CAS Faculty Council Meeting Minutes September 14, 2016

3:30 p.m., Arts Sciences, Room 122

In attendance: James Boswell, Fan Pen Chen, Helen Elam, Oliver Elison Timm, Boris Godfarb, Janel Hobson, Ryan Irwin, Alexander Khmaladze, Zhongwen Liang, Edward Mayer, Alyssa Morey, Veronica Perez Rodriguez, Chaina Porter, Nathan Powers, Megan Solon, Caro-Beth Stewart, David Wagner, Edelgard Wulfert, Mehmet Yigit, Albin Zak.

Not in attendance: Rui Liu, Oscar Williams, Tse-Chuan Yang.

1.  Call to Order

Chair Chen called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.

2.  Approval of Minutes from May 4, 2016

There was no motion to approve minutes from May 4th meeting given that it is a new committee term.

3.  Chair’s Report

Chair Chen announced that this is the first meeting of the academic year, there is not a Chair’s report at this time.

4.  Senate Report

No report

5.  Dean’s Report

Dean Wulfert announced that Provost Stellar is appointed as Interim President. President Jones’ last day is September 25, 2016. Provost Stellar will step up as Interim President effective October 1st.

Dean Wulfert states that SUNY wants to have a new President prior to the Chancellor stepping down. There is a lot of change at the upper levels, but thanks to the faculty, business runs smoothly as usual.

The University goal remains to have 20,000 students by the year 2020. This number includes graduate students. CAS accounts for 50% of the PhD level education for the entire University.

6.  Committee Reports

No other committees have met; no other reports.

7.  Old Business


8.  New Business

Election of a Recorder for 2016-17

Chair Chen called for nominations for a recorder for 2016-2017. Chaina Porter self-nominated. There were no other nominations. Chaina Porter was elected CAS Faculty Council Recorder for 2016-2017 by acclamation.

Committee Assignments

Academic Planning has been asked to help Program Academic Support committee in the past. We are seeking ways to more evenly distribute the work load amongst the committees. Doing so may require a re-categorization or a re-organization of the committee tasks. A proposal was made to also split the Programs committee into sub-committees.

9.  Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made by Chair Chen, seconded by Chaina Porter.

The meeting adjourned at 4:21pm.

Minutes submitted by Chaina Porter