Computer Applications I
E-day Lesson #1 – (Purple)
You are to do a webquest. You will need to answer the questions below using 4 different search engines. So that means, DO NOT use the same search engine for all the questions. You are to note in the answer, which search engine you used. You can set this up in a table like we have done in class, or you can simply answer each like this:
#1 answer (search engine used) copy/paste address
Either way of setting it up is fine.
The questions are below:
(1) Which state is called the Treasure State?
(2) What is the postal abbreviation for Texas?
(3) Which Joe was nicknamed the Yankee Clipper?
(4) William Henry Gates III collected his fortune from what source?
(5) In Peter Pan, what sort of animal was Nana?
(6) In basketball, where do the Supersonics come from?
(7) Which state is called the Pine Tree State?
(8) What is the postal abbreviation for Pennsylvania?
(9) What is California’s state capital?
(10) What is Ohio’s largest city?
(11) Which state lies due east of Alabama?
(12) What is the largest of the Southern states?
(13) Which river starts at Lake Itasca Minnesota and flows in the Gulf of Mexico?
(14) What type of creature was the star of the film Jaws?
(15) What was the name of the mansion where Elvis Presley died?
(16) In which country was a 2000 year old, life size terracotta army discovered?
(17) Which was the 50th state to become part of the United States of America?
(18) Which state is called the Great Lake State?
(19) What was the first name of the first man in space?
(20) Where in America was the world’s biggest rock festival staged
(21) What was the world’s biggest passenger ship when it was launched in 1912?
(22) What is the capital of the state of Alaska?