Cunningham Creek Elementary/SAC Minutes for February 8, 2010
Administration: / Teachers: / Parents:Edie Jarrell / Cristin Rudi / Carol Higley
Betsy Wierda / Sherry Galbraith / Jan Wilson
Bridget Jeffers / Nery DiDeo
District: / Allison Zweigle for Andreen Morais / Kim Seaman
Kevin Klein / Jodi McLeod / Rebecca Henson
Deb Stubee / Lori Madrid
Marlene Patterson / Kate Andrews
Barbara Smith / Anne Lister
Lena Ford
Dawn Barata
Becky Schroth, Kimberly Calderwood, Janece Bevans-Kerr, Laurie Hatsell, and Becky Rose
Excused absences:
Darlene Desena, Janet Noack, and Lisa Whitaker
The February 8, 2010 SAC meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m. by Carol Higley. There was an amendment made to the minutes from January 11, 2010. The amendments are:
Lori Madrid made the motion to approve the minutes with the amendments made. Kate Andrews seconded the motion to approve the minutes with the amendments made. The minutes were approved with the amendments made.
Bridget Jeffers shared that we will not be having an article review. Sherry Galbraith and Bridget Jeffers will get this out to everyone for the next meeting.
Principal’s Report:
Mrs. Wierda shared that the FCAT Writes! Takes place tomorrow. Sherry Galbraith shared the writing lessons from the prior week.
Mrs. Wierda then shared the Teacher of the Year Banquet, Thursday~February 11,2010.
Mrs. Wierda shared the upcoming events over the course of the next few weeks and until the end of the school year. She also discussed the budget and class size amendment briefly.
Reading Garden Update:
Bridget Jeffers shared the garden update. She shared that 48 trees are being donated for the garden area.
Disney has a promotion going (Give a day, get a day) ~ If your family would like to come out and donate time (age 6 and up) they can earn time to work.
Climate Survey Review:
Climate Survey is not going well. We are only at 320 surveys completed at this time. Mrs. Wierda will sponsor an ice cream party/social for the grade level with the highest percentage.
Fifth Grade is doing well with getting their SAC surveys done. The other grade levels have not been getting as many completed.
A suggestion was made by Becky Henson to put it on our nightly homework as a parent’s homework!
Another suggestion was made to extend the deadline for the SAC survey. Bridget Jeffers shared that she has to have the survey tabulated by FCAT (March).
Bridget Jeffers will contact Laura Jones to ask her to send out an email to all of the classroom moms to let them know about the Ice Cream Social for the winning grade level. The request is that Laura Jones will place this in an email to all of the homeroom parents.
Small Group/Subcommittee ~
Carol Higley passed out small group/subcommittee sign up sheets.
Family Nights – Lori Madrid
Grants – Lena Ford
Garden – Michael Britt
Public Relations – Betsy Wierda
School Improvement/Climate Survey Implementation – Anne Lister
February 23rd – Money Matters
February 19th ~ Sock Hop There will be a flyer going home in the Tuesday Folders and it is in The Chatter and on the CCE Website. If anyone is interested in signing up for before, during or after – Mrs. Steiglman is the PTO contact and Carol Higley is the SAC contact. Let them know if you are interested in working on the Sock Hop!
Carol Higley shared the science information from SJRWMD. The SJRWMD is waiting for us to let them know if we are interested. It is tentatively scheduled for October 2010 as there is a great deal of preparation by the teacher.
SAC members broke out into small groups to brainstorm and strategize around the small groups/subcommittees.
Kate Andrews made a motion for SAC to sponsor a Family Tree Planting Night on February 26th. Lori Madrid made a motion for SAC to sponsor a Family Tree Planting Night on February 26th. The vote was held and it was approved that SAC will sponsor a Family Tree Planting Night on February 26th. None were opposed.
The SAC meeting was interrupted and ended by a fire drill at 5:05 p.m.