To Kill A Mockingbird KEY


In order of appearance, as indicated:

Chapters 1-11; Part 1:

  1. AssuageAlleviate, Lessen
  2. DetentionCustody, Imprisonment
  3. Tyrannicaloppressive, dictatorial
  4. Morbidmorose, gloomy
  5. Profaneblasphemous, disrespectful
  6. Compelforce, induce
  7. Scrawlscribble, doodle
  8. Entailmentinvolvement, need
  9. Vexationannoyed
  10. Mortificationembarrass
  11. Speculationtheory, assumption
  12. Amiablefriendly, sociable
  13. Truantabsent
  14. Judiciouslysensibly, with care
  15. Auspiciousfavorable, promising
  16. Sluggishlethargic, slow
  17. Unanimouscommon, agreed
  18. Drearydull, lifeless
  19. Scowlglare, frown
  20. Quellsuppress, put down, subdue
  21. Pursuitchase, hunt, search
  22. Incomprehensibleinexplicable, perplexing
  23. Inquisitivecurious, interested
  24. Quibblenitpick
  25. Ramshacklerickety, falling to pieces
  26. Malignantevil, hateful, spiteful
  27. Hoverfloat, drift
  28. Baffleconfuse, perplex
  29. Meditativethoughtful, calm
  30. Perpetratecommit, carry out
  31. Ingenuousfrank, honest
  32. Guilelessfrank, straightforward
  33. Provocationaggravation, irritation
  34. Evasionavoidance, dodging
  35. Feebleweek, frail
  36. Inconspicuousnot noticeable
  37. Simultaneousconcurrent, at the same time
  38. Jubilanttriumphant, proud
  39. Inaudibleimpossible to hear, out of earshot
  40. propensity tendency, inclination

Chapters 12-30; Part II:

  1. appallingawful
  2. haughtyarrogant, conceited
  3. prerogativeprivilege, right
  4. prefaceintroduction, foreword
  5. resilientflexible
  6. afflictionsuffering, burden
  7. succinctconcise, to the point
  8. futilityuselessness, pointlessness
  9. prominentfamous, well-known
  10. affluentrich, wealthy
  11. sullenmorose, grim
  12. gleancollect, assemble
  13. shriveledshrunken, withered
  14. swivelspin, rotate
  15. exodus mass departure
  16. subtletydelicacy
  17. expungewipe out, erase
  18. sneerscorn
  19. detachmentaloofness, disinterest
  20. caliberquality, ability
  21. relentgive in
  22. quivertremble, shake
  23. furtivesecretive
  24. apprehensionanxiety, uneasiness
  25. vocationjob, profession
  26. spuriousfalse, bogus, fake
  27. obscuredifficult to understand
  28. floridextravagant, fancy
  29. perforatepuncture, prick
  30. spasmshudder, tremor

To Kill A Mockingbird


In order of appearance, as indicated:

Chapters 1-11; Part 1:

  1. Assuage
  2. Detention
  3. Tyrannical
  4. Morbid
  5. Profane
  6. Compel
  7. Scrawl
  8. Entailment
  9. Vexation
  10. Mortification
  11. Speculation
  12. Amiable
  13. Truant
  14. Judiciously
  15. Auspicious
  16. Sluggish
  17. Unanimous
  18. Dreary
  19. Scowl
  20. Quell
  21. Pursuit
  22. Incomprehensible
  23. Inquisitive
  24. Quibble
  25. Ramshackle
  26. Malignant
  27. Hover
  28. Baffle
  29. Meditative
  30. Perpetrate
  31. Ingenuous
  32. Guileless
  33. Provocation
  34. Evasion
  35. Feeble
  36. Inconspicuous
  37. Simultaneous
  38. Jubilant
  39. Inaudible
  40. propensity

Chapters 12-30; Part II:

  1. appalling
  2. haughty
  3. prerogative
  4. preface
  5. resilient
  6. affliction
  7. succinct
  8. futility
  9. prominent
  10. affluent
  11. sullen
  12. glean
  13. shriveled
  14. swivel
  15. exodus
  16. subtlety
  17. expunge
  18. sneer
  19. detachment
  20. caliber
  21. relent
  22. quiver
  23. furtive
  24. apprehension
  25. vocation
  26. spurious
  27. obscure
  28. florid
  29. perforate
  30. spasm