October 26, 2004

Commissioners' Meeting

The Board of Commissioners, Town of Wingate, met in regular session on October 26, 2004, at the Jesse Helms Center, at 7:00 p.m. The following persons were present:

·  Mayor Tony E. Maye

·  Commissioners Bill Braswell, Nathel Hailey, Johnny Jacumin, Jarrod

McCraw, and John Mangum

·  Dryw Blanchard

·  John Edmondson, Home News

·  Barry Glass

·  Sandra Thomas

·  Brad Sellers

·  Mike Brower

·  Pat Edwards

·  Mildred Parks

Mayor Maye called the meeting to order. Everyone stood for the pledge of allegiance to the American flag.

A moment of silent reflection was observed, remembering those with concerns in the community and our acquaintance, including Austin Bell, a Forest Hills High School student who had been injured in a golf cart accident; the family of Max Thomas, who had suffered a fatal heart attack; family members of the Hendrick Racing Team in their losses in a recent plane crash; and members of our armed forces and all emergency personnel serving at home and abroad.

Approval/Correction of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Commissioner Braswell made a motion that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Commissioner Hailey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Agenda Approval/Amendment(s)

Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to approve the agenda, giving the chair the authority to adjust as he sees fit. Commissioner Mangum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Commissioners’ Meeting

October 26, 2004

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Comments from the Public

Mayor Maye asked for any comments from the public. Dryw commented that the Wingate Recreation leaders had requested that they be on the agenda, but no one from the group was present. He said he would encourage them to attend a meeting soon. Commissioner Jacumin suggested that the town build anything requested by the recreation group and that they pay us, so all brick in structures in the park will be matching.


Public Works

Mike Brower reported the following:

·  He had been out of town most of the past two week (in school and on vacation) and reported that the Public Works crew did well in his absence.

·  Inmates had cleaned curbs again.

·  Three water leaks had been repaired.

·  He had attended a management class in Hendersonville and found it to be very beneficial.

·  Much of his department’s time has been taken up with mowing and meter reading.

·  Leaf pickup season starts next Monday, November 1.

Code Enforcement

Brad Sellers, the town’s code enforcement officer, gave the following account:

·  He sends courtesy letters to property owners regarding violations. Usually the violation is corrected as a result of that letter; if not, he precedes with code enforcement measures.

·  He has addressed sixteen (16) code problems with courtesy letters with the results being that the problems were corrected or action is pending.

·  Code enforcement has been enacted on four (4) properties with the result that the problems have been corrected or action is pending.

·  The town has mowed some properties and the owners were billed.

·  He has addressed several properties in the Trellis Subdivision, and progress is being made on their correction.

·  A property on the corner of Jerome and Camden Streets will be addressed by the minimum housing code.

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October 26, 2004

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Reports (cont.)


Barry Glass reported on the following:

·  Investigation has yielded some small leads in the Dollar General and Wingate Alternator break-ins.

·  Parking violations are down.

·  He has spoken with NC DOT about the overgrown shrubbery at the corner of N. Main and Williams Rd. and about the bump in Hwy 74 in front of the Police Department.

·  The two new PD hires, Chris Allen and Kevin Sherard, are in radar school.

·  He is still investigating the disturbance reported on Saturday night. Officers handled it very well.

·  The new police car has been ordered and should be delivered by the end of the year.


Dryw Blanchard reported on the following:

·  He and Commissioner Hailey had just returned from the NCLM conference—reported that it was very good. He had attended a session on economic development geared toward retailers that may want to come to certain communities – compares demographic profiles.

·  Highway 74 property is the target zone for the Brownfields Grant being applied for. Success hinges on hiring a consultant to identify properties and suggest uses of the property.

·  The contract with HMS for new financial software has been signed. He and Mildred Parks have attended some instructional classes on the software. Implementation of the software should be started within 7 to 10 days.

·  A new sewer meter for McIntyre has been approved by the county; it was funded in this year’s budget.

Commissioners’ Meeting

October 26, 2004

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Continuing Business

Grease Trap Ordinance

A proposed Grease Trap Ordinance had been included in the meeting’s agenda packet. The ordinance is needed because it keeps large amounts of grease, fats, and oils out of the wastewater collection system. These coagulate and harden and eventually cause blockages and spills. NCDENR strongly encourages the ordinance and required installation of the grease traps. If the town has sewer spills because of such blockages, the state will have no patience with us if we do not have an ordinance to require the traps.

Commissioner Jacumin suggested that we not adopt the ordinance until we have time to investigate the cost of installation of the grease traps and that restaurants be notified of the pending ordinance.

Mayor Maye suggested adopting the ordinance and making it effective January 1, 2005, or another future date, commenting that cost is not a factor; the grease traps must be installed.

Commissioner Braswell made a motion that the Grease Trap Ordinance be adopted to become effective March 1, 2005. Commissioner McCraw seconded the motion.

Commissioner Jacumin suggested that it would be good to notify the folks involved before deciding on the ordinance.

Regarding the motion, Commissioners Braswell, Hailey, Mangum and McCraw voted in the affirmative; Commissioner Jacumin, in the negative.

Animal Slaughtering Ordinance

An ordinance drafted by Don Perry which would prohibit the slaughtering of containment animals and livestock within the Town of Wingate had been included in the agenda packet for the meeting. Dryw explained that the practice is a public health issue which has been addressed already by many jurisdictions.

Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to adopt the proposed Animal Slaughtering Ordinance. Commissioner Mangum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Schedule Public Hearing for Zoning of Cuthbertson Properties

Dryw reported that the Planning Board had recommended B-2 zoning for the recently-annexed Cuthbertson property, requesting that the board schedule a Public Hearing on the matter.

Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to schedule a Public Hearing on the matter of zoning the Cuthbertson property for 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 15, 2004. Commissioner Mangum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

After a discussion among the board, Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to cancel the November 2 and November 16, 2004, board meetings and to meet on Monday, November 15, 2005. Commissioner Hailey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

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October 26, 2004

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Continuing Business (cont.)

Brownfields Grant Application

The Brownfields grant application is on schedule to be submitted on time. The plan is to identify a target area using Hwy 74 properties. The TEAM property has been acquired by new owners and a new retail business is planned for the property.

The Brownfields Grant is for up to $200,000 with no match being required.

Bill Oke, the current owner of the old MaLeck property, is definitely interested in revitalizing the property and he is aware of the annexation requirement if he is to benefit from the grant.

New Business

Appointment of Highland Park Revitalization Committee

Commissioner Braswell made a motion that Mayor Maye appoint the Highland Park Revitalization Committee. Commissioner Mangum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Upon suggested recommendations from board members, Mayor Maye appointed the following citizens to the committee: Elaine Hailey, Olinda Simpson, Juanita Chambers, Joe Hall, and Jimmy Blakeney.

Name Phase I of the Wingate Greenway

In order for Ron Niland to begin work on the Clean Water Management Trust Fund project to construct a greenway, the town board must approve the general location of the trail. As the project is planned and applications are developed, the board will be involved and will review and approve the final draft showing the layout for the grant application. Ron had recommended that locating the first phase between Highway 74 and McIntyre Road would show that the trail can serve as a transportation link between neighborhoods, Wingate University, and the football stadium. Success in the beginning on this project will make the funding of future phases stronger.

Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to locate the first phase of the Greenway Project between Highway 74 and McIntyre Road. Commissioner Hailey seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

At 8:10 p.m., Commissioner Hailey made a motion to recess to closed session to discuss a personnel matter. Commissioner Mangum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

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October 26, 2004

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At 8:55 p.m., the regular meeting was reconvened.

Commissioner Jacumin made a motion to name Barry Glass as Police Chief for the Town of Wingate and to pay him $40,000 per year. Commissioner Mangum seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.


Tony E. Maye, Mayor



Mildred R. Parks, Town Clerk