This Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter referred to as “Agreement” is between Presbyterian Medical Services, Roundtree Developmental Services hereinafter referred to as “Roundtree”, Central Consolidated School District, local education agency, hereinafter referred to as “CCSD” and Navajo Nation Division of Dine Education, Department of Head Start, Shiprock Agency hereinafter referred to as “Navajo Head Start” beginning March 1, 2003 to June 30, 2008.
The purpose of this Agreement is to establish cooperative working procedures and relationships among Roundtree, CCSD, and Navajo Head Start in the provision of special education and related services to eligible children with disabilities ages birth to five years of age in compliance with applicable federal, Navajo Nation, and New Mexico State laws and regulations. The Agreement applies to children from birth to three years of age who are eligible for the New Mexico CARE Early Program under the auspices of New Mexico Department of Health and children, three to five years of age, eligible for special education and related services as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
The intent of this Agreement is to:
1. Define which services are to be provided by Roundtree, CCSD, and Navajo Head Start.
2. Ensure that children eligible for preschool special education services receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), as required by law, in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
3. Ensure that Roundtree, CCSD, and Navajo Head Start cooperatively maintain communication and share leadership responsibilities at the local level so that available resources are utilized in the most effective manner.
4. Ensure that cooperative arrangements among Roundtree, CCSD, and Navajo Head Start are developed, implemented, and preserved.
Roundtree will be responsible for:
1. Identifying, evaluating and transitioning children with disabilities, birth to three years of age.
2. Providing early intervention services for children birth to three.
3. Developing and implementing Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for families with children with disabilities (with parental participation) based on diagnostic information.
4. Working closely with other community agencies in order to provide services to children with disabilities.
CCSD will be responsible for:
1. Providing services to preschool children with disabilities on a mandatory basis as defined by Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).
2. Providing preschool children with disabilities a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) including the development and implementation of an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Procedural safeguards will be adhered to in the provision of special education and related services.
3. To the maximum extent appropriate, placing preschool children with disabilities in a least restrictive environment (LRE) with opportunities for interaction with peers who do not have disabilities.
4. Working with community agencies to provide services to preschool children with disabilities.
Navajo Head Start will be responsible for:
1. Recruiting, enrolling, and serving a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total Head Start enrollment with eligible children with disabilities ages three to five. The minimum of ten percent (10%) of the enrollment is pursuant to Head Start requirements (Public Law 92-424).
2. Screening all enrolled children for potential problems in the areas of health and development and accept applicable screening results from CCSD to avoid duplication.
3. Referring children determined to be at-risk for developmental delays to appropriate professionals for diagnostic evaluation.
4. Development and implementation of IEP’s for children with disabilities in conjunction with CCSD.
5. Coordinating closely with other community agencies to provide services to children with disabilities.
A. For Roundtree
1. Carolyn Dayish
Roundtree Childrens Developmental Services
Presbyterian Medical Services
P.O. BOX 3239
Farmington, NM 87499
Telephone: (505) 327-7720
FAX: (505) 325-2477
B. For the LEA:
1. Patricia Emrick, Director of Exceptional Programs
Central Consolidated School District
P.O. Box 1319
Shiprock, New Mexico 87420
Telephone: (505) 368 5163 ext. 330
FAX: (505) 368-5502
C. For Navajo Head Start
1. Donna Begay, Agency Director
Department of Head Start
Drawer 310
Shiprock, New Mexico 87420
Telephone: (505) 368-1200
FAX: (505) 368-1217
A. Child Find/Screening
Roundtree will:
1. Provide screening at no cost.
2. Provide screening results to parents and inform parents of program options that are available to them and their child.
3. Share staff and facilities for joint screening when possible.
4. Provide screening results to CCSD and Navajo Head Start with informed parental consent.
CCSD will:
1. Provide public awareness campaigns in the community regarding child find and screening.
2. Provide twenty (20) days of screening assistance to Navajo Head Start.
3. Provide screening results to Roundtree and Navajo Head Start with informed parental consent.
4. Initiate on-going child find activities in the community to identify children ages birth to five within CCSD boundaries.
Navajo Head Start will:
1. Provide developmental screening within 45 days of child’s enrollment.
2. Provide screening results to parents.
3. Communicate with CCSD regarding screening instruments, forms, procedures and process.
B. Referral and Evaluation
Roundtree will:
1. Contact referred families within five days of receiving referral and identify interim service coordinator.
2. With parent consent, collect pertinent information as appropriate for evaluation.
3. Explain parental rights and give information pertinent about Roundtree.
4. Initiate evaluation process which incorporates parent input and expertise.
5. Conduct evaluations within prescribed timelines to determine eligibility.
6. Refer children ages three to five years identified as possibly having a disability to CCSD for evaluation.
CCSD will:
1. Provide written notice of action and secure parent consent prior to evaluation.
2. Coordinate evaluation schedule with Navajo Head Start staff.
3. Notify parents of evaluation schedule.
4. Schedule and coordinate Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings to share evaluation results with parents and appropriate staff.
Navajo Head Start will:
1. Complete referral packet in a timely manner, provide parent rights information and obtain written parental consent to evaluate.
2. Deliver completed referrals packets to CCSD through Headstart staff.
3. Assist CCSD in meeting and monitoring established timelines.
4. Provide appropriate evaluations if school district resources are not available and/or parent requests Navajo Head Start to evaluate.
C. Individualized Education Program Development
CCSD will:
1. Ensure that an IEP team composed of required members, including Navajo Head Start staff develop IEPs to meet individual educational needs in accordance with state and federal requirements.
2. Provide all appropriate forms and documentation.
3. Facilitate IEP meetings.
4. Facilitate the inclusion and involvement of parents.
5. Hold meetings at mutually agreed upon location and time.
Navajo Head Start will:
1. Attend IEP meetings.
2. Facilitate the inclusion and involvement of parents.
3. Provide meeting places where appropriate.
4. Provide parent transportation, as needed.
D. Placement
Roundtree will:
1. Ensure availability of Roundtree program services for eligible children with special needs, birth to three years old.
2. Provide appropriate services to each child and family as describe in the IFSP.
CCSD will:
1. Provide appropriate placement options to each child relative to individual need in least restrictive environment.
2. Provide special education and related services to each child as described in the IEP.
Navajo Head Start will:
1. Provide placement for identified children with special needs to ensure that it meets the ten percent (10%) enrollment requirement.
2. Ensure availability of Head Start program enrollment for children with special needs.
E. Specific Program Service Delivery
Roundtree will:
1. Provide services as designated in the child’s IFSP.
2. Accommodate scheduling arrangements for families and staff.
3. Coordinate transportation for a child and family as needed in order to obtain appropriate services.
CCSD will:
1. Provide services designated in the child’s IEP.
2. Provide special education resource teacher and related service staff at Navajo Head Start centers and home based sites as specified in the IEP.
3. Coordinate with Navajo Head Start on providing appropriate resources to implement the IEP.
Navajo Head Start will:
1. Provide services as designated in the child’s IEP.
2. Arrange schedule of services with CCSD staff.
3. Provide transportation to children and their families to obtain services.
4. Coordinate with CCSD on providing appropriate resources to implement the IEP.
Roundtree, CCSD, and Navajo Head Start are required to provide on going training to increase staff and families knowledge and ability to provide quality services to children with disabilities.
A. Roundtree will:
1. Conduct on-going needs assessment for parents and staff.
2. Invite staff from CCSD and Navajo Head Start to share training activities when appropriate.
3. Plan jointly with CCSD and Navajo Head Start in response to mutual training needs.
B. CCSD will:
1. Invite staff and families from Roundtree and Navajo Head Start to share training activities as appropriate.
2. Plan jointly with Roundtree and Navajo Head Start in response to mutual training needs.
C. Navajo Head Start will:
1. Conduct on-going needs assessment for parents and staff.
2. Invite staff from Roundtree and CCSD to share training activities as appropriate.
3. Plan jointly with Roundtree and CCSD in response to mutual training needs.
Roundtree, CCSD and Navajo Head Start will maintain their own records according to regulatory guidelines and provide documentation and support to the other entity as requested.
The transition of children with disabilities occurs when a child is exiting an early intervention program and is entering a pre-school or Navajo Head Start program. Another transition occurs when a child is exiting from the pre-school setting and entering a kindergarten program. Effective transition occurs when the sending and receiving agencies collaborate and develop a seamless transition for the child and family. In order to assure that effective transition of pre-school children occurs, the following procedures have been established:
A. Roundtree will:
1. Plan transition meeting with family in a timely manner to facilitate choice. CCSD will be notified at least six months prior to anticipated transition date.
2. Explain to parents the transition procedures. Personnel may include sending and receiving agencies.
3. Work to empower the parents to advocate for the needs of their child.
4. Gather information to help transition team members make informed recommendations.
5. Request permission from parents to release confidential information to CCSD or Navajo Head Start.
6. Review IFSP for appropriate recommendations including educational and related services.
B. For children transitioning from an early intervention program, CCSD and/or Navajo Head Start will:
1. Participate in transition planning to include a joint home visit within the 90 day transition period.
2. Provide program options and opportunities for families to visit programs.
3. Inform parents of procedural safeguards and provide program information as a part of the process.
4. Provide or secure necessary evaluation for children who are transitioning.
5. Review IFSP for appropriate recommendations, which include educational and related services.
C. For children transitioning from a pre-school program to kindergarten, CCSD and Navajo Head Start will:
1. Participate in planning and implementation of transition process.
2. Provide program options to parents and opportunities for families to visit programs.
3. Inform parents of procedural safeguards and provide program information.
4. Provide or secure necessary evaluation for children who are transitioning.
5. Review and revise, if necessary, the IEPs for children transitioning to kindergarten.
Roundtree, CCSD and Navajo Head Start shall obtain written consent of the parent(s)/legal guardians before disclosing personally identifiable information from the education records of the child. The written consent must be signed and dated by the parent(s)/legal guardians giving consent and shall include the following:
1. Specification of the record to be disclosed.
2. Purpose of the disclosure, and
3. Party or parties to whom the disclosure may be made.
In the event that a misunderstanding or difference of opinion occurs with regard to procedures necessary to accomplish the objectives of this agreement, the agencies will meet to find a solution.
Roundtree, CCSD and Navajo Head Start agree to meet at least twice annually to develop strategies for effectively implementing this agreement. Roundtree, CCSD and Navajo Head Start agree to communicate and consult on a frequent basis regarding issues related to effectively implementing this agreement. This arrangement will be reviewed as needed and may be terminated by either party upon sixty (60) days written notice.
Jim Riebsomer, President Date
Presbyterian Medical Services
Linda Besett, Ph.D., Superintendent Date
Central Consolidated School District
Joe Shirley Jr., President Date
The Navajo Nation