16.1% / 1,332,614 / 22.9% / 6.8%
United States / 22,609,105 / 14.6% / 32,142,455 / 20.4% / 5.8%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income Poverty Estimates. 2013. Source geography: County
/ Poverty Rate Change Age5-17

Orange County (8.3%)
Florida (6.8%)
United States (5.8%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 5-17), Percent by County, SAIPE 2013
Over 30.0%
25.1 - 30.0%
10.1 - 25.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
Under 15.1%
Report Area

Child Poverty Rate (ACS) Ages 0-17

Population and poverty estimates for children age 0-17 are shown for the report area. According to the American Community Survey 5 year data, an average of 25.2% percent of children lived in a state of poverty during the survey calendar year. The poverty rate for children living in the report area is greater than the national average of 21.9 percent.

Report Area / Ages 0-17
Total Population / Ages 0-17
In Poverty / Ages 0-17
Poverty Rate
Orange County / 272,456 / 68,683 / 25.2%
Florida / 3,956,251 / 953,348 / 24.1%
United States / 72,637,888 / 15,907,395 / 21.9%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County
/ Ages 0-17 Poverty Rate

Orange County (25.2%)
Florida (24.1%)
United States (21.9%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 0-17), Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 30.0%
22.6 - 30.0%
15.1 - 22.5%
Under 15.1%
No Population Age 0-17 Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Children in Poverty by Gender: Age 0 - 17

Report Area / Total Male / Total Female / Percent Male / Percent Female
Orange County / 34,744 / 33,939 / 24.99% / 25.44%
Florida / 484,960 / 468,388 / 24.01% / 24.19%
United States / 8,084,329 / 7,823,066 / 21.79% / 22.02%

Children in Poverty by Ethnicity Alone: Age 0 - 17

Report Area / Total Hispanic / Latino / Total Not Hispanic / Latino / Percent Hispanic / Latino / Percent Not Hispanic or Latino
Orange County / 28,378 / 40,305 / 30.86% / 22.33%
Florida / 330,690 / 622,658 / 29.13% / 22.07%
United States / 5,652,576 / 10,254,819 / 32.7% / 18.53%

Children in Poverty by Race Alone, Percent: Age 0 - 17

Report Area / Non-Hispanic White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 11.09% / 39.11% / 59.11% / 16.56% / 10.75% / 35.45% / 21.46%
Florida / 14.68% / 39.17% / 31.92% / 12.82% / 17.37% / 37.08% / 23.67%
United States / 13.17% / 38.59% / 36.53% / 13.21% / 27.61% / 36.41% / 22.84%

Children in Poverty by Race Alone, Total: Age 0 - 17

Report Area / Non-Hispanic White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 10,173 / 27,271 / 425 / 2,005 / 33 / 6,095 / 3,198
Florida / 257,594 / 328,348 / 4,025 / 12,658 / 513 / 47,877 / 46,918
United States / 5,035,863 / 3,984,673 / 258,035 / 436,368 / 40,257 / 1,650,817 / 960,264

Child Poverty Rate (ACS) Ages 0-4

Population and poverty estimates for children age 0-4 are shown for the report area. According to the American Community Survey 5 year data, an average of 27.9% percent of children lived in a state of poverty during the survey calendar year. The poverty rate for children living in the report area is greater than the national average of 24.9 percent.

Report Area / Ages 0-4
Total Population / Ages 0-4
In Poverty / Ages 0-4
Poverty Rate
Orange County / 74,580 / 20,806 / 27.9%
Florida / 1,060,627 / 285,748 / 26.9%
United States / 19,665,142 / 4,892,716 / 24.9%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County
/ Ages 0-4 Poverty Rate

Orange County (27.9%)
Florida (26.9%)
United States (24.9%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 0-4), Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 37.0%
27.1 - 37.0%
17.1 - 27.0%
Under 17.1%
No Population Age 0-4 Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Children in Poverty by Gender: Age 0 - 4

Report Area / Total Male / Total Female / Percent Male / Percent Female

Children in Poverty by Ethnicity Alone: Age 0 - 4

Report Area / Total Hispanic / Latino / Total Not Hispanic / Latino / Percent Hispanic / Latino / Percent Not Hispanic or Latino
United States / 1,780,728 / 3,111,988 / 35.36% / 21.27%

Children in Poverty by Race Alone, Percent: Age 0 - 4

Report Area / Non-Hispanic White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 9.19% / 43.21% / 56.52% / 12.18% / 0% / 45.8% / 23.92%
Florida / 16.13% / 43.61% / 29.22% / 11.91% / 14.18% / 39.72% / 26.33%
United States / 15.19% / 44.2% / 41.19% / 12.36% / 30.28% / 38.76% / 25.7%

Children in Poverty by Race Alone, Total: Age 0 - 4

Report Area / Non-Hispanic White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 2,270 / 8,253 / 117 / 343 / 0 / 2,213 / 1,302
Florida / 71,854 / 100,152 / 997 / 2,990 / 151 / 14,558 / 17,038
United States / 1,499,870 / 1,225,144 / 76,678 / 110,546 / 11,931 / 503,499 / 355,403

Child Poverty Rate (ACS) Ages 5-17

Population and poverty estimates for children age 5-17 are shown for the report area. According to the American Community Survey 5 year data, an average of 24.2% percent of children lived in a state of poverty during the survey calendar year. The poverty rate for children living in the report area is greater than the national average of 20.8 percent.

Report Area / Ages 5-17
Total Population / Ages 5-17
In Poverty / Ages 5-17
Poverty Rate
Orange County / 197,876 / 47,877 / 24.2%
Florida / 2,895,624 / 667,600 / 23.1%
United States / 52,972,744 / 11,014,679 / 20.8%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: County
/ Ages 5-17 Poverty Rate

Orange County (24.2%)
Florida (23.1%)
United States (20.8%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 5-17), Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 29.0%
21.1 - 29.0%
13.1 - 21.0%
Under 13.1%
No Population Age 5-17 Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Children in Poverty by Gender: Age 5 - 17

Report Area / Total Male / Total Female / Percent Male / Percent Female
Orange County / 24,538 / 23,339 / 24.33% / 24.06%
Florida / 338,802 / 328,798 / 22.91% / 23.2%
United States / 5,593,375 / 5,421,304 / 20.67% / 20.92%

Children in Poverty by Ethnicity Alone: Age 5 - 17

Report Area / Total Hispanic / Latino / Total Not Hispanic / Latino / Percent Hispanic / Latino / Percent Not Hispanic or Latino
Orange County / 18,897 / 28,980 / 28.13% / 22.17%
Florida / 229,878 / 437,722 / 28.11% / 21.07%
United States / 3,871,848 / 7,142,831 / 31.6% / 17.54%

Children in Poverty by Race Alone, Percent: Age 5 - 17

Report Area / Non-Hispanic White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 11.79% / 37.56% / 60.16% / 17.89% / 21.71% / 31.41% / 20.05%
Florida / 14.19% / 37.5% / 32.92% / 13.13% / 19.16% / 36.03% / 22.38%
United States / 12.47% / 36.53% / 34.86% / 13.53% / 26.62% / 35.46% / 21.43%

Children in Poverty by Race Alone, Total: Age 5 - 17

Report Area / Non-Hispanic White / Black or African American / Native American / Alaska Native / Asian / Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander / Some Other Race / Multiple Race
Orange County / 7,903 / 19,018 / 308 / 1,662 / 33 / 3,882 / 1,896
Florida / 185,740 / 228,196 / 3,028 / 9,668 / 362 / 33,319 / 29,880
United States / 3,535,993 / 2,759,529 / 181,357 / 325,822 / 28,326 / 1,147,318 / 604,861

Seniors in Poverty

Poverty rates for seniors (persons age 65 and over) are shown below. According to American Community Survey estimates, there were 13153 seniors, or 11% percent, living in poverty within the report area.

Report Area / Ages 65 and Up
Total Population / Ages 65 and Up
In Poverty / Ages 65 and Up
Poverty Rate
Orange County / 119,414 / 13,153 / 11%
Florida / 3,453,205 / 353,406 / 10.2%
United States / 41,871,248 / 3,926,219 / 9.4%
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 2010-14. Source geography: county
/ Ages 65 and Up Poverty Rate

Orange County (11%)
Florida (10.2%)
United States (9.4%)

/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Senior (Age 65 ), Percent by Tract, ACS 2010-14
Over 17.0%
12.1 - 17.0%
7.1 - 12.0%
Under 7.1%
No Population Age 65 Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Poverty by Gender: Age 65 and Up