A Unified Field Theory
Experimental Verification of the Unified Field Theory
Beginning around April of 2010, in a few weeks time as I am writing this (mid March 2010) the Large Hadron Collider will be powered up to fifty percent power (which is double its present energy output). For reasons which will be explained in the following discussion, this event will prove to be very important for it provides the opportunity to test the predictions of the Unified Field Theory (the theory predicts various malfunctions of this device, which when verified would lead directly to a new green energy source and a new clean mode of propulsion to replace the aging and quite dirty Newtonian technology being employed today). Up to the present time the LHC has experienced malfunctions consistent with the predictions of the Unified Field Theory and we can expect these malfunctions to increase in magnitude as the device is powered up to 50 percent power in April of 2010 and then runs at one hundred percent power in 2012.
The following is a continuation of a discussion summarized briefly on the following page:
Experimental Test of the Unified Field Theory
Description of a simple experiment to test the Unified Field Theory
The Large Hadron Collider
The Large Hadron Collider is a 27 kilometer magnetic doughnut ring located in a tunnel excavated under the Alps mountain range in Europe (the device must be shielded by a a thick layer of rock to prevent high energy ‘cosmic rays' (high velocity particles of matter) contaminating the results of particle detection experiments).
The device uses hundreds of super cooled super conducting magnets to accelerate ionized gas particles to super high velocities before steering the speeding gas particles into a head on collision inside a series of special detectors (symbolically represented by the yellow ovals in the diagram above). ‘Masses of matter' are made of little tiny jigsaw puzzle pieces held together with a kind of ‘energy super glue' and the result of these violent collisions is to bust the atomic nuclei (ions, which consist of just the nucleus of the atoms) into tiny busted apart fragments of ‘mass' and small bits of quanta of energy (the ‘super glue' which always appears as fragments of a certain ‘size', a phenomenon referred to as the ‘quantization of energy', an effect which was first predicted by Albert Einstein and for which Einstein then won the Nobel Prize in physics). Both the particles of energy and the particles of ‘matter' can then be measured and analyzed by the detectors. This then gives researchers information on the composition of atoms (which are in turn made up even tinier bits and pieces, with the purpose of these violent collisions being to bust apart the super glue holding those bits together, making both the super glue and the tiny jig saw puzzle pieces of ‘matter' available for analysis).
In the earliest days of particle physics photographic emulsions were used on mountaintops to register the ‘streaks' and ‘trails' left by the only accelerated particles available for research in those days, which were called ‘cosmic rays' (accelerated particles from space). Today sophisticated detectors are used to gather data sets which are then analyzed and turned into graphic images by computers (the images look like a splatter pattern composed of the trails of all the bits and chunks and fragments flying off from the center of the explosive impact).
The LHC is the most powerful (and most expensive) device ever constructed by our sciences. Currently (mid-March, 2010) it is only running at one quarter power (about three and half trillion electron volts of collision energy), and already it has set new world records for the energy it generates. The device will be powered up to half of its total potential energy sometime later this month (end of March 2010) and will then be generating collision energies of close to seven trillion electron volts. It will then be operated a full power (14 trillion electron volts) sometime in 2012 or 2013 after being shut down for upgrades towards the end of 2011.
Introduction to the Unified Field Theory
For the purpose of the following analysis we define the ‘Unified Field Theory' as being a method of problem solving based upon the assumption that the universe is composed of an energy field and that all manifestations of this field are chameleon like manifestations of this one field, even when it might at first appear that they are not. We assume that the fundamental properties and characteristics that govern this energy field and determine its behavior, including its chameleon like shape shifting manifestations, all remain consistent and predictable no matter what form the energy field might take. This is similar to saying that it is always the same energy field and therefore its fundamental defining properties and characteristics never change. Therefore we expect consistency from the energy field to be exhibited by all observable phenomena, and so therefore a Unified Field Theory must reject any interpretation of the evidence that is inconsistent with this assumption of field consistency.
The task of a theoretical physicist is to generate a theory which is internally consistent, and the theory produced can then be used to generate predictions which can then be either verified or repudiated by means of experiment (it is therefore the task of the theorist to also generate descriptions of such experiments, for without experimental proposals such a theory would not qualify as a ‘scientific theory' but could instead be justifiably dismissed as speculation).
One criticism of the Unified Field Theory approach that you will often here is that it is based upon an ‘a priori assumption' that the field is a Unified Field, and maybe it is not, so therefore why bother. Of course this is correct for no Unified Field Theory would be a Unified Field Theory without such an ‘a priori asumption'. It is the task of the theorist who adopts this assumption to ensure that theory is internally consistent. It is the task of the experiment to justify or repudiate the Unified Field approach (this is not a philosophical debate).
Why the Unified Field Theory?
The purpose of this Unified Field Theory is to lay the theoretical foundations for a new clean and green technological revolution, focusing on the problems of new forms of propulsion and new forms of energy generation. These two problems are actually one and the same problem for ‘momentum' (motion) is the source of ‘energy generation' (think of the Hoover dam which generates ‘electrical current' or the wind turbine generator as examples of this principle). Therefore to solve the propulsion problem is to solve the energy generation problem, and vice versa. A new solution to these problems then leads to a new form of technology based upon these new principles which will be quite different from what we are accustomed to at present. Thus the Unified Field Theory is not some ivory tower parlor game but has real impacts on the everyday life of everyone. Nothing will ever be quite the same again, is one way to put it, and the world will change in ways people did not imagine before the time came for the Unified Field Theory to be put into practical everyday use.
Our technology has not fundamentally changed in centuries (your automobile is the direct descendant of some old steam engine first created centuries ago). These older ‘Newtonian' technologies are based heavily upon burning being employed to generate the energy of motion while at the same time generating toxic waste products (a physical approach to an energy problem which would be more suitably addressed by an ‘energy field' solution, skipping the redundant ‘physical physics', the older idea here being that first you rub two sticks together to burn something up and then use billions of small gaseous mallets to beat and pound on something or another, such as the internal guts of rockets or pistons, so as to generate these equal and opposite actions and reactions and so forth, and in this round about ‘physical way' you generate the energy required by a technological civilization).
The big drawbacks of this Newtonian technology is that it is filthy and produces all sorts of toxic waste products and even in its ‘green' forms (hydroelectric dams or pounding windmills with little equal and opposite wind particle mallets, and so on) it is only ‘green energy' if you are not a salmon or a bird (these forms of physical physics mallet based ‘green energy solutions' being ‘green' only in that they do not involve rubbing two sticks together to set something on fire thus producing carbon dioxide and particulate soot).
The Laws of Physics
According to the Unified Field Theory approach, the worst enemy of human progress and the worst enemy of science known as physics are the so called ‘laws of physics'. You see, we cannot have the Unified Field Theory because it violates the so called ‘laws' of this ‘classical physics'. Such ‘laws' were formed during the Fred Flintstone era of physics and the evidence already suggests that these laws are not laws at all, but better classified as ignorant error. That such repudiated laws still remain on the books of our science of physics is a curious development, and for this reason we have a growing catalogue of ‘unsolved mysteries of science' (so many of which involve momentum in some form of another). Not only are these ‘laws' being violated in each case of one of these ‘mysteries' but it turns out that the laws themselves are totally inconsistent with the fundamental assumption of the Unified Field Theory, which is that the field is one field and that its properties and characteristics remain the same no matter what form the chameleon might assume. Therefore a consistent Unified Field Theorist is required to reject one so called ‘law of physics' after another, in order to formulate a consistent theory, and it turns out that the theory only generates useful experiments when this approach is ruthlessly applied to dispose of any inconsistent prehistoric law. The fact these laws are already being violated and have been repudiated in each case of one of these scientific mysteries gives a theorist increased confidence when it comes to disposing of classical physics and its erroneous laws, for the universe disposes of those laws as well, and so therefore we can already make the ‘a priori assumption' that the laws of classical physics are no laws at all, and so therefore becoming an alleged law breaker is not a crime after all.
The Unified Field Theory for the Layperson
However, because it is required that a Unified Field Theorist ‘break the laws of physics' I have long ago decided to go over the heads of the scientific establishment and employ the tactic of explaining the Unified Field Theory to the average person. In this way in order to avoid further poisoning of the well with my nonsense, and eliminate possible problems in getting John Q. Taxpayer to continue to supply funds for the kinds of ‘pure research' no big multinational corporation will fund, it will become necessary for our scientists to conduct the experiments required to rule out the Unified Field Theory once and for all, if for no other reason than to get rid of me once and for all. This modus operandi is quite acceptable to me, for I am an abstract theoretical physicist who requires experimental validation or repudiation of my theory, so we can all be assured that at least when we reject the approach of the Unified Field Theory we are all heading in the right direction. I would like to be convinced of that as well, if it turned out to be true, so that I don't need to be wasting my time pursuing a feral canard.
The Large Hadron Collider: An Experiment in Unified Field Physics
Lately I have revised my approach somewhat, since there are certain experiments that will be conducted without any pressure being applied by yours truly, for it turns out that if the particle physics community just goes about business as usual, the Unified Field Theory will be tested at the same time. This is convenient for the types of experiments that are required to test the assumptions of the Unified Field Theory would cost billions and billions of dollars in order to generate the enormous energy levels required for experiments in Unified Field Physics, and so therefore it is good that such billions have already been spent. This means that there is no necessity to become Don Quixote lobbying for billions for experiments that violate the laws of physics, and therefore would be a big waste of money. Fortunately I no longer need concern myself with that whole business of tilting against wind mills for the Large Hadron Collider experiment is already underway.
All manifestations of the energy field include both a ‘centripetal' (pulling) force and a ‘centrifugal' (pushing) force, with the one anomalous field being that ‘gravity field', which, we are told is a one way attractive mass of matter force field which can therefore generate only ‘centripetal' (attractive) forces (which means then that in this ‘gravity' field things can only fall down and can never, ever fall up, which would be ridiculous especially given that you never see such things, no, never, not ever). If this was true then we must give up on a Unified Field Theory, for the fundamental assumption of equality of field properties has been violated. At the very least we must give up on this version of the Unified Field Theory, for it is based upon the a priori assumption of field equivalence, no matter what form the chameleon might assume, and so if there was to be some other Unified Field Theory it would have to assume an as yet unknown theoretical form (all the other forces exhibit this field equality except for that gravity which does not, for some reason).
Now we do see things falling up in a gravity field. Objects that ‘gain momentum', such as rockets, go up and not down, since apparently when you have ‘gained momentum' that is, for all practical purposes, equivalent to ‘anti-gravity'.
When we speak of ‘momentum' we are describing an energy state and when speak of ‘gaining momentum' we are alluding to an energy field where stored momentum energy is either gained or lost. We can think of the universe as consisting of energy in two forms, the first being the ‘mass field' (matter) and the second being liberated or ‘free energy'. We know that it is possible to go back and forth between these two states (‘free energy' in the form of high energy gamma wavelengths, can be employed to form two masses of matter, an electron-positron pair (matter and anti-matter) which if then recombined destroy each other to produce once again high energy gamma wavelengths of free energy. Momentum is in the form of this ‘free energy' which has the ability to loosely bind itself to a mass field (to matter) in which case we say that the mass field has ‘gained momentum' (which is a description of the increase in density of this loosely bound free energy). To ‘lose momentum' is to have this matter field shed free energy (for the free energy differs from the matter field in that the free energy is mobile while the mass field remains fixed unless matter encounters anti-matter or fusion occurs between two masses in a high energy environment).
When energy is in the ‘matter form' the mediating field is referred to as ‘the gravity field' and when energy is in the free state (it has mobility) the mediating field is referred to as ‘the electromagnetic field.' Now given that ‘gaining momentum' (free energy attached to a matter field) produces results equivalent to ‘anti-gravity' (objects move up instead of falling down) it therefore just logically follows from this that binding a propulsive device in a very powerful electromagnetic field would be equivalent to ‘gaining momentum' which means that such a device would rise in the field.
Above is a screen capture of an experiment which involved placing a frog within an extremely powerful electromagnetic field which then produced a result exactly equivalent to creating a pocket of ‘zero-G'. The frog is floating, as though the frog was on the space station or with the astronauts in a space capsule on the way to the moon.
You may be interested in watching the You-tube video of what I am calling the ‘zero-G' frog experiment. You can watch the video by clicking the following link. Floating Frog
Now there are those who call this the ‘maglev frog' and therefore, they insist that what we see here is not a genuine zero-G frog but a clever simulation of a zero-G frog. Apparently the simulation of zero-G requires the employment of electromagnetism and given that there is no ‘Unified Field Theory' and gravity is therefore a special force field all to itself, this is not a real zero-G frog, but rather a simulated zero-G frog.
The perspective of the Unified Field Theory offers the following analysis. For some reason having to do with human psychology, the so called ‘laws of physics' are able to withstand any and all contrary evidence. Either the anomaly which refutes these laws will be parked on a shelf labeled ‘unsolved mysteries' (the assumption being that it will someday be solved, which then allows us to continue to use those faulty laws in the meantim) or some excuse will be manufactured that will refute the visible evidence and salvage the erroneous law. For this reason the human race was able to manufacture a zero-G frog and not even realize that it was a zero-G frog (for their laws demanded that this be a ‘maglev frog' and so therefore it became a maglev frog, which was a good result, because it meant that such a frog would not have to be included as one more entry on the list of unsolved mysteries).
If the assumption of the Unified Field Theory is correct then it must be true that ‘gaining momentum' is equivalent to ‘a stronger electromagnetic field' and just as it was possible to nullify gravity with a powerful electromagnetic field, it would also be possible to create ‘gravitational repulsion' or ‘anti-gravity' by employing a sufficiently powerful electromagnetic field (such a field, being the manifest mediating field of free energy, would mimic the effects of ‘gained momentum').
We can test this theoretical prediction using the Large Hadron Collider as our tool (the device generates the most powerful electromagnetic field ever created by our science).