English Language Arts
/ Performance relatedto standards
Year /
Year- End
/Mid-Year Progress
/Year-End Progress
/ PDBEN/A / PDBEN/AListens effectively. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Speaks effectively to a variety of audiences. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Acquires and uses new vocabulary. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Reading and Literature
/Mid-Year Progress
/Year-End Progress
/ PDBEN/A / PDBEN/AChooses a variety of texts at appropriate level of challenge. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Reads grade-level text accurately; self-corrects appropriately. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Reads grade-level text fluently. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Comprehends grade-level texts as follows:
Determines the meaning of unknown vocabulary using a variety of strategies. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Uses a repertoire of comprehension strategies effectively. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Monitors own comprehension and knows when meaning breaks down; stops and rereads to make sense of text. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Demonstrates inferential thinking while reading challenging text in a variety of genres. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Identifies theme or main idea. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Describes common elements and features of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Analyzes and interprets texts; uses evidence from the text to support interpretations. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Performance - Beginning (B) Developing (D) Proficient (P) Exceeds (E) Not Applicable N/A
Progress - Minimal (M) Consistent (C) Substantial (S) Not Applicable N/A
English Language Arts
/ Performance relatedto standards
Year /
Year- End
/Mid-Year Progress
/Year-End Progress
/ PDBEN/A / PDBEN/AExpresses thoughts and feelings in writing easily and fluently. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Uses steps in the writing process:
Plans out a piece of writing using a variety of organizational tools; demonstrates 'big picture' thinking. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Revises own writing using a variety of techniques (e.g., adding words, expanding ideas, deleting information, etc.). / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Edits own writing with appropriate help. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Writes a coherent, well-organized report or informal essay that includes paragraphs, a purposeful introduction and conclusion, and a logical arrangement of ideas. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Writes a personal or fictional narrative that follows a logical progression and incorporates a variety of narrative techniques (e.g., interesting beginning, dialogue, show - don't tell, etc.). / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Uses rich language in a variety of genres; avoids overused words such as good, big, nice, great, said, went and really. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Writes in complete sentences most of the time. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Uses capitalization and punctuation conventions correctly. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Spells approximately 600 highest frequency words accurately and reliably. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Employs effective strategies for learning and spelling unknown words. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Writes in cursive legibly and fluently; forms all letters correctly. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
/Mid-Year Progress
/Year-End Progress
/ PDBEN/A / PDBEN/AUses reading and writing skills to create coherent media productions. / PDBEN/A / PDBEN/A
Performance - Beginning (B) Developing (D) Proficient (P) Exceeds (E) Not Applicable N/A
Progress - Minimal (M) Consistent (C) Substantial (S) Not Applicable N/A
4th grade 6/04