Tulsa Community College – Metro Campus

Course Syllabus, Fall 2006

PTA 2332 – CLINICAL PRACTICE II - Sections 16683 and 16684


August 21 - December 15 November 27 - December 8

M 12:00 – 12:50 MP 434 Clinical Site - Off Campus


Chairman…….…....…..Jim Pickens, Ph.D Office………..……..………….….MP 458

Phone………….…….…..…918-595-7002 Fax…………....………..….918-595-7019

Course Instructor...Vicki Jurries, MA, PTA Office…………...…….……….….MC 530

Phone……………….………918-595-7299 Email…………..…


1. Academic- All previous PTA coursework with a grade point of “C” or better, or with permission of instructor.

2. Risk Management- Current, valid, and complete Risk Management Packet. See Clinical Education Handbook, page 17. TB test results are only valid for one year,

therefore each student must update this test in order to participate in Rotation 2.


Supervised clinical experience including observation and application of physical therapy services. Group discussion of selected clinical cases in a colloquium format. No lecture. Laboratory 80 hours.


1. PTA Clinical Education Notebook: Updated Skills Section, CPI Instructions, CE Handbook, and Risk Packet. Clinical blue insert assignments supplied later in class.

2. Lab Jacket, TCC patch and nametag, pocket notebook, goniometer, and pen.

3. Computer access. Enrollment in this course automatically grants the student access to the computer lab, the Clinical Practice II BlackBoard, and an individual TCC email address (Mytcc). Course supplementation can be found via the TCC Blackboard server at http://www.tulsacc.edu/, then take “Quick Links” to the TCC Blackboard.

Students are responsible to check BB and Mytcc for any posted messages and updates. The instructor is not responsible for assuring that students receive email. It is advised that students purchase a disk that will allow clinical education assignments to be updated for each rotation.


The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Com-munity College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and personal lives. General Education Goals relevant to this course include Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Civic Responsibility and Computer Proficiency.


Upon the completion of this course, with a minimum of 70% accuracy as determined by the academic instructor, the student will be able to:

General Objectives (for both classroom and clinic):

1. Interact professionally with faculty, staff, patients, and patient’s families.

2. Demonstrate understanding of the Generic Abilities by using them to accurately self-

assess their own professional behaviors.

3. Function at a minimum of “Developing Level” within all ten of the Generic Abilities.

4. Participate in topics currently being discussed within the physical therapy profession.

5. Demonstrate a commitment to learning and professional preparation for the clinical

affiliation by attending and participating in the classroom sessions and group projects.

6. Demonstrate beginning proficiency in the use of the Internet and email communi-


Clinical Preparation Objectives:

7. Taking responsibility for maintaining an updated, valid, and complete Risk Manage-

ment Packet.

8. Identify the framework for physical therapy by naming the four main systems where

intervention take place as per the “Guide to Physical Therapy Practice”.

9. Demonstrate the ability to modify communication based upon the audience when

imparting knowledge and technical skills.

10. Use the Rotation 2 CSIF in preparation for the Rotation 2 cover letter.

11. Compose a cover letter that combines personal professional goals with the possible

opportunities available during Rotation 2

Clinical Rotation Objectives:

12. Locate and be familiar with the Rotation 2 site policies and procedures manual(s).

13. Review and demonstrate understanding of the emergency procedures set forth by

the Rotation 2 facility.

14. Discuss with the Rotation 2 Clinical Instructor any opportunites for unique learning

during the affiliation.

15. Practice any skills, with the direct supervision of a therapist, listed under the

headings of Clinical Practice I and II. See Master Skills sheet.

16. Demonstrate an understanding of HIPAA regulations with all communications.

17. Begin to dialog directly with the patient when imparting instructions for therapeutic


18. Begin to discuss the relationship between the Plan of Care (POC) and the treatment


19. Identify and choose the correct equipment based on patient need and therapeutic


20. Write a beginning level “A” and “P” section using the basic SOAP format.

21. Begin using the correct terminology to describe the assistance level needed by the


22. Begin engaging the physical therapist in discussions about the POC.


Classroom discussions on current topics within the profession will require participation by the student. Several group projects designed to improve communication and pro-mote collegial exchange will also be required.

Clinical field work, including both observational opportunities as well as directly super-vised hands-on practice of skills, will require application of all content up to this point in the program. Students are expected to be prepared to practice in authentic patient situations or simulated scenario’s under the direct supervision of the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant.


1. Academic Faculty:

Students are encouraged to make contact with the instructor however, to assure adequate time and attention, students may want to make an appointment based on the hours of availability posted on the ACCE’s office door. Other college duties, assign-ments, and professional obligations may interfere with impromptu meetings.

2. Clinical Faculty:

Students are expected to contact their Clinical Instructor a minimum of 2 weeks prior to entering the clinic. Students requiring housing will need additional lead-time to make arrangements with the clinical site.

Students may request that the ACCE consider a clinical site not listed in SSCAMP; however, all negotiations are to be conducted by the ACCE, the school, and the clinic. Any student negotiating directly with CI’s or facilities can expect to receive a counseling statement as well as forfeiture of affiliating with that facility.


Assignments are to be word-processed and spell-checked. Good grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are expected on all written work, including SOAP notes. IF neatly done, SOAP notes may be handwritten.

1. Classroom Assignments: (total points = 100)

Risk Management Packet – updated TB test results, 2 copies

CSIF & Cover Letter for Rotation 2

Teaching Body Mechanics to Respiratory Therapy Students

Collaborative Learning Project (pending)

To be announced Project

Resume for Rotation 3

SSCAMP choices for Rotation 3

CPI Self-Assessment

2.  Clinical Rotation 2 Assignments: (total points = 200)

Student Information Sheet – signed by CCCE and/or CI

Attendance sheet - signed by CI

Updated Clinical History

(10) SOAP notes

Patient Diary with treatment rationale

Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) – signed by student and CI

Skills - practice and “check-out” of any skill learned at this point in program

Clinical Evaluations: 1) CPI, 2 & 3) CI CPI, and 4) for student site files

Thank you note to Rotation 2 Clinical Instructor – addressed, stamped


The course grade will be assigned by the academic faculty based upon student per-formance in the following:

1.  Classroom: attendance, participation, and written assignments

2.  Clinical: professionalism, written assignments, and skills practice


90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D* *A minimum grade of ‘C’ is necessary to enroll in subsequent PTA courses.

< 60% = F

Students failing to demonstrate application and generalization of the professional behaviors by the conclusion of this course can expect to receive a lower grade, regardless of the student’s academic performance in the course


Each student is responsible for remaining in compliance with the policies and pro-cedures set forth in the following TCC documents:

·  TCC Catalog, Student Handbook, and Student Code of Conduct

·  TCC PTA Handbook and TCC PTA Clinical Education Handbook*

*Policies addressed in the PTA Clinical Education Handbook include:

·  standards of conduct/ generic abilities or professional behaviors,

·  clinical attendance,

·  personal appearance and dress codes,

·  inclement weather, and school holidays.


1. Attendance Policy:

A total of three absences (classroom and clinical) will result in the final grade being dropped one letter grade. Excessive tardiness may also be interpreted as an absence.

If it becomes necessary for the student to makeup a clinical day, arrangements for notebook submittal must be made before the deadline.

Alternative scheduling of a clinical day secondary to the clinical instructor request is not counted as an absence. Any missed clinical days must be made-up at the convenience of the CI and communicated to the ACCE as soon as possible. Additional information can be found in the Student Responsibilities Section under Attendance and Inclement Weather sections.

2. Due dates and Late Assignments:

All assignments are required in order to pass the course. The omission of one assign- ment, classroom or clinic, will result in an Incomplete in the course.

Classroom assignments- are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Late assignments are subject to a 30% point deduction. No assignments will be accepted after the Friday of the week in which the assignment is due.

Clinical assignments- There are no late clinical assignments.

NON-negotiable deadline for Clinical Notebook Assignments
Monday, December 11, 2006 by 5 p.m.
AH division office on the designated rolling cart

3. Cell phones/Pagers:

Campus police (595-7263) can take phone messages and deliver them to the student in the classroom. As a professional courtesy to other students, please place your cell phone on vibration versus ring mode. Step outside the class to take emergency calls.

4. Plagiarism: (refer to TCC Student Code of Conduct).

can be grounds for dismissal from TCC.

5. Professionalism:

Since must of the course involves group discussion, it is expected that the student will show respect for the differences in opinion among classmates. Adherence to the con- fidentiality and ethical standards set forth in the HIPAA regulations and the PT/PTA Code of Ethics, respectively, is expected of all SPTA’s.

6. Failure To Withdraw Policy:

Failure to withdraw may result in the student’s receiving a regular grade of “F” at the end of the semester

7. ADA Policy:

Students with special needs: Students with documented disabilities are provided academic accommodations through the disabled Student Resource Center (918-595-7115) or Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (918-595-7428/TDD-TTY 981-595-7434). If any student is in need of academic accommodations from either office, it is the student’s responsibility to advise the instructor so an appropriate referral can be made no later than the first week of class. Students may also contact the disabled Student Services Offices directly at the telephone numbers indicated. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS CANNOT BE PROVIDED UNLESS APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION SUPPORTING THE NEED IS SUBMITTED TO THE DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES OFFICES.

Vicki Jurries_PTA 2332_MC_16683_Clinical Practice II_061 Lap>clin courses>2332>courseinfo>Aug>syllabus F06


Due BEFORE Clinical / * unable to enter clinical site without this / 100 pts
9/25 / Rot 2 CSIF Worksheet, Cover Letter / Research Rot 2 site, (2) copies of Cover Letter to CI / *
Respiratory/Body Mechanics lab / Presentation and handout / /25
10/9 / Updated Rot 3 Resume / (2) Copies with Rot 1& 2 under Clinical Experience / *
10/20 / SSCAMP choice due / For Rot 3 (Mar 5-16, 2007) / *
To be announced Project / /20
Collaborative Learning Project / PT/PTA Relationship / /50
11/10 / Risk Packet Updated
Updated TB test results / (2) copies updated TB Test results
If on a card, both front & back required / *
11/20 / CPI self assessment / Score yourself & Initial in pencil on VAS / /5
11/26 / Check Mytcc email address / Updates will be posted here http://www.tulsacc.edu
Assignments DURING Rotation / ** Assignment MUST have CI signature to be valid
11/27 / Student Info Sheet – Fax’ed / CI SIGNED and Faxed to TCC AH office on Day 1 / **
Check List / You’re looking at it right now
Clinical History Sheet / Document experiences at each rotation site
Attendance Record / Must be signed if you want a grade! / **
(10) SOAP Notes / Referenced to the Guide Preferred Practice Patterns
Clinical Performance Instrument
(CPI) / CI scored and initialed on VAS Criteria 1-20 if applicable.
Final comments only, Midterm is optional. / **
Final page of CPI / Signed by CI AND student / **
Patient Diary / Worksheet and treatment rationale
Individual Skills Sheets - signed / Take advantage of specific skills at your site / **
Student Evaluation of CI / Blue CI CPI Student & CI must sign / **
White Copy of Evaluation / Away from site, on your own time. Uncensored
Student Site File Evaluation / Away from site, Info to help prep next student
Thank You Note / Away from site. Place in SASE
Due AFTER Rotation / All items MUST be present to receive a grade! / 200 pts
12/11 / Notebook for Rotation 2
In the following order: / Non-negotiable Due date: Monday, Dec. 11, 2006
Turn into AH office before 5:00 p.m.
1 / Check List / Make sure you have all required work in the notebook
2 / Clinical History Sheet / Document setting, treatment numbers and varieties
3 / Student Info Sheet ** / Include proof fax if unsure of transmittal
4 / Attendance Record ** / CI signed make up dates, if applicable
5 / CPI including last page** / Scored, initialed, & signed by CI and student / /100
6 / Skills Notebook** / Skills Sheet checked out during rotation
7 / Student Evaluation of CI** / Blue CI CPI Scored and signed by CI and student / /15
8 / (10) SOAP notes / Typed if at all possible. / /30
9 / Patient Diary / With Guide and treatment rationale / /30
10 / White CI CPI / Dated and completed on your own, uncensored / /10
11 / Student Site File Evaluation / To be placed in lab files for next student / /10
12 / Thank You Note / Place in SASE for ACCE to mail / /5

All assignments, classroom and clinical, are required in order to pass the course.

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