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U.S. Access Board Updates Questions and Answers

ADA In Focus Virginia

May 10th, 2016

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Intro and Updates

·  Overview of Access Board

·  Rulemaking in Development

·  Recently Complete Rules

·  Technical Assistance

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Overview of the Access Board

[photograph of Access Board meeting]

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Overview of the Access Board

·  25 members

o  13 public members appointed by the President for four year terms

o  12 Federal members from various agencies

·  Board meets every other month

·  Budget: $7.548 million (FY 2015)

·  Staff of 28 people

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Access Board Programs

·  Guidelines and standards development:

o  Architectural Barriers Act (1968)

o  Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

o  Telecommunications Act (1996)

o  Rehabilitation Act Amendments (1998)

o  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)

·  Technical assistance and training

·  Research

·  ABA enforcement

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Technical Assistance

·  Publications and guides

·  Online tutorials

·  Technical assistance via phone, email, and fax

[images of Access Board web page and Access Board publication]

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·  In-person sessions on all guidelines and standards tailored to each audience

·  Monthly webinars addressing specific topics

[photograph of training session]

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Supports development of guidelines and guidance materials

[photographs of outdoor developed area, 2 people working and diagram from manual]

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ABA Enforcement

·  Applies to facilities designed, built, altered or leased with Federal funds

o  Federal buildings

o  Non-Federal buildings

·  Complaint process

·  On-line form

·  About 75 cases opened each year

[image of Architectural Barriers Act publication]

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Rulemaking in Development

1.  Passenger Vessels

2.  Public Rights-of-Way

3.  Transportation Vehicles

4.  Information and Communications Technology

5.  Medical Diagnostic Equipment

6.  Shared Use Paths

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Public Rights-of-Way

New guidelines will cover:

·  Sidewalks

·  Crossings

·  Curb ramps and detectable warnings

·  Pedestrian signals

·  On-street parking

·  Roundabouts

·  Next step – Final Rule

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Information and Communications Technology

Joint update of:

·  Section 508 standards for electronic and information technology (procured by Federal agencies)

·  Section 255 guidelines for telecommunications products

·  Next step – Proposed Rule

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“ICT”- Information and Communications Technology

[images of computer, electronic kiosk, telephone, web page, and computer screen]

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Medical Diagnostic Equipment

·  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act gave the Board authority to set standards for medical diagnostic equipment

·  Covers examination tables, examination chairs, weight scales, mammography equipment, x-ray machines

·  Next step – Final Rule

[drawing of man transferring from gurney to wheelchair]

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Recently Completed Rules

1.  Outdoor Developed Areas

2.  Emergency Transportable Housing

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Outdoor Developed Areas

ABA Standards covering:

·  Picnic and camping areas

·  Trails

·  Beach access routes

[photograph of many people in an outdoor area, some are in wheelchairs or scooters]

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Emergency Transportable Housing

·  Housing trailers provided by government in disasters and emergencies

[photograph of emergency housing trailers]

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Guidance on Prescription Drug Container Labels

Authorized by the “Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act”

Best practice – awareness campaign by National Council on Disability

[photo of prescription drug bottle]

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Prescription Drug Labels

·  Guidance on making prescription drug container labels accessible to people who are blind, have low vision, or who are elderly

·  Working Group on Accessible Prescription Drug Container Labels

[photo of audio device for prescription drugs and prescription drug label printed in Braille]

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Technical Assistance

Online Guides:

Chapter 1 – Application

Chapter 2 – Scoping

Chapter 3 - Building Blocks

Chapter 4 - Accessible Route

[images of Access Board technical assistance documents]

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·  ADA and ABA

·  Animations

·  PDF Downloads

[screenshot of Access Board web page]

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Guides on the ADA and ABA Standards

Animations: maneuvering, entrances, & doors, toilet & bathing facilities, and protruding objects

[images of Access Board animations]

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Access Board animation doors

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Educate About Accessibility

·  Website (

·  News subscriptions

·  Sign-up for Access Currents newsletter

·  Follow Access Board on Twitter

[screenshot of Access Board web page]

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Question and Answer Session

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U.S. Access Board

(800) 872-2253 (voice)

(800) 993-2822 (TTY)
