To Kill A Mockingbird KEY
In order of appearance, as indicated:
Chapters 1-11; Part 1:
- AssuageAlleviate, Lessen
- DetentionCustody, Imprisonment
- Tyrannicaloppressive, dictatorial
- Morbidmorose, gloomy
- Profaneblasphemous, disrespectful
- Compelforce, induce
- Scrawlscribble, doodle
- Entailmentinvolvement, need
- Vexationannoyed
- Mortificationembarrass
- Speculationtheory, assumption
- Amiablefriendly, sociable
- Truantabsent
- Judiciouslysensibly, with care
- Auspiciousfavorable, promising
- Sluggishlethargic, slow
- Unanimouscommon, agreed
- Drearydull, lifeless
- Scowlglare, frown
- Quellsuppress, put down, subdue
- Pursuitchase, hunt, search
- Incomprehensibleinexplicable, perplexing
- Inquisitivecurious, interested
- Quibblenitpick
- Ramshacklerickety, falling to pieces
- Malignantevil, hateful, spiteful
- Hoverfloat, drift
- Baffleconfuse, perplex
- Meditativethoughtful, calm
- Perpetratecommit, carry out
- Ingenuousfrank, honest
- Guilelessfrank, straightforward
- Provocationaggravation, irritation
- Evasionavoidance, dodging
- Feebleweek, frail
- Inconspicuousnot noticeable
- Simultaneousconcurrent, at the same time
- Jubilanttriumphant, proud
- Inaudibleimpossible to hear, out of earshot
- propensity tendency, inclination
Chapters 12-30; Part II:
- appallingawful
- haughtyarrogant, conceited
- prerogativeprivilege, right
- prefaceintroduction, foreword
- resilientflexible
- afflictionsuffering, burden
- succinctconcise, to the point
- futilityuselessness, pointlessness
- prominentfamous, well-known
- affluentrich, wealthy
- sullenmorose, grim
- gleancollect, assemble
- shriveledshrunken, withered
- swivelspin, rotate
- exodus mass departure
- subtletydelicacy
- expungewipe out, erase
- sneerscorn
- detachmentaloofness, disinterest
- caliberquality, ability
- relentgive in
- quivertremble, shake
- furtivesecretive
- apprehensionanxiety, uneasiness
- vocationjob, profession
- spuriousfalse, bogus, fake
- obscuredifficult to understand
- floridextravagant, fancy
- perforatepuncture, prick
- spasmshudder, tremor
To Kill A Mockingbird
In order of appearance, as indicated:
Chapters 1-11; Part 1:
- Assuage
- Detention
- Tyrannical
- Morbid
- Profane
- Compel
- Scrawl
- Entailment
- Vexation
- Mortification
- Speculation
- Amiable
- Truant
- Judiciously
- Auspicious
- Sluggish
- Unanimous
- Dreary
- Scowl
- Quell
- Pursuit
- Incomprehensible
- Inquisitive
- Quibble
- Ramshackle
- Malignant
- Hover
- Baffle
- Meditative
- Perpetrate
- Ingenuous
- Guileless
- Provocation
- Evasion
- Feeble
- Inconspicuous
- Simultaneous
- Jubilant
- Inaudible
- propensity
Chapters 12-30; Part II:
- appalling
- haughty
- prerogative
- preface
- resilient
- affliction
- succinct
- futility
- prominent
- affluent
- sullen
- glean
- shriveled
- swivel
- exodus
- subtlety
- expunge
- sneer
- detachment
- caliber
- relent
- quiver
- furtive
- apprehension
- vocation
- spurious
- obscure
- florid
- perforate
- spasm