Argillite Elementary School Site Based Decision Making Council

Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Tuesday, August 28, 2012 4:00 p.m. Location: Library/Media Center

Members Present:

Tom Crump, Chairperson Donna Bentley

Clare Nemeth Meredith Hall

Lisa Blevins Felicia Burnham

Members Absent

Guests and Staff Present:

Bette Parks, Secretary


Welcome by Tom Crump. Bette Parks called roll.


Following distribution and review Tom Crump recommended Council accept the August 28, 2012 Agenda as written. Donna Bentley made the motion to accept. Lisa Blevins seconded the motion. Council reached consensus to accept the Agenda as written.


Fall Pictures will be on Wednesday, August 29. Kindergarten and 5th grades will sponsor a Dance on Friday, August 31. There will be no school on Monday, September 3(Holiday – Labor Day. There will be a Lockdown Drill on Thursday, September 6. The Annual Fall book Fair will be Monday, September 10 – Friday, September 14. The Annual Grandparents’ Breakfasts will be on Tuesday, September 11 for Kindergarten through 2nd Grade and on Wednesday, September 12 for Grades 3 – 5. On Thursday, September 13, there will be a fire drill. AR Family Night/Book Fair is Thursday, September 13. Agriculture Day is Friday, September 14. * During Monday Morning Assembly at 7:45 a.m. on Monday, September 17.

Mr. Simmons and the 5th grades will perform for Constitution Day. Spirit Week is Monday, September 24 – Thursday, September 27. Five Staff members and one Parent will be attending the KASC Conference in Louisville on Tuesday, September 25 and Wednesday, September 26. Spirit Night at GCHS is on Thursday, September 27. Jump Rope for Heart is scheduled for Friday, September 28.


Tom Crump recommended that the Minutes of the July 17, 2012 meeting be approved as written. Clare Nemeth made the motion. Meredith Hall seconded it. The minutes were approved as written by consensus of Council.




Account Analysis Report

Extended School Services Allocations

Professional Development Budget

Tom Crump presented the financial reports, explaining the SBDM rollover toward salaries. He stated that we must redo and resubmit fundraising and field trips and Tammy Justice ordered juice mix for the dance. Members discussed all students getting an Ag Day t-shirt. Tom Crump will take care of this. Julie Kitchen will send a note to all teachers to get their students shirt sizes ASAP. He will email teachers reminding them to implement Agriculture and integrate it into their curriculum. Lisa Blevins suggested preparing a Hallway Bulletin board. Tom Crump stated that Sherri Nickel would pull out the poster used at the Greenup County Fair for him to use to make a banner for Ag Day. Bette Parks and Janet Baldridge will make two backboards and man the Ag Day sign in booth. Lisa explained to Council members that the Paramount will bring programs to the school for about $1,000.00 and we could charge students $3.00 each to pay for it. Tom Crump will see that t-shirts or certificates will be purchased for Earobics. Clare Nemeth will submit a field trip request to take students to Wolf Pen.

ESS funds will be moved to PD. Donna Bentley asked for a Reading PD by Angela Hildebrandt. Members discussed doing this Countywide to share cost. Tom Crump will check on this. Donna Bentley asked that a PD on our copier is needed for all teachers so they can use all of the extra features. Tom Crump declared that the next PD would be RTI with Wurtland and Greysbranch Elementaries. Tom Crump recommended budgets be accepted as written. Clare Nemeth made the motion to accept as is and Lisa Blevins seconded the motion. Consensus was reached to do so.


Clare Nemeth stated that she was representing several teachers presenting this proposal. She suggested that we have a yearlong theme to pump students up for testing – Wild About Learning, and recognizing students during morning assembly for As (grades) on chapter tests and other classroom activities from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Tom Crump recommended this be done. Meredith Hall made the motion to do so and Felicia Burnham seconded the motion. Consensus was reached to adopt this yearlong theme.


Home School Relations - Component Manager, Janie Barney

Student Achievement - Component Manager, Clare Nemeth

Reducing Barriers - Component Manager, Lisa Blevins/Beth Spencer

Lisa Blevins stated that she would like to step down as Co Manager of the Reducing Barriers Component. Tom Crump reiterated that the CSIP and 30/60/90 Day Plan would be combined. Members decided the 3 new component titles would be Curriculum, School culture, and community Relations. The CSIP has long-term goals and the 30/60/90 Plan has short-term goals.


Policies and By Laws Review

Bette Parks distributed both packets to each member and reviewed Matt Baker’s email and a copy of the sample By Laws that he sent. We are in compliance. Bette parks will change a typographical error on Policy 2.08. The date of the first reading should read 1995. It has already been changed on the AES website. Clare Nemeth made the motion that Policies and By Laws remain as is with the above exception. Lisa Blevins seconded the motion. Council reached consensus to do so.


KASC Conference

Bette Parks distributed Session descriptions to all members. All registrations have been faxed for the six people who will be attending and Bette Parks will get the hotel confirmation numbers from tom Crump. He expressed the hope that the test scores will be in for members to analyze while attending the conference.


The next regular meeting will be at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 in the AES LMC due to being gone for the regular meeting date of Tuesday, September 25.


Lisa Blevins made the motion to adjourn. Felicia Burnham seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,



