Candidates sitting for theElementary Word Processing examinations will be expected to be capable of performing the Word Processing functions listed below.

Those sitting the Intermediate andAdvanced Word Processing examinations will be expected to perform the additional list of functions on top of the first list.

Candidates are expected to have sufficient keyboarding skills in line with the level of examination which they sit.


It is expected that candidates at Elementary level will be capable of keying in a passage of text and be able to display a basic letter, notice, advertisement etc.


Candidates at Intermediate level, in addition to topics above, should be able to prepare an agenda for a meeting, a company memo, an itinerary, an application form (completed), a table, a short report, menu, the minutes of a meeting.


Candidates at Advanced level, as well as being capable of covering the requirements of Elementary and Intermediate level, should be able to complete two substantial word processing tasks in the time allotted, be able to present their documents so that they are impressive on the page/s and use as many word processing functions as is possible to enhance the display. Creativity and initiative will be particularly rewarded at Advanced level.

Elementary / 50 Minutes
Intermediate / 1 Hour
Advanced / 1 Hour and 10 Minutes


Word Processing examinations are only accepted in hard copy format and the Board will not accept examinations forwarded for correction as an attachment to an email.

elementary examination

Candidates should be able to perform the following Word Processing functions

  • Insertion and deletion of a letter, word, sentence or paragraph
  • Save completed work to a suitable file
  • Recall work previously stored
  • To replace a word with an alternative word
  • To centre, embolden, underline, use italics, upper and lower case letters – to insert

or remove these when required.

  • To change font size and style
  • To create a new paragraph or to join up two existing paragraphs
  • To insert spaced capitals
  • To change line spacing to 1.5 or double line spacing when required
  • To insert a box or border
  • Use a simple tab (5 spaces) key
  • To indent a line or paragraph
  • To leave one or more blank lines
  • To cut a passage of text and to paste it to a different location
  • To insert bullets
  • Spell-check
  • Insert appropriate Clip Art/Graphic into a passage of text and to adjust it to a suitable size
  • Insertion of headers or footers

intermediate and advanced

In addition to the previous list, candidates at these two levels should be able to perform the following Word Processing functions:

Justify right hand margin / Create hanging paragraphs
Search and Replace / Insert Text Box, borders and shading
Insert a table with or without borders / Insert a numerical tabulation
Double underlining / Use left aligned, right aligned and decimal tab
Change margins: top, bottom, right or left / Copy all or part of a document to a new
document and make changes as required
Address labels / Mail Merge
Putting text into columns / Saving paragraphs in separate files and using
them to compose letters of reply
Changing text from double columns to single column / Proofreading
Page numbering / Insertion or deletion of page breaks
Printing out in portrait or landscape size
paper / Create a document/form with a tear off section