Participants: 3rd grade team; Amy Diamond
Date: September 5, 2012
Time: 7:45-8:45
Our Annual Goal: We will analyze running record/AIMS Web data to improve our reading EOG score to 80% proficiency by the end of the year.
SMART GOAL Students shall read on their level to increase fluency as measured by the AIMS Web screening by mid year.
I. Announcements…
· Training for math and literacy: Math Kristen Reading Louise
· SIT Team Niki will be our rep.
II. Kid Talk….
III. Planning/ Curriculum…
· Social Studies Louise shared some other resources for social studies
· Discussed PEP We have concern that if they are a 2 in writing we will have to do a lot of PEPs. We need clarifications. If they have a 2 in writing but no other subject do they need a PEP if they are a 3 in math and reading?
· Field Trips: Art museum in fall, Smarty Plants in winter, Planetarium April
· Amy and I shared what we learned in our TAP math training
· Open House
Please let us know the times for each grade level.
We’d like to meet in one place as a grade level. Then we’d have them go to individual classrooms. Louise will lead. We will do a PowerPoint. We will all take a part of presentation.
· Scholastic News: Is it OK to ask PTA or parents for money for this magazine? We all think it is a great resource.
· Clocks: Will they be reset? We are trying to stay on schedule but so many clocks are different it is difficult.
IV.Action Steps…
· Louise and Becky will do the paperwork for field trips.
· Louise will work on PowerPoint.
· We will give our first common assessment next week in math.
***Remember S-M-A-R-T focuses on specific, measurable, achievable goals that are result-oriented and have a particular time frame!!!
Critical Questions of a Professional Learning Community:
What is it we expect our students to learn?
How will we know when they have learned it?
How will we support them when they don’t learn it?
How will we respond when they already know it?