1) Membership Records
2) Proposals for Membership
3) Joining Fee
4) Annual Membership Dues
5) Meetings of the Club
(a) Board of Director Meetings
(b) Regular (Business) Meetings
(c) Dinner meetings
(d) Partners Nights
(e) Annual General Meetings
(f) Special Club Meetings
(g) Committee Meetings
6) Minutes of Meetings
7) Fundraising responsibilities
8) Financial Responsibilities and Recording
(a) The President
(b) Members
9) Donations and Allocation of Funds.
10) Annual disbursement of Activity Account Funds
11) Out of Pocket Expenses
(a) The President
(b) Delegates Attending Conventions
(c) Youth of the year Chairperson
(d) Youth Exchange Chairperson
(e) Approved Training Courses
(f) Other Official Functions
12) Auditing of Accounts
13) President’s Elect’s Responsibilities
14) Honours, Awards and Recognition
(a) Distinguished Service
(b) Life Membership
(c) Long Service Chevrons and Perfect Attendance Awards
(d) President’s Appreciation Awards
(e) “Salt and Pepper” Award
(f) President’s Excellence and Secretary Awards
15) Club Records and Secretary’s Responsibilities
16) Miscellaneous Provisions
(a) Apologies
(b) Make Up Applications
(c) Lost Dinner Badges and other Badges and Attendance Pins
(d) Correspondence
(e) Club Equipment
(i)Not be hired without approval
(ii)Members may borrow with approval.
(f) Project Safety
(g) First Aid equipment
(h) Administration Manuals
(i) New Members Kits
(j) Club Uniform and supply
(k) The Lions Pride Newsletter – published monthly
· These Policy Minutes are supplementary to the Club’s Statement of Rules (also known as the “Constitution”) lodged with the Registrar of Incorporated Associations at Consumer Affairs Victoria as required by the Associations Incorporation Act 1981, See Website <>
· Should these Policy Minutes be inconsistent with Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (as amended) or the Club’s Statement of Rules, the relevant requirements of the Incorporation Act and or the Club’s Statement of Rules shall prevail.
· These Policy Minutes acknowledge the law and procedures laid down in the publication by P. E Joske entitled, “The Law and Procedure at Meetings in Australia” (as amended) and the “Rules of Procedure and Debate for Lions Clubs”.
· These Policy Minutes may only be amended by a vote of no less than two-thirds of members present at any Regular (Business) Meeting or Special Club Meeting of the club.
1) Membership Records
(a) The Secretary shall maintain personnel records of all club members which shall include details of portfolios held by club members as well as Club, Zone, Region and District positions,
(b) The Secretary shall maintain records of attendance at meetings for determining qualification for years of Service or Perfect Attendance awards.
2) Proposal for Membership
(a) Prospective new Members must attend three club meetings or activities before a Proposal for Membership is considered by the Membership Committee and recommended to the Board of Directors.
(b) An eminently desirable prospective member may be invited to join at the discretion of the President and Board of Directors.
(c) Prospective new members may be invited to a Regular (Business) or Dinner Meeting with the approval of the President as an official Guest and the cost of one dinner may be defrayed at the expense of the club and must be drawn from the Administration Account.
(d) New members shall apply for a “Working with Children Check” within 6 months of being accepted for membership of the club.
(e) New members shall be encouraged to undertake and pass the “Safe Handling of Food” course and the “Traffic Management Course” when an opportunity arises.
3) Joining Fee –
Prospective new members shall pay a Joining Fee of $30.
4) Annual Membership Dues
Annual Membership fees shall be paid as follows -
(a) Members shall pay an Annual Membership Due of $50 per annum and inductees shall pay a pro-rata membership fee determined and at the discretion of the Treasurer.
(b) Members may elect to pay annual Membership Dues in two equal instalments no later than July 31st and January 31st respectively.
(c) Life Members shall not be required to pay annual Membership Dues, See Section 14 (b).
5) Meetings of the Club
Meetings of the club shall be comprised as follows -
(a) Board of Director Meetings shall be held no less than four occasions or no more than twelve occasions in any one year. Non-Board Members may attend and address such meetings though with no entitlement to vote.
(b) Regular (Business) Meeting shall be held at 6.30 for 7 p.m. on the First Thursday of the month where the business of the Club may be discussed.
(c) Dinner Meetings (including Partner’s Nights) may be held from 6.30 to 7 p.m. on the Third Thursday of the month as determined by the President for the purpose of social interaction and may include a Guest Speaker. The cost of a meal or gift for a Guest Speaker may be drawn from the Administration Account. If the attendance of an eminent Guest Speaker results in personal expenses relating to transport or accommodation, such expenses may be defrayed with the consent of the Board of Directors from the Administration Account. Lion’s partners and friends shall be encouraged to attend Dinner meetings.
(d) Partners Night should be advertised at least 14 days in advance and the Secretary is to be advised of the attendance of a partner or any other Guest and the member is liable for the cost of any meals ordered on behalf of a partner or a guest.
(e) The Annual General Meeting shall precede the first Regular Meeting of August and be in accordance with the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act,
(f) Special Club Meetings may be called by the President or convened at the request of the Board of Directors whenever deemed necessary.
(g) Committee Meetings shall be held as determined by the Chairperson of a portfolio committee.
6) Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of Regular Meetings and Board of Director meetings shall
be recorded and distributed prior to the next Regular meeting,
7) Fundraising Responsibilities
(a) Fundraising activities shall only be undertaken with the approval of a majority vote of members at a Regular Meeting.
(b) The Chairperson responsible for a fund-raising activity must provide a Financial Statement of Income and Expenditure within 28 days of completion of such activity, See Appendix “A”.
(c) No member may seek funds or other financial support from any source without first obtaining permission of the President or Board of Directors,
(d) No member shall give an undertaking of a promissory nature of financial support to any person, charity or event unless such support has been approved by the Board of Directors or majority vote of members at a Regular Meeting.
8) Financial Responsibilities and Recording
The Club shall maintain such number and form of accounts as
are considered appropriate to its needs and shall include an
Administration Account, an Activities Account and other such
other accounts as deemed necessary. Funds are to be held in separate
accounts to ensure that those funds raised from the public are
not used for administration or other non-charitable purposes.
(a) The President may donate or allocate funds up to $250 at his or her discretion in circumstances of emergency or urgent necessity following reference to the Treasurer provided that such donation or allocation is reported to the next Regular Meeting.
(b) Members must ensure that their Annual Membership Fees, Convention Registration and other related fees and financial obligations due to the club are paid promptly and a receipt obtained.
9) Donations and Allocations of Funds
(a) Donations not exceeding $500 may be approved by a majority vote at a Regular Meeting,
(b) Donations of amounts up to and exceeding $500 may be approved by a majority vote at a Regular Meeting on behalf of a Lions Foundation or on behalf of an acknowledged national and international charitable organizations such as World Vision, Care Australia, Red Cross or Medicins Sans Frontieres,
(c) With the exception of (b) above, donations exceeding $500 must be supported by a request in writing or by a personal representative of the proposed recipient at a Regular meeting following a thoroughly investigation of the bona fides of the request by the Second Vice President or delegate who shall make a recommendation to members at a Regular Meeting.
10) Annual Disbursement of Activity Account Funds
The President and Board of Directors are responsible to ensure that there is a meeting during the period May-June attended by the Finance Committee to allow fair, equitable and responsible disbursement of Activities Account funds.
11) Out of Pocket expenses –
Reasonable out of pocket expenses may be reimbursed at the discretion of the Board of Directors or upon a majority vote of members at a Regular Meeting and may include- .
(a) The President and partner or nominees attending Official functions such as Charter Nights or other functions, where attendance is required as a formal representative of the Club,
(b) Delegates attending Conventions are entitled to reimbursement for Delegates Registration expenses when attending, District, Multiple District and International Conventions,
(c) Youth of the Year Chairpersons shall ensure that costs associated with the project including the cost of meals of official judges and contestants are drawn from the Activities Account. Parents, friends and teachers supporting contestants are expected to pay for their own meals.
(d) Youth Exchange Chairpersons shall ensure that reasonable costs associated with travel expenses, clothing and extraneous expenses are available to exchange students representing the club and such expenses shall be drawn from the Administration Account. The Youth Exchange Chairperson shall also ensure that reasonable out of pocket expenses are reimbursed to members who host overseas Youth Exchange Students.
(e) Attendance at approved Training courses or seminars should result in reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses to members.
12) Auditing of Accounts
(a) The Club shall ensure that an annual audit of all Income and Expenditure be undertaken by a person with private or public finance experience who is not associated with the Club and such audit shall be undertaken within 30 days of the end of the Financial Year.
(b) The Annual Financial Statement of Income and Expenditure shall be presented by the Treasurer to the Annual General Meeting and a copy provided to the Public Officer as required by the Incorporations Act.
13) President Elect’s Responsibilities –
The President elect shall call at least one strategic planning
meeting comprised of the incoming Board of Directors during
the months of April or May for the following purposes; -
(a) Ensuring that Vice Presidents have a clear understanding of their responsibilities and to oversee the duties of their Portfolio Chairpersons and their respective committees.
(b) Outlining their own personal aims and objectives and
expectations for the forthcoming Lions year,
(c) Outlining action plans to achieve agreed aims and objectives for projects, activities and events.
(d) Documenting the anticipated time lines and dates for achieving aims and objectives for projects and activities
(e) Documenting in the Club Directory and Diary at least
four Personal Objectives for the forthcoming Lions year.
(f) Documenting in the Club Directory and Diary at least
four Club Objectives for the forthcoming Lions year.
(g) Accepting responsibility for the publication of the
Club Directory and Diary to be distributed at the first Dinner Meeting of the forthcoming Lions year.
(h) Plan at least two Official Club Visitations to other Lions Clubs within the Region during the term of office.
14) Honours, Awards and Recognition
Recommendations for Honours, Awards and Recognition.
Any member may make a recommendation in writing supported by one other member to the Clubs Honours, Awards and Recognition committee and an In-Confidence reply in writing shall be provided by the committee.
(a) Distinguished service awards of the nature of Australian Honours and other recognitions including Life Membership, Melvin Jones Fellow, Ian M Stockdale Humanitarian Award, Barry J Palmer Award and the Australian Lions Foundation James D Richardson Award and Life Member of the Victoria Lions Foundation shall be recommended by the Clubs Honours and Awards committee notwithstanding that such awards or recognition may also be independently approved by V2 Cabinet or upon the advice of the Trustees of a Lions Foundation. The Secretary shall endeavour to ensure that distinguished service awards and recognitions are presented at special occasions such as District Governor’s Visits, Charter Nights or Changeover Nights.
(b) Life Membership shall be determined by the Honours and Awards committee in accordance with the Club Constitution with an understanding that the recipient shall no longer be required to pay Club or District dues and that any such obligation shall be met by the club.
(c) Long Service Chevrons and Perfect Attendance Awards - The President shall ensure that the Secretary arranges for the presentation of Monarch Awards, Long Service Chevrons and Perfect Attendance Awards to those members who qualify and are so entitled.
(d) Presidents Appreciation Awards –
The President may exercise a prerogative with such advice as appropriate to make Appreciation Awards and shall not award more than three such awards in any one Lions year.
(e) “Salt and Pepper” Award –
The President shall exercise prerogative with such advice as appropriate to make a “Salt and Pepper” Award of the Club not being the Secretary or Treasurer.
(f) President’s Excellence and Secretary Awards - may be recommended by the Board of Directors to Lions Clubs International in accordance with the qualifying criteria and upon the majority vote of all Directors.
The Secretary shall endeavour to ensure that Club Awards be presented at any meeting or celebration of the club and shall ensure that there is a reasonable supply of club level awards be held in stock.
15) Club Records and Secretary’s Responsibilities
(a) The Secretary is authorized to respond in writing (without reference to a Board of Directors or Regular Meeting) to incoming correspondence when the subject matter is of a general or routine nature,
(b) Where correspondence requires further attention or action it shall be listed on the Agenda for the next Regular Meeting and the correspondence passed on to the relevant Vice President for the advice and attention of the relevant Committee Chairman,