Indicators and Evidence
Our shared purpose: to increase collective leadership capacity to understand what effective
schools and districts know and do, and to support the leaders to own their improvement process
SIG/Non-SIG Priority Implementation of Indicators GuidanceUpdated 10.7.14
The purpose of this working document is to provide SIG and Non-SIG Priority schools and districts a framework for implementation of their school improvement plan. It serves as a guide to inform the monitoring and support activities conducted by the Georgia Department of Education. The key components of the document reflect a comprehensive review and alignment with federal regulations, SASA Monitoring Plan,Teacher and Leader Keys Evaluation system,and Georgia School Improvement Resources. Examples of evidence of implementation at the school-level and at the district-level are provided. Required evidence is listed in red and should be embedded or referenced in Indistar.Underlined required evidence should be available for review at the school. Otherwise, implementation examples are intended as a “guide” and should not be considered a restricted list.
A. Organizational Structures / Required Evidence andExamples of Evidence / Examples of Interview QuestionsA1. (ALL SCHOOLS) LEA and school conduct ongoing needs assessments to inform the School Improvement Plan/SIG implementation. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2687) /
- SIG - Copy of how LEA determined which one of the 4 transformation models would be utilized at the school
- Leadership Team minutes in Indistar reflecthow the LEA/school developed the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the current year including data from needs assessments (Recent GAPSS target actions, Self-Assessment Annual Performance Review; LEA/SEA Monitoring Reports, perception surveys)
- School and district leaders collaboratively analyze a variety of data on a regular basis to determine professional learning needs
- Copy of recent GAPSS target actions posted in Indistar
- 1003a – Indistar tasks reflect planning of 1003a budget priorities
A2. (ALL SCHOOLS) There is an LEA organizational structure in which assigned district personnel remove barriers and support the Priority/SIG implementation.Additionally, the LEA will modify practices and policies that interfere with implementation. (WW2688) /
- Documentation describing how LEA is organized to support/implement Priority/SIG such as organizational charts and job descriptions
- Defined process for LEA monitoring SIG implementation
- LEA monitoring documents for all schools posted in Indistar
- Composition of team, schedule of meeting dates, meeting agendas and minutes
- Documentation of visits and technical assistance to schools
Who from the LEA supports and monitors SIG and Non-SIG Priority Schools?
HowhastheLEA madeanystructuralchangesto supporttheimplementationofthe interventionmodel(TurnaroundPrinciplesforNon-SIGPriority,SIG)?Pleasebespecific.
A3. (ALL SCHOOLS) LEA provides the necessary operational flexibility (including but not limited to staffing, calendars/time, transportation and budgeting) to fully implement a comprehensive approach to substantially improve student achievement outcomes and increase high school graduation rates. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2690) /
- Specific examples referenced in Leadership Team minutes or comments to support that the principal encounters no obstacles from LEA that prohibit SIG/Priority implementation. Examples might include: staffing, resource allocations (e.g. human, fiscal, scheduling, calendar)
- Agenda items if the LEA works with the GaDOE District Effectiveness Team
HowdoestheLEA provideoperationalflexibilitytothe schoolleader?Pleasebespecific.
Ifyouhavenotprovidedoperational flexibilitytotheschoolleader,please explain.
A4. (ALL SCHOOLS) All teachers participate in weekly common planning time during the regular school day with clear expectations for collaborative instructional planning. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2693) /
- Defined process/protocol for instructional planning time, schedules and minutes from meetings
- Collaborative planning expectations should include lesson planning, curriculum mapping, developing student tasks, student achievement data analysis, and determining appropriate interventions
- Alternative school/home school planning
- Special education teachers included in collaborative planning
- Graduation coach (or designee) meets with collaborative teams to discuss and develop transitional and graduation plans for identified students
- Flexible scheduling to meet students’ needs for regrouping within departments/grade levels
- Peer observations, team meetings, cross-discipline/grade level meetings
(Principal )What is your process for monitoring instructional planning?
A5. (ALL SCHOOLS) Based on data analyses, all SIG schools have an Instructional Learning Time plan (ILT) as defined by USED Guidance; all Non-SIG Priority schools have an approved Flexible Learning Plan (FLP). (Non-Negotiable) (WW2694) /
- Non-SIG Priority - Approved Flexible Learning Plan
- Evidence of implementation of approved FLP or ILT Plan
- SIG only -Master schedule for all students and Leading and Lagging Indicators Report that indicates an additional 60 core hours (added to the school year/day) of ILT for all students
- SIG only-LEA/school has at least 300 hours of documented increased learning time with documentation of the number of minutes for each increased learning time structure. Documentation for required components of ILT (60 for all students and 240 to include professional learning and collaborative planning)
- SIG only -ILT evidence of how additional learning time is created for subsets of students based on their identified individual needs and that happens before or after the expanded school day, and/or during summer, vacations/intercessions, and Saturday programs
A6. (ALL SCHOOLS) At least once per quarter, the LEA and school evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of Increased Learning Time (ILT) or the Flexible Learning Plan (FLP). (Non-Negotiable) (WW2695) /
- Leadership Team minutes reflect:
-clear expectations provided and monitored for ILT/FLP
-professional development for ILT/FLP teachers for implementing effective instructional learning strategies
- student participation, measures of student academic progress and other student outcomes, reports from classroom observations
- Instructional teams review student performance data to make decisions about curriculum and instructional plans and to "red flag" students in need of intervention (both students in need of tutoring or extra help and students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of their early mastery of standards)
- TKES tiers three and four teachers are assigned to provide ILT/FLP
- Process for ensuring that tiers three and four teachers are assigned to FLP or ILT
A7. (ALL SCHOOLS) The LEA and school evaluate at least four times a year for SIG schools and three times a year for Non-SIG Priority schools the effectiveness of the implementation of all assurances/non-negotiable elements and progress toward meeting the annual goals for student achievement and graduation/promotion rate. (Non-Negotiable) (WW3716) /
- Completed LEA Monitoring Reportsposted in Indistar
- Agendas and minutes from Leadership Team meetings
- Parental notification regarding school designation
A8. (ALL SCHOOLS) The school uses Indistar to create, implement, and monitor short term action plans. The LEA and school work collaboratively with GaDOE to analyze data and determine root causes and to analyze actions, strategies, or interventions. (Non-Negotiable) (WW3716) /
- Documentation to support that data provided through Indistar comprehensive reports, SLDS, coaching comments and school responses are used to develop/revise short term action plans and associated tasks
B. Leadership / Required Evidence andExamples of Evidence / Examples of Interview Questions
B1. (ALL SCHOOLS) Principal fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2696) /
- Agendas, sign in sheets and minutes document that the principal and school administrators participate in professional learning, collaborative planning, team meetings, grade level meetings
- Interview with principal’s evaluator regarding progress on LKES Standard 1
- A shared vision is evident
- Principal’s feedback to coaching comments
(LeadershipTeam)Whatisthevisionof theschool?
B2. (ALL SCHOOLS) Principal fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources to ensure a dramatic improvement of school climate. (WW2701) /
- Interview with principal regarding how he/she is supporting - positive behavior supports, bullying prevention programs/activities, safe and orderly schools, counseling services, social/emotional needs, mentoring or character education programs–LKES Standard 4
- Revisions to School Improvement Plan/Indistar tasks reflect adjustments based on frequent progress monitoring
- Leadership Team regularly assesses school climate including staff, family, and student perceptions and uses the data to establish positive learning environments
(Students)Areyouproudtoattendthis school?Whyorwhynot?
B3. (ALL SCHOOLS) Using LKES and the Turnaround Principal Competencies, the LEA ensures that the principal demonstrates the competencies of a transformation/turnaround leader. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2700) /
- Interviews with LEA staff, members of school staff, and students – Multiple stakeholders can provide various specific examples of how they feel the current principal is turning around the school. (Turnaround Competencies include: Driving for Results; Problem Solving; Confidence to Lead; Influencing the Results)
- Principal’s feedback to coaching comments
- LEA Evidence Review:Turnaround Leader Form is completed and submitted in district Indistar dashboard
(Students)Doyoufeelliketheprincipal hashighexpectationsforyou?Howdo youknow?
B4. (ALL SCHOOLS) School leadership team meets a minimum of twice a month. The team monitors the implementation of the school improvement plan/SIG plan through Indistar. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2698) /
- A minimum of two Leadership Team meeting minutes filed in Team Meetings tab per month
- Leadership Team minutes reflect examples of instructional changes that have occurred as a result of data analysis
- Meeting minutes that indicate school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data were used to make decisions
- Revisions to School Improvement Plan / Indistar tasks to reflect adjustments based on frequent progress monitoring
- A parent involvement coordinator or family engagement designee is part of the school leadership team
- SIG only – timelines for implementation of SIG programs/activities evident
B5. (ALL SCHOOLS) To make decisions about school improvement, the school leadership team regularly analyzes data, including but not limited to: demographic, attendance, discipline, formative assessment, achievement, aggregated informal and TKES classroom observations, graduation rate, course failure rates and GAPSS target actions. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2699) /
- Leadership Team minutes and tasks reflect examples of instructional changes that occurred as a result of data analysis
- Leadership Team minutes indicate school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data were used to make decisions
- Revisions to School Improvement or SIG Plan / Indistar tasksreflect adjustments based on frequent progress monitoring using formative assessment data and classroom observation data
- Monthly discipline, student attendance and teacher attendance forms posted in Indistar
- Evidence that cohort graduation rate and course pass/fail rates are updated at least at the end of each grading period and monitored by the Leadership Team
- Leadership Team minutes reflect evidence that GAPSS target actions and classroom observations are used to make decisions about school improvement
- Principal or designee revises graduate information in the principals’ portal
C. Personnel & Professional Development / Required Evidence andExamples of Evidence / Examples of Interview Questions
and school have a process in place for recruiting, placing, mentoring, and retaining highly qualified teachers and leaders with the skills needed for school transformation. The LEA and school will involve GaDOE in the selection process of turnaround staff. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2702) /
- Process for screening and interviewing candidates
- Job announcements for positions with Priority/SIG school
- Board policies that outline recruitment and retention procedures
Did you involve your SIS in the hiring process?
What is your HiQ status at this time?
How many retirements and resignations do you anticipate?
Do you have long term HiQ subs?
Do you have any expected personnel issues?
C2. (ALL SCHOOLS) Using TKES, the principal fairly and consistently evaluates school staff who are struggling and removes staff who fail to improve their professional practice after being provided professional learning opportunities and support. (WW2705) /
- Synthesize (in a table) how many staff members are on professional growth/development plans at various times of the year (at least quarterly). The report should reflect the lowest tiered teachers (principal shares during interview).
- Correlations between assessments, student growth scores, grade distribution reports and TKES ratings; use TKES proficiency ratings and administrative input to tier teachers for support
- Leadership Team minutes where summary reports for each TKES standard are discussed and used to make professional learning decisions
- Faculty handbook, memoranda, and/or staff contract laying out system of consequences and multiple exit points for employees (voluntary departure, resignation, termination)
(Principal) Please share evidence that teachers are quartiled/tiered for professional learning and other support.
(Principal) Any recent terminations, resignations or reassignments?
(Principal) Are you following your district’s timeline
forTKES/LKES implementation?
C3. (ALL SCHOOLS) In planning and providing job-embedded professional learning, the LEA and school leadership team consider the summary reports of informal classroom observations and TKES classroom observations. (WW3653) /
- School’s professional learning calendar
- Leadership team meeting minutes reflect analysis of data, including focus walks, peer observations, walk-throughs, desired outcomes, communicated expectations, GAPSS target actions
- Leadership Team minutes where summary reports for each TKES standard are discussed and used to make professional learning decisions
- Evidence of professional learning opportunities aligned with teacher evaluations and student performance and subgroup needs (e.g., limited proficient students, students with disabilities)
- Learning opportunities aligned with state curriculum standards, and supports the implementation of instructional initiatives
embeddedPLwith the teachersbased on walk-
through observations?
C4. (ALL SCHOOLS) The LEA and school monitor and evaluate the extent that professional learning impacts teacher practice. (WW2707) /
- Leadership Team minutes reflect classroom observation reports are used to monitor and evaluate implementation of instructional changes
- (If applicable) Implementation/impact reports from external providers
- Evidence of student growth and increased staff proficiency
- Instructional coaching schedules, walk-through observation notes
C5. (All SCHOOLS) Designated LEA and school staff participate in professional learning provided by GaDOE. (Non-Negotiable) /
- Evidence of redelivery from participation in: Summer, Fall and Winter Instructional Leadership Academies; CIA Summer Academies for core content areas; CCGPS/CIA webinars; SLDS; TKES/LKES; CCRPI; Formative Instructional Practices; and/or Regional PL
CCGPS webinars?
(District/Principal) What is the impact of redelivery?
C6. (SIG ONLY) LEA and school have an approved plan for incentives and rewards for SIG school staffwho, in implementing the transformation/turnaround model, increase student achievement and graduation/promotion rates to meet established goals. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2704) /
- Faculty handbook, memoranda, policies, and/or staff contractsdescribing system of rewards
- Evidence of distribution of rewards (i.e. staff receiving awards, board meeting minutes)
- Approved Rewards and Incentives Plan
- Board policy for distributing performance based incentives using data to support that performance goals were met
How and when was the plan sharedwithall stakeholders?
D. Curriculum Planning and Instruction / Required Evidence andExamples of Evidence / Examples of Interview Questions
D1. (ALL SCHOOLS) LEA and school establish and evaluate progress on annual goals for student achievement in all content areas and graduation or promotion/retention rate. (Non-Negotiable) (WW2708) /
- Copies of SMART goals and evaluation of goals in core content areas
- Examples of long and short term goals that include academic, emotional, behavior, social and career pathway choices
D2. (ALL SCHOOLS) School implements the Georgia adopted state curriculum and the associated frameworks. (Non-Negotiable) /
- CCGPS evident in unit plans, lesson plans, pacing guides, and assessments aligned to observed instruction
- Minimum monthly reporting of synthesized TKES and informal observation data reflected in Leadership Team minutes
(Principal/ Coaches/LT) How do you ensure that the required curriculum is being taught? (Is it and how do you know?)
D3. (ALL SCHOOLS) All teachers systematically gather, analyze and use relevant data (including formative and summative assessment results) to measure student progress to inform instructional content and delivery methods, and to provide timely and constructive feedback to both students and parents. (WW2710) /
- Instructional teams review student work and assessment results to make decisions about the curriculum and instructional plans and to "red flag" students in need of intervention (both students in need of tutoring or extra help) and students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of their early mastery of objectives
- Meeting notes/minutes from teacher meetings examining student work for understanding (e.g., class work, class tests, projects, homework)
- Leadership Team minutes reflect that comprehensive formative assessment/common assessment results are used to make instructional decisions
- Leadership Team minutes where current summary report of TKES Standard 6 is discussed