Welcome to Ms. Kameron’s Kindergarten Class

Dear Parents/Legal Guardians and Students,

Kindergarten is finally here! I am so excited to have you be apart of my class this year! We are going to have so much fun while learning much more in the process! Below are a few of my classroom rules and procedures. If you would, please read each rule carefully and initial by each. Along with that, please have you and your child sign and date at the bottom. As you know, each rule broken does have a consequence to go along with it. So again, please review these rules carefully with your child! Thank you!

Classroom Rules

1.  Respect me and your other classmates. ____

2.  Use kind words. ____

3.  Follow directions. ____

4.  Raise your hand and wait for your turn to speak. ____

5.  Use inside voices when inside (feel free to use your loudest voice at recess). ____

**We will be using technology in the classroom for educational purposes. This can be very fun and helpful when used the right way. Please go over these rules with your student below. Please initial these rules also.

Rules While Using Technology

1.  Only go on the websites I or another teacher tell you to go on. ____

2.  No food or drinks are allowed at the computers. ____

3.  Wash your hands before you sit down at the computer. ____

4.  Do not pick up the mouse or keyboard off the desk at any time for any reason. ____

5.  Do not touch the computer screen with your fingers. ____

6.  If you use the headset, hang it back on the hook where it belongs. ____

7.  Clean your keyboard and headset (if used) with a wipe I provide after each use. ____

Rules for Searching the Web

1.  Stay on the website you are supposed to be on. Do not click on ads or anything else that may pop up. ____

2.  Do not give out personal information about yourself on the internet. ____

3.  Do not cyber bully other students (or anyone) while using the internet. ____

4.  Be nice. Use kind words. Use good judgment. ____

5.  Do not copy anyone else’s work on the internet (plagiarize). ____

** I am aware your kindergartners are not tech-savvy teenagers, but I do believe it is a good ides to start making them aware at a young age of the great and the not-so-great things that the internet can be used for.

Additional Information

**Cyber bullying is bullying someone else over the internet.

** Plagiarism is taking something that is not your own and making it your own without citing your sources. Plagiarism is cheating. If you ever have a question about if you are plagiarizing, please don’t assume. Come ask me!

** Copyright and fair use information is as follows: Copyright is someone’s own right to his or her work. We can look, but we cannot copy it without citing where we got it. Fair use is the copyright right law that states, under certain circumstances, some people have the right to quotes people’s work without any copyright form.

Consequences When Rules are Broken

** In my class, we move pockets for bad behavior. If your child stays on green, they had a good day. Yellow is a warning (verbal), orange is sitting down at recess and (depending on the crime) a note or phone call to home, and red is straight to the principal’s office and a definite phone call or note home (to be signed).

Questions or Concerns

**If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at , and I will be glad to have them addressed as soon as possible. Thanks, it is going to be a great year!



Parent Signature Date


Student Signature Date


Teacher Signature Date