4801 LAGUNA BLVD. STE. 105-PMB 201
March 12, 2012 Eliminations in Red, Additions/Changes in Green[TM1]
The Directors of the Franklin Jr. Wildcats Youth Football & Cheer, 4801 Laguna Blvd. Ste. 105-PMB 201, Elk Grove, Ca, 95758, in the county of Sacramento, a non-profit, charitable organization, without stock, do hereby jointly adopt the following code of Bylaws:
Franklin Jr. Wildcats Youth Football and Cheer Inc., hereinafter, referred to as the Jr. Wildcats, exists to promote the emotional, mental, and physical development of youths ages six to fourteen. The purpose of the Jr. Wildcats is to offer the opportunity to participate in community supported football and cheer programs which stress the intrinsic value of every individual participant. The goal of the Jr. Wildcat association is to promote personal achievement and improvement through discipline and the spirit of competition. The youth players will be coached in a positive environment, which will build character, teamwork, the challenge of competition, and personal responsibility. The Jr. Wildcats is dedicated to organizing the finest program to enable the youth participant to have the best experience possible.
The Jr. Wildcats is a nonprofit organization exempt under section 23701D of the Revenue and Taxation Code as an Unincorporated Association. This organization is a nonprofit organization and is not organized for the private gain of any persons.
A)Political Limitation. No substantial part of the activities of this organization shall consist of carrying or propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office.
B)Dedication. The property of this organization is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes and no part of the income or assets of this organization shall ever insure to the benefit of any director, officer, or private person.
C)Purpose. The purpose of the Jr. Wildcats’ organization is as follows:
1)Provide the means and organization necessary to safely and successfully run competitive football and cheer programs.
2)Affiliate and align with a governing body, such as the Northern California Sports Alliance (NCSA), or any other such organization whose mission and purpose is consistent with that of the Jr. Wildcats.
3)Provide young men and women, ages six to fourteen, the opportunity to participate in programs which teach the fundamentals of competitive tackle football and team cheer, in a safe, age and weight controlled environment.
4)Promote civic pride and invite community support and participation.
5)Provide members with the most competent volunteer coaching available, within guidelines and requirements as set forth by the governing body with which the Jr. Wildcats align, such as NCSA.
6)At all times, to teach the principles and promote the benefits of scholastic achievement and superior sportsmanship.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the following 11positions which shall stand for election in the years indicated. Each Director may employ an assistant of their choosing; however, assistants shall not enjoy voting rights.
ODD YEARS / EVEN YEARSVice President of Cheer / President
Vice President of Marketing and Promotions / Vice President of Football
Vice President of Administration / Vice President of Communication and Information
Vice President of Finance / Vice President of Fundraising
Athletic Director / Vice President of Volunteers
Vice President of Concessions
Year considered as of January 1. ie; even years would be 2008, 2010, etc.
A)The Board shall manage the affairs of the Jr. Wildcats.
B)For meeting purposes, six (6) or more Directors shall be considered a quorum, not including the President.
C)Directors shall serve terms of two (2) years, starting on the first working day of December following their scheduled election as specified above. As long as the Director is in good standing and is duly elected, there is no limit to the terms an individual may serve.
D)In the event a Director vacancy occurs between elections, the remaining Directors may choose to:
1)Appoint a successor, or;
2)Leave the office unfilled until the next scheduled election of Directors, at which time the office shall be placed on the ballot and nominees sought to stand for election.
3)In the event the Board chooses to leave the office in question unfilled, the Board shall designate an existing Director, in addition to their own duties and without an additional vote, fulfill the duties of the vacant office.
4)Should the Board choose to appoint a successor to the vacated office, such appointment shall take place during a scheduled board meeting and require a 2/3 affirmative vote of the Directors in attendance. Directors appointed to office shall:
(a)Hold office for the remainder of the departing Director’s term;
(b)Be granted and enjoy the exercise of full Board privileges;
(c)Duly exercise the duties of the office to which they have been appointed;
(d)Not be eligible for being re-appointed to any subsequent Board position without having first been duly elected to the Board, regardless of the capacity, in a general election by the membership. Each appointment by the Board of an individual to office, regardless of previous election history, shall be considered a new occurrence, and as such, shall subject the appointee to the strictures of this provision. This provision may be temporarily suspended by a unanimous vote of all Directors during any scheduled meeting of the Board. Upon the conclusion of the vote considering re-appointment of a previously appointed Director, this provision shall be immediately and automatically restored and in force.
E)The process for removal of Director(s) and other individuals with a badge shall be as follows:
1)A written complaint detailing the circumstance and/or behavior in question shall be delivered to any member of the Board of Directors.
2)The Board Member shall bring the complaint to the Board of Directors who will consider the matter and decide whether to convene the Conduct and Rules Committee (CRC).
3)If convened, the CRC shall consider the complaint and other relevant evidence pursuant to the operating guidelines governing its actions. The CRC will be chaired by the President and shall be comprised of the VP of Football, VP of cheer, and two other board members selected by the President on a case-by-case basis, none of whom can be the object of the complaint.
4)The CRC shall rule on the matter and refer their decision to the Board of Directors for ratification.
5)The Board shall ratify the CRC’s ruling(s) and enforce applicable sanctions, if any.
F)Regular meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, be held at least once monthly, on a continual basis, throughout the year and posted on the FJW website. Closed board meetings will be held as needed as determined by the President or by quorum of Board of Directors.
G)Special meetings of the Board may be called, provided notifications of such is delivered at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. Said notice is to be delivered in person, by telephone, or by email to each Director, by the Director calling the meeting, and shall include the purpose for the special said meeting and any matters to be considered and voted upon by the Board at said meeting. Special meetings called by the President or by the Board require a minimum of six (6) voting Board members to be present.
H)The Board may override a President’s veto by a 2/3 vote.
I)No Director, nor any member of this organization, regardless of position, shall bemonetarily compensated for their services. In addition, no member can intentionally profit and/or monetarily benefit from business related to the Franklin Jr. Wildcats organization.
J)All Directors shall serve as voting members of the Board with the exception of the President. The President shall enjoy and exercise the voting privilege in the following circumstances:
1)Votes concerning amendments to existing, or adoption of new Bylaws;
2)Votes concerning the assignment of personnel.
3)The President shall break all tie votes.
K)Directors shall be elected during the annual election which will be held by the Election Conduct Committee (ECE) found under Elections on p. 14 of the Bylaws. Directors shall be nominated by the membership and appointed by a majority vote of the outgoing board.
L)If there are no nominations the President may appoint positions with board approval as needed.
A)The President shall:
1)Establish and maintain positive overall program direction, sponsor support, community goodwill, and strategic associate affiliations year-round.
2)Preside as chairperson over all meetings of the Board, regular or special. Set agenda, maintain yearly planning calendar, ensure a quorum is present at all board meetings.
3)Represent the Jr. Wildcats as a voting member before all meetings of the governing body with which the Jr. Wildcats is aligned, such as NCSA or any other such organization. These currently include monthly NorCal Sports Alliance (NCSA) Presidents meetings, monthly Elk Grove Youth Sports Association meetings, monthly Franklin Football Boosters meetings.
4)Ensure the VP of Football or Equipment manager secure the necessary resources in order to safely field the Jr. Wildcat’s football teams and cheer squads. Ensure field and facility planning and approval is maintained in advance through Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) guidelines, inventory and obtain equipment needs, officials, EMTs for games, etc.
5)Exercise veto authority over any Board decisions in order to ensurethe best interests of the Jr. Wildcats.
6)Actively promote and obtain EGUSD and community support for the Jr. Wildcats Football and Cheer programs.
7)At a minimum, annually convene an audit session to review the organization’saccounts. Such session shall be comprised of at least three Directors.
8)At a minimum, annually convene at least one general membership meeting for purposes of finalizing a year end report.
9)Preside over all game day activities at home and away venues. Be responsible for producing game day protocol and schedule, including but not limited to, player rosters, national anthem, music, announcing, staging of football teams and cheer squads and all other aspects of game days.
10)Submit to NCSA, or any other such governing body with which the Jr. Wildcats may choose to align, the scores of any and all home and away games, as prescribed in rulebook of said governing body.Resolve all conflicts with the EGUSD regarding the facilities use. Report all conflicts to the President and/or Board of Directors.
11)Ensure all aspects of game day events are manned, IE: announcers, EMTs, and officials for each Jr. Wildcat hosted event.
12)With assistance of the VP of Finance, develop and maintain an overall budget for purchases. Said budget must be approved in advance by the Board prior to the season commencing.
13)Manage and be ultimately responsible for all other aspects of the Board of Directors and their responsibilities.
B)The Vice President of Football shall:
1)Assist the President in the administration of the Jr. Wildcat organization with regard to football activities.
2)Attend all meetings of the Board.
3)In the absence of the President, preside over meetings of the Board.
4)In the absence of the President, represent the Jr. Wildcat organization at any meeting or function.
5)With the approval of 2/3 of all Directors, assume the duties and privileges of the President in the event the President is physically incapacitated, removed underthe provisions of II.E, or is otherwise unwilling to perform the functions of that office.
6)Ensure Football player certification is prepared and maintained per NCSA or other governing body’s policies.
7)Ensure scholastic achievement program for football playersis administered on behalf of the Jr. Wildcats.
8)Actively pursue outside events for football. IE, preseason football camps with Franklin High School coaching staff, yearly preseason scrimmage games, Post season bowl or tournament games, on field appearances at Franklin High School games.
9)Serve as liaison between players, coaches, parents, and the Board.
10)Provide knowledgeable and responsible coaching and conditioning opportunities to the Jr. Wildcat football teams while ensuring demands made upon participants are commensurate with the age and skill levels of the participants.
11)Establish appropriate rules of conduct for football team members, be accountable to the Board for the active enforcement of such code, and with the approval of the President, enforce appropriate disciplinary actions with respect to violations of said code of conduct.
12)Ensure coaches and assistant coaches are in compliance with all obligations and regulations placed upon them by NCSA or any other such governing body with which the Jr. Wildcats may align and represent the Board at all Jr. Wildcat games and practices.
13)Assist the President in developing and maintaining the planning calendar with regard to football related activities.
14)Actively manage head football coaches. ie: develop practice schedules, ensure field and facilities for football practice are available, address parent complaints regarding football coaches.
15)Ensure all head football coaches understand and abide by NCSA or other governing body’s rules and regulations.
16)Appoint and manage an equipment manager for the season.
17)Assist head football coaches in assigning a team manager. Help train and develop team managers and ensure communication between team managers and FJW Board of directors is maintained.
18)Perform any other duties assigned to this office by the President within the guidelines of the Football related activities.
19)Develop and maintain a budget for purchases of football related activities including, equipment, field and facilities use fees, EMT and official fees, fees related to NCSA or other governing bodies. Said budget must be approved in advance by the Board.
C)The Athletic Director shall:
1)Oversee Franklin Jr. Wildcat coaches.
2)Provide training for FJW coaches.
3)Handle any disputes between coaches and parents.
4)Present to the board of directors all coaches applications for the season. [TM2]
D)The Vice President of Cheer shall:
1)Be directly responsible to the President for all cheer related issues and activities.
2)Make arrangements for and coordinate cheer practices. In conjunction with the Facilities Coordinator, acquire all facility use documentation necessary to secure practice facilities. Serve as a liaison between the Jr. Wildcats and both Toby Johnson Middle School and the Franklin High School Cheer program.
3)Be responsible for creating and maintaining an annual cheer budget to be approved by the Board of Directors.
4)Work with the VP of fundraising to help defray costs of Cheer uniforms, camps, and any other cheer related equipment. All fundraising is to be approved in advance by the Board of Directors.
5)Prepare and maintain all necessary paperwork required regarding competition entry.
6)Ensure that all necessary paperwork and documentation is provided to complete the certification process. Assist the Vice President with completing the certification binders for all cheer squads and deliver to all head coaches prior to Jamboree.
7)Order any and all uniforms and equipment for the Jr. Wildcats cheer program consistent with the approved cheer budget.
8)Annually recruit, screen, and nominate cheer head coaches and submit to the Board of Directors for final approval.
9)Approve assistant cheer coaches nominated by head cheer coaches and bring related issues to the Board of Directors for resolution.
10)Manage and/or supervise all cheer coaches, instructors and ancillary personnel.
11)Supervise all practices and events, making sure that safe coaching and conditioning techniques are used at all times.
12)Serve as a liaison between members and coaching staff during practices and events in order to assure that all parent questions and concerns are answered.
13)Supervise cheer clinic and tryouts.
14)Make arrangements for and coordinate Cheer Clinic and Try-Outs.
15)Establish rules of conduct for all cheer squad members and be accountable to the President and Board of Directors of the active enforcement of said code. With the approval of the President, enforce appropriate disciplinary action with respect to violations of said Code of Conduct.
E)The Vice President of Finance shall:
1)In the absence of the President and the Vice President of Football preside over meetings of the Board.
2)Attend all meetings of the Board.
3)Maintain custody of, and be responsible for, the funds and securities of the Jr. Wildcats. Said funds are to be kept in an appropriate bank account or accounts, as may be designated by the Board from time to time.
4)Enjoy, exercise, and safeguard signature authority on all Jr. Wildcats accounts for the express purpose of conducting lawful Jr. Wildcats’ business.
5)With the assistance of the Board, develop and maintain an annual budget.
6)Work with the VP of Fundraising to implement appropriate fundraising activities. The primary purpose of which is to provide the Jr. Wildcats with sufficient working capital, as may be required to sustain the organization’s operations. The Board of Directors must approve all fundraising activities in advance.