Media Studies 20

Digital Portfolios

Student Learning Objectives:

·  I will learn how to use technology to demonstrate my learning of specific topics covered in class.

·  I will learn the basic set up of online blogging spaces such as wikispaces, WordPress, blogster, etc.

·  I will create a portfolio of my work and reflections on my learning throughout the semester.

How we’re going to do this:

We will be spending our first few classes together setting up your online space. You will be using this space throughout the semester, and hopefully after leaving this class, as well. I will show the different sites you might want to use to create your portfolio, and from there I will leave you to “play & discover.” You have a lot of freedom with this project – it is about YOU. Your space should reflect who you are as a person & learner. We will also be using this portfolio for your final summary learning. If you are keeping up with your portfolio, your summary of learning should be a breeze to complete.

Some things to consider:

This is will be an online space that is YOURS. You are responsible for the things you to choose to post and say on your portfolio. Be careful about what you choose to post – it is a reflection of who you are. Work on creating a positive digital identity through this online space.

Don’t use your full name, your address, etc. Be smart.


·  Home Page – Welcomes people to your blog. What class is it for? What is the purpose?

·  About Me - Friends, family, pets, education, hobbies, work etc. Use pictures, texts, video. You will also be posting your introductory letter on this page.

·  Media – Multiple media pages – music, movies, TV, etc, can each have a page with their own title.

·  Media Log – This is where you’ll post regularly your reflections from class & what you’re learning.

·  Choice Pages – technology, fashion, your interests, etc. We will talk about these as the semester progresses.