University of North Alabama Connie D. McKinney Department of Human Sciences, Hospitality, and Design Culinary Arts/Hospitality Management Events Application
We are honored you are considering partnering with the Connie D. McKinney Department of Human Sciences, Hospitality, and Design for your event and ask that you complete the application below. The ultimate goal of partnering with groups outside the department is to offer our students excellent and unique learning opportunities while helping to support your event. To ensure we meet this goal, all opportunities are evaluated on the educational experiences associated with the activity and the availability of faculty and students. While all applications will be considered, events are booked on a first come first served basis and must support and enhance the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management curricula and initiatives. Given the high demand for activities, not all events can be accepted. Donations to the Culinary Club at the University of North Alabama are encouraged and appreciated for the use of the culinary student’s time and talents. These donations are in addition to the agreed cost of the event. Please complete the following application form.
*For planning purposes, applications should be submitted a minimum of 90 days prior to the event.
Event Information
Name of Organization:Address:
On Campus Event Location:
Off Campus Event Location:
Person of Contact:
Alternate Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Event Name:
Event Date:
Anticipated # of Guests:
Will Alcohol be Served?
__ No__ Yes, Liquor License Number: ______
*Culinary Arts cannot provide alcohol for events.
Event Location Information
Please check all that are available at the event location:
__ Commercial Kitchen / __ Linens __ Indoor/Outdoor: ________ Water (Hot? Cold?) / __ Serving Ware __ Refrigerator __ Oven
__ Electricity / __ Dishware/Barware __ Prep Tables __ Stove
Student Participation
Please check all areas where student participation will be required:
__ Planning and organizing of the event / __ Serving__ Menu planning / __ Bussing dishes and food clean up
__ Food Preparation / __ Other, please describe: ______
Will Admission be Charged?
Please check appropriate box. If admission is charged, please give a dollar amount.
__ NoYes, Amount: ______
For University Events
What department/area does this event support and how does it support the University Goals and Mission? What learning opportunities will your event offer our students?
For Community Events
If this is a community event, what is the purpose of the event? Please give us as much pertinent information about the event as possible, such as fundraising or sponsorship details, how proceeds will be used, etc. What learning opportunities will your event offer our students?
Monetary contributions to UNA Culinary
Will there be a monetary contribution to the UNA Culinary Club above the cost of food and supplies?
__ No__ Yes, $ Amount or percentage of profits: ______
Agreement and Signature
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that if an event is accepted, any changes in location, time, number of guests, etc. must be approved by the Department Chair and the Culinary Arts Director.
Name(Printed), Position, Title
Our Policy
If an event is accepted to the Culinary Arts calendar, an agreement will be signed between the Event Person of Contact and the Culinary Arts Director and Department Chair, establishing location, guests, menu, and costs. All costs of the event are the responsibility of the reserving party. The Culinary Arts Director or representative will work with the event facilitator to establish an agreed upon cost based on the event needs. If an event is accepted, any changes in location, time, number of guests, etc. must be approved by the Culinary Director and Department Chair and may cause the event to be removed from the culinary calendar if we are unable to accommodate the changes.
If we are unable to provide assistance for your event, we would be willing to share information regarding your event with students and post fliers offering students the opportunity to contact you as an independent contractor.
All inquiries, invoices, and budget transfers will be handled by the department Senior Administrative Assistant, Courtney Cornelius. Ms. Cornelius may be reached at 256-765-4313 or .
For Internal Use Only
Date Application Received:Received By:
Event Accepted (yes/no):
Agreed Upon Event Costs:
Additional Information: