…………………………………………….. Primary / Infant Nursery / Junior School
Raising Achievement Plan
Start date: / September 2017 / End date: / July 2018Interim review dates: / Final review date:
Previous OFSTED inspection report
Date: …………………………….. Overall Effectiveness: …………………………
The most recent OFSTED inspection identified that the following strengths:
The most recent OFSTED inspection identified that the following Areas for Improvement:
· Ensure that leaders and governors secure improvement in outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in English and Maths
· Improve the accuracy of teachers’ assessment across the school
· Improve the attendance of pupils so that it at least matches the national average and decrease the rate of persistent absence
· Develop the Early Years outdoor area so that it is used for purposeful learning across the EYFS curriculum
School Targets for the end of the academic year – 2016/2017 / Attainment / Progress% of pupils targeted to meet the expected standard / % of pupils targeted to exceed the expected standard / % of pupils targeted to make expected progress / % of pupils targeted to exceed expected progress
Good Level of Development
Total Average Points Score
2. Phonics Y1
Phonics Y2
3. End of Key Stage 1 / ReadingWriting
4. End of Key Stage 2
/ ReadingWriting
% of pupils targeted to meet the expected standard / % of pupils targeted to exceed the expected standard / % of pupils targeted to make expected progress / % of pupils targeted to exceed expected progress
Year 1 / Reading
Year 3 / Reading
Year 4 / Reading
Year 5 / Reading
Effectiveness of Leadership and Management
Objective 1
· Ensure that leaders and governors secure improvement in outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in English and Maths
Success Criteria (intended impact by the end of the academic year) / Evaluation (how will progress against the SC be evaluated on a termly basis?) / RAG
End of year outcomes for disadvantaged pupils demonstrate accelerated progress / Progress and attainment data for each class and
Group (gender, FSM, SEND, LAC)
The impact of interventions can be clearly demonstrated and the governing body sets out a clear strategy for improving the outcomes of disadvantaged pupils for the next academic year / Intervention plans and provision mapping clearly
demonstrate ongoing progress and highlight any issues that require attention
Governors review this information as a standing item; minutes document challenge and discussion of data by group
Governing body strategy is established and published on school website
Leaders can demonstrate that they have identified and tackled inconsistencies and weaknesses in the quality of teaching of English and mathematics and inequalities in outcomes for different groups / English and mathematics subject leaders have accurately monitored the quality of teaching and learning and its impact on specific groups of pupils
Actions have been taken in a timely manner to address any inequalities
Half-termly monitoring of the PPG expenditure identifies effective provision and actions are taken in a timely manner where provision is less effective / PPG Lead, SLT and governing body have a clear understanding of progress and attainment by groups of pupils receiving interventions or other PPG-funded support
Actions have been taken in a timely manner to address any inequalities
Objective 1
Actions / Lead / Timescale and Milestones / Resources / Monitoring / Date completed
1.1 Analyse end of year data to establish a rationale and action plan for the deployment of interventions that are clearly matched to pupils’ needs / Assessment lead (or Inclusion lead / Early September: data analysis complete and rationale/action plan established
PPM records and action analysed / Staff leadership time
Governing body visits & meeting time
School ICT team / PPG link governor
1.2 Half-termly monitoring of the quality of English and mathematics teaching (lessons, drop-ins, work scrutiny, pupil interview, planning) identifies where teaching requires improvement; actions and support form teachers’ performance management targets / Deputy Head / Half-termly monitoring cycle
Termly reports to governing body by 22/10/16 (21/02/17 & 24/05/17)
Performance management target-setting completed before 22/10/16
Performance management reviews take place wb 12/02/17 and 28/02/17
Review of progress against RAP: 18/12/16, 30/02/17 & 12/07/17 / Leadership time
Governing body meeting time
Governor visits
LA Advisers
Support and coaching
Staff CPD: Leadership Essentials course; Termly Maths & English SL network meetings
Governor briefing / SLT & Governing body
LA Adviser quality assurance
Moderation with two peer support schools
1.7 etc.
Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Objective 2
· Improve the accuracy of teachers’ assessment, especially in writing, across the school
Success Criteria / Evaluation / RAG
Teachers’ end of year judgements are reliable and accurate / Moderation, PPMs, monitoring of the quality of teaching
focus on the accuracy of assessment
External moderation validates the in-house data / Notes of visit from external advisers and other LA Adviser visits
There is a broad range of evidence to exemplify judgements and satisfy national assessment frameworks / Pupils’ books, including foundation subjects, displays and working walls, good practice portfolios, pupil progress evidence files
Assessment of phonics, reading and writing shows that teachers are using national assessment and curriculum frameworks and ensuring that curriculum provision is broad and balanced / Monitoring of the quality of teaching; lesson objectives and opportunities for cross-curricular writing in teachers’ planning are reviewed against national programmes of study; lesson observations and learning walks show that phonics is taught to a high quality and accuracy
Objective 2
Actions / Lead / Timescale and Milestones / Resources / Monitoring / Date completed
2.1 Review and revise the school’s assessment policy to ensure consistency of practice and that a wide evidence base is produced / Assessment Lead / 03/09/16 – Assessment policy draft discussed with all staff
22/10/16 – Assessment policy to full governing body meeting / Staff meeting time
Leadership time
Governing body meeting time / SLT
Governing body
LA Advisers
2.2 Teachers provide opportunities in every lesson to review pupils’ progress against learning objectives/end of year expectations / Assessment & E&M SLs / Half-termly PPMs and monitoring cycle by subject leaders / SLT time
Staff meeting time
Governor visits
Pupil discussions (next steps in learning & how to improve their work) / SLT
Governing body
LA Advisers
2.3 Training is provided for all staff on breaking down the end of year age-related expectations to half-termly progress steps / Assessment & E&M SLs / September school closure day
Review and update meetings – January and April 2017 / SL time
Staff meeting time
LA Advisers
See Shirley Clarke’s work on assessment / SLT
Governing body
LA Advisers
2.7 etc.
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
Objective 3
· Improve the attendance of pupils so that it at least matches the national average and decrease the rate of persistent absence
Success Criteria / Evaluation / RAG
Attendance overall is at least in line with the national average (2015/16) / Half-termly monitoring of attendance data
Persistent absence is reduced and is no higher than the national average (2015/16) / Half-termly monitoring of attendance data
Disadvantaged pupils’ attendance improves so that gaps reduce overall and for persistent absence and aligns with national non-disadvantaged pupils / Half-termly monitoring of attendance data
Pupil Premium strategy and review
The school meets the criteria to be judged good against the OFSTED inspection criteria for attendance / Half-termly monitoring of attendance data
SLT & governing body meeting audit
Objective 3
Actions / Lead / Timescale and Milestones / Resources / Monitoring / Date completed
3.1 PPG strategy identifies opportunities for ensuring disadvantaged pupils take up the full range of provision, including out-of-hours services, such as breakfast and homework clubs / PPG Champion / Termly reports
Increased uptake of breakfast club and homework club by disadvantaged pupils / Breakfast Club budget
Homework Club budget
(see PPG Strategy) / PPG Champion to liaise with Breakfast Club and Homework Club staff re attendance and learner behaviour and progress
3.2 Attendance & punctuality data published every month in newsletters and online; best class attendance & punctuality rewards in place / Head- teacher / Monthly reports and monthly attendance reward assemblies / Postcards home for 100% attendance and punctuality
EWS officers
Office Manager time / Headteacher and Office Manager meet half-termly
Governing body visits focused on attendance and punctuality
3.3 Workshops are provided to parents in YR/Y1 to emphasise the importance of regular attendance and not taking term-time holidays, and specifically targeted at PPG and disadvantaged families / EYFS & KS1 lead / Workshops take place September 2016 and are attended by at least 80% of parents of disadvantaged pupils
Follow-ups to take place for those who do not attend / EYFS & KS1 lead release time
Additional LSA hours to allow them to attend / PPG Champion link governor
SLT meeting
Full Governing Body to discuss as standing item
3.5 etc.
Effectiveness of Early Years Provision
Objective 4
• Develop the Early Years outdoor area so that it is used for purposeful learning across the EYFS curriculum
Success Criteria / Evaluation / RAG
There are quality resources available to all pupils who willingly access the provision / Greater engagement of pupils in outdoor learning
Better match to pupils’ own interests
The outdoor area and resources are attractive and
Adults take responsibility for initiating appropriate activities and learning opportunities / Monitoring of planning identifies clear objectives and adults guide pupils to ensure all early learning goals are covered
Assessment of the pupils’ development of skills is regular and accurate / CPD for all adults is effective and leads to reliable and consistent assessment practice
Learning Journeys capture evidence across the curriculum
Moderation exercises support reliability of data
There is a specific area of the outdoor provision dedicated to the promotion and development of Writing / A greater proportion of pupils achieve the Good Level of Development in Literacy
All pupils are enabled to access quality Writing provision
Objective 1:
Actions / Lead / Timescale and Milestones / Resources / Monitoring / RAG
4.1 Visit local outstanding Early Years settings to gather recommendations and purchase new resources / EYFS lead / Equipment delivered and in place by October 31st 2016
Monitor use and impact on pupils termly / £5000 for purchasing outdoor resources / Early Years link governor
Pupil progress towards ELGs (Learning Journeys) monitored by SLT
4.2 CPD for Early Years staff on observation of learning / EYFS lead / In place by end of September 2016 / £1000 for online tool and training / Baseline assessments completed using new tool
4.4 etc.
5 Cambridgeshire County Council/SIS/Annual Raising Achievement Plan template/sample