Lesson Plans

World History

Grade 10

Edmore Public School

Mrs. Newgard

THIRD HOUR: World History - 10

●Monday, December 15


■OBJECTIVE: Discover what forces contributed to the outbreak of World War I and how the rise of Germany disrupted the balance of power in Europe.

●Look over European map and major players of the war

○Start 22.1 Notes (up to slide with map)


●22.1 Review - pg. 601, identify, locate, 1-3, 5


●Tuesday, December 16


■OBJECTIVE: Learn why the conflict in the Balkans spread to the rest of Europe.

●Look over European map

○Notes 22.1 (from map slide to end)


●22.1 Review - pg. 601, identify, locate, 1-3, 5


●Wednesday, December 17

○Bell Ringer: CRUSADE

○22.1 Review due

■OBJECTIVE: Discover the reason this war was called a “world war” and the effects the advancements in technology brought in the war.

●22.1 Speed Review

●Notes 22.2


■22.2 Review - pg. 605, identify, 1-3, 5


●Thursday, December 18

○Bell Ringer: EMBARGO

○22.2 Review due

■OBJECTIVE: Learn more about wartime propaganda and the effect it had on people.

●Go over Wartime Propaganda Presentation


■Wartime Propaganda


●Friday, December 19

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

■OBJECTIVE: Create effective wartime propaganda for WWI

●Create and color wartime propaganda


■Wartime Propaganda


●Monday, December 8

○Bell Ringer: CHRONOLOGY

■Chapter 18 Study Guide

●Chapter 18 Test is WEDNESDAY

●Tuesday, December 9

○Bell Ringer: DIVERSITY

■Study Game!

●Wednesday, December 10

○Bell Ringer: FAMINE


●Thursday, December 11

○Bell Ringer: TOLERANCE

■What do we know about WWI?

■Preview WWI - Watch Crash Course “How World War I Started” -

■ - Visit history.com website

●Look at a minimum of 5 topics - take notes and share with classmates

●Friday, December 12

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

■Look over vocab words for 22.1

■Look over European map and major players of the war

●Start 22.1 Notes (up to slide with map)


■22.1 Review - pg. 601, identify, locate, 1-3, 5


●Monday, December 1

○Bell Ringer:

■OBJECTIVES: Discover some of the social consequences of industrialization.

●Partner up - Go through the vocabulary together by putting it into your own words.

●Notes 18.2


■18.2 Review - pg. 496, identify, 1-3, 5


●Tuesday, December 2

○Bell Ringer:

■18.2 Review due

■OBJECTIVES: Learn about the steam engine and the consequences of the second Industrial Revolution and how it changed business practices.

●Review 18.2

○How did industrialization change society?

○Describe the different types of political ideas that arose during the era of industrialization.

●Partner up - Go through the vocabulary together by putting it into your own words.

●Notes 18.3


■18.3 Review - pg. 500, identify, 1-3, 5


●Wednesday, December 3

○Bell Ringer:

■OBJECTIVES: Learn how industrialization in France, Germany, and Russia differed from Britain.

●Review 18.3

●Go over vocabulary together

●Finish Notes 18.3


■18.3 Review - pg. 500, identify, 1-3, 5


●Thursday, December 4

○Bell Ringer:

■18.3 Review due

■OBJECTIVES: Discover the changes to the middle class during the Industrial Revolution and some of the advances made in science and the arts.

●Partner up - go over vocabulary together

●Notes 18.4 “Changes in Society”


■18.4 Review - pg. 506, identify, 1-3, 5


●Friday, December 5

○Bell Ringer:

■18.4 Review due (at the end of the hour)

■OBJECTIVES: Discover the changes to the middle class during the Industrial Revolution and some of the advances made in science and the arts.

●Review 18.4

○Go over vocabulary together

○How did changes affect the middle class after the Industrial Revolution?

○What were some of the effects of the new developments in science during 1800s?

●Finish Notes 18.4

Hand out study guide if there is time


■18.4 Review - pg. 506, identify, 1-3, 5


TEST is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10

●Monday, November 24

○Bell Ringer: Thanksgiving Trivia

■OBJECTIVE: Discover how the new technology changed the textile industry and the basic elements of the first Industrial Revolution.

●Notes 18.1 - “The Textile Industry” and “The Age of Iron and Steam”


■18.1 Review - pg 491, identify, 1-3, 5


●Tuesday, November 25

○Bell Ringer: Thanksgiving Trivia

■18.1 Review due

■OBJECTIVE: Learn about Britain’s first factories. Link history and geography together

●Read pages 488-489


■Page 489, 1-4

■Due: TUESDAY (end of the hour)

●Start December Calendar

●Wednesday, November 26

○Bell Ringer: Thanksgiving Trivia

■OBJECTIVE: December Calendar - discover what was going on in history throughout the month of December.

●Katelynn: 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31

●Owen: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, DECEMBER

●Junior: 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, DECEMBER

●Mary: 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29

●Haley: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

●Thursday, November 27

○Happy Thanksgiving!

●Friday, November 28

○Happy Black Friday Shopping!

●Monday, November 17

○Bell Ringer: SECEDE

■OBJECTIVE: Review Chapter 17 - the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Napoleonic Era

●Do Chapter 17 Study Guide


●Tuesday, November 18

○Bell Ringer: PREAMBLE

■OBJECTIVE: Review Chapter 17 - the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Napoleonic Era

●Study Game


●Wednesday, November 19

○Bell Ringer: TRIBUTARY

■Chapter 17 Test

●Thursday, November 20

○Bell Ringer: NULLIFY

■OBJECTIVE: Discover how the natural resources, new technology, and movement of people helped bring about the first Industrial Revolution.

●Watch: Crash Course “Coal, Steam, and the Industrial Revolution”

●Introduce the Industrial Revolution


■Read 18.1

■18.1 Review - pg 491, identify, 1-3, 5


●After watching Crash Course and assigning the reading take students to computer lab to fill out AdvancEd survey

●Friday, November 21

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

■OBJECTIVE: Learn about why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain and some of the consequences of the Agricultural Revolution.

●Notes 18.1 - “Origins of the Industrial Revolution” and “The Commercialization of Agriculture”


■18.1 Review - pg 491, identify, 1-3, 5


●Wednesday, November 12th

○Bell Ringer-


■Review Activity

●Thursday, November 13th

○Bell Ringer-


■Review Activity

●Friday, November 14th

○Bell Ringer-


■Chapter 17 Test

●Monday, November 3rd

○Bell Ringer-


■Chapter 17 Section 3 notes- First half

■Assignment: pg. 468, Identify #1-3

●Due- Wednesday

●Tuesday, November 4th

○Bell Ringer-


■Chapter 17 Section 3 notes- second half

■pg. 468

●Due- Wednesday

●Wednesday, November 5th

○Bell Ringer-


■Section 4 notes- first half

■Assignment: pg. 473, Identify #1-3

●Due- Thursday

●Thursday, November 6th

○Bell Ringer-


■Section 4 notes- second half

■Assignment: pg 473

●Due- Thursday

●Monday, October 27th

○Bell Ringer-

○OBJECTIVES: Students will be introduced to Ch. 17- Revolution of Society and State

■Section 1 review activity

■Assignment- Pg. 456, Identify and #1-3

●Due: Tuesday

●Tuesday, October 28th

○Bell Ringer-

○OBJECTIVES: Students will learn about the Enlightenment Era and ideas that emerged during that time period.

■Section 2 notes-

■Assignment- Pg. 463, Identify and #1-3

●Due: Thursday

●Wednesday, October 29th

○Bell Ringer-


■Section 2 Review Activity

■Finish Section 2 notes

■Work on Review

●Thursday, October 30th

○Bell Ringer-


■Section 3 notes

■Taxing Activity

■Assignment- pg. 468 Identify #1-3

●Friday, October 31st

○Bell Ringer Quiz


■Wrap up Section 3 materials

■Due- Section Review

●Monday, October 20th

○Bell Ringer: OLIGARCHY

■OBJECTIVE: Students will learn about the experiences that the colonists had trying to establish and maintain their colonies.

●Creating a Colony activity

●Tuesday, October 21st

○Bell Ringer: ABOLITION

■OBJECTIVE: Students will learn about the experiences that the colonists had trying to establish and maintain their colonies.

●Students will continue to work on their creating a colony activity

●Wednesday, October 22nd


■OBJECTIVE: Students will learn about the experiences that the colonists had trying to establish and maintain their colonies.

●Students will finish their colony activity and share their results.

●Thursday, October 23rd

○Bell Ringer: DEFICIT

■OBJECTIVE: Students will take a look into the disappearance of the colony at Roanoke

●CSI Activity

●Friday, October 24th

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

■OBJECTIVE: Students will take a look into the disappearance of the colony at Roanoke

●CSI Activity

●Monday, October 13


■Watch CNN Student News

■Watch Horrible Histories -

■Notes “Consequences of the Conquests” and “Conquest of the Inca”


○16.2 Review - pg 434, identify, 1-5

○DUE: Wednesday

●Tuesday, October 14

○Bell Ringer: SUFFRAGE

■Watch “What the ancients did for us - Aztecs, Maya, Incas”


○16.2 Review - pg 434, identify, 1-5

○DUE: Wednesday

●Wednesday, October 15


■16.2 Review due

■Notes 16.3

●Monday, October 6

○Bell Ringer: MALEVOLENT

■Read 16.1 “Europe and the Ottoman Empire” and “The Portuguese in Asia”

●Discuss what “Places to Locate” are important

■Give notes on “Europe and the Ottoman Empire” and “The Portuguese in Asia”

●OBJECTIVE: Discover the relationship between Europe and the Ottoman Empire and how it began to change in the 1600s.


■16.1 Review - pg. 427, identify, 1-3, 5

■DUE: Thursday

●Tuesday, October 7

○Bell Ringer: EXHUME

■Read 16.1 “The Rise of the Dutch”, “Other Competitors”, and “China and Japan”

●Discuss what “Places to Locate are important

■Give notes on “The Rise of the Dutch”, “Other Competitors”, and “China and Japan”

●OBJECTIVE: Find out what methods Europeans used to establish trading posts in Asia and how Asian countries initially responded to European contact.


■16.1 Review - pg. 427, identify, 1-3, 5

■DUE: Thursday

●Wednesday, October 8

○Bell Ringer: FRIGID

■Discuss the importance of trade in today’s society.

●Research how the countries discussed in the section have continued their trading traditions.


■Research on countries

■DUE: Thursday

●Thursday, October 9

○Bell Ringer: IMMINENT

■Discussion on modern-day trade

■16.1 Review due

●How have the past influences hurt or helped the country?

■Watch CNN Student News

■Read 16.2

●Friday, October 10

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

■Discuss what student remember from previous years.

●Get a discussion going

■Begin notes on 16.2 “The Spanish in the Caribbean” and “The Conquest of the Aztec”

●OBJECTIVE: Uncover the effects Spanish exploration has on colonizing the Caribbean area

●Discuss what “Places to Locate” are important and point them out on a map


■16.2 Review - pg. 434, identify, 1-5

■DUE: Tuesday

●Monday, September 29

○Bell Ringer: CASTIGATE

■Study Guide for chapter 15

●OBJECTIVE: Review absolutism and the spirit of European exploration.

○Chapter 15 Test on WEDNESDAY

●Tuesday, September 30


■Review Jeopardy

●OBJECTIVE: Review absolutism and the spirit of European exploration.

●Wednesday, October 1

○Bell Ringer: DECREPIT


●Thursday, October 2

○Bell Ringer: DIABOLICAL

■October Calendar

●Mary - 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31

●Haley - 2, 8, 14, 20, 26, OCTOBER

●Junior - 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, OCTOBER

●Katelynn - 4, 10, 16, 22, 28

●Brandon - 5, 11, 17, 23, 29

●Owen - 6, 12, 18, 24, 30

●Friday, October 3

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

■Finish October Calendar

●hang up and present

■If additional time - do Chapter 15 worksheet

●OBJECTIVE - Analyze secondary sources

○DUE: Monday

●Monday, September 22

○Bell Ringer: ANECDOTE

■15.1 Review due

●OBJECTIVES: Identify the social and economic changes that affected life in early modern Europe. Learn the consequences of a higher standards of living. Explain why people were being accused of being witches.

■Notes 15.2 “Early Modern European Society


○15.2 Review - pg. 401, identify, 1-5

○DUE: Tuesday

●Tuesday, September 23

○Bell Ringer: LOATHE

■15.2 Review due

■Read 15.3

●OBJECTIVES: Learn why Europeans began to question the traditional Christian worldview and how they shattered it.

■Notes 15.3 “The Beginnings of Modern Science”


○15.3 Review - pg. 409, identify, 1-5

○DUE: Thursday

●Wednesday, September 24

○Bell Ringer: DECIPHER

■Notes 15.3 “Looking Outward” “Looking Inward” “Toward a New Worldview”

●OBJECTIVES: Describe the scientific method and how it affected the European worldview.


■15.3 Review - pg. 409, identify, 1-5

■DUE: Thursday

●Thursday, September 25

○Bell Ringer: ATONE

■15.3 Review due

■Read 15.4

■Notes 15.4 “Looking Toward the East”

●OBJECTIVES: Learn why Europeans began exploring other parts of the world.


■15.4 Review - pg. 416, identify, 1-3, 5

■DUE: Monday

●Friday, September 26

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

■Finish 15.4 Notes

●OBJECTIVES: Learn about the technological advances that make exploration possible and the initial phases of Portuguese and Spanish exploration.


■15.4 Review - pg. 416, identify, 1-3, 5

■DUE: Monday

●Monday, September 15

○Bell Ringer:LIVID

○OBJECTIVES: Explain how some Europeans justified absolutism.

○Journal - What might happen in Fargo if there were no government? [Things to keep in mind: garbage collection, law enforcement] Would people consider exchanging some personal rights for peace and security?

■[RN - pg 387C]

○Read pg. 390-391 “Doctrines of Political Absolutism”

■Define absolutism together

○Notes on “Doctrines of Political Absolutism”


●Read “Absolutism in France”, “Absolutism in Russia”, and “Absolutism in Germany and Central Europe”

○DUE: Tuesday

●Tuesday, September 16

○Bell Ringer:CACOPHONY

○OBJECTIVES: Describe how absolutism was used in France, Russia, Germany, and Central Europe.

○Discuss readings from yesterday

■Notes on Absolutism - France, Russia, Germany, and Central Europe

●Watch: Ivan the Terrible

●Watch: Peter the Great


■In groups, create a timeline showing the development of absolutism in France and Russia

●DUE: Wednesday

●Wednesday, September 17

○Bell Ringer:FACETIOUS

○OBJECTIVES: Describe how absolutism was used in Europe.

○Discuss the timelines from yesterday

■Create a diagram of absolutism in France and Russia and how it was similar and different from Germany and Central Europe


○15.1 Review - pg. 397, identify, 1-5

■DUE: Monday

●Thursday, September 18

○Bell Ringer: IMPERVIOUS

○OBJECTIVES: Learn how absolutism failed in Europe

○Finish notes on Chapter 15


●15.1 Review - pg. 397, identify, 1-5

○DUE: Monday

●Friday, September 19

■Grade Check today

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

○OBJECTIVES: Learn about the rise and fall of absolutism in Europe

○15.1 Quiz

■Complete the chart on #5 in the section review

●Monday, September 8

○Bell Ringer: QUALM

■OBJECTIVE: Review the Renaissance and Reformation

■Study Guide


●Tuesday, September 9


○Study Guide due

■OBJECTIVE: Review the Renaissance and Reformation

■BAZINGA - review game

●Wednesday, September 3

○Bell Ringer: CONUNDRUM

○Chapter 14 Test

●Thursday, September 4

○Bell Ringer: EXACERBATE

○OBJECTIVE: Relate September happenings to a social studies classroom.

■September Calendar

●Bring your electronic devices!

○Find two things that happened on a given day in September, and relate it to a social studies class!

●Friday, September 5

○Bell Ringer: VOCAB QUIZ

○September Calendar due - present

○OBJECTIVE: Introduce Chapter 15: A New Worldview in Europe - learn about how the Renaissance brought a renewed interest in economic expansion.

■Read pg 388-389

●Discuss [RN: Understanding the Main Idea]