Altamonte Elementary School

4th Grade Newsletter

Hard to believe it is March!

We are in the 3rd Trimester working very hard! FSA Writes is over, and we are getting closer to FSA Reading and Math!! It is just around the corner in early April!!

SPRING BREAK BEGINS: Friday, March 17 and classes resume, Monday, Mar. 27th.

FSA Reading will be on April 10th & 11th, with FSA Math the next week on April 17th and 18th.

IT IS IMPERATIVE YOUR CHILD IS IN ATTENDANCE! They will need a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast!

We are Focusing on…

Here’s a preview of the skills we will be working on this month!

English/Language Arts (ELA) Focus Skills:December

  • Focus Skills:Story Elements, Folktales, Informational Text, Comparing firsthand and secondhand accounts, Writing Opinion Essays
  • Grammar: Common, Proper, Plural, Irregular and Plural-Possessive Nouns, Pronouns

Math Focus Skills: March-

We are finishing up on: Understanding Decimals as Fractions and Decimals. Next onto Unit Conversion, Area, and Perimeter as well as review of skills from this entire year.

Science Focus Skills: for March

Earth’s Resources & Plants and Animals

Social Studies Focus: Dec.

  • Native Americans, Early Florida Explorers


ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL: As a reminder, instruction begins PROMPLY at 8:40 and continues until 2:45 every day. Unless it’s an emergency, please try to ensure your child is on time every day, and please refrain from picking up your child before 2:45. Thank you!!

SPELLING TESTS: Due to the intensity of the curriculum over the next few weeks, spelling tests have been suspended. We hope to resume spelling tests after the holidays. We will keep you posted.

HOMEWORK:4th grade students will have math homework each night except Friday. They need to be practicing their multiplication and division facts nightly so they learn them by heart. Students also have reading homework each night except Friday. They need to be reading 30 minutes nightly. Parents can help deepen comprehension by discussing with their children the books they are reading. Students are expected to copy their assignments in their planners daily.

PLANNERS: Please check and sign planners nightly! This is our most immediate form of communication with home! Please remember to send in an absent note when your child has been out!

Questions? Contact us!

Mr. Circe

Mrs. Altshuler

Mrs. Wilson

Mrs. Pylant

Miss Ashby